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Name : aisyah rizka sabillah

NIM : 21080324039
CLASS : PTN 2021 I

1. Everyday educator must always be aware of learning objectivitas. Educational

evaluation is an attempt to find out how hight the level of susces of
educationalactivities is, with the aim of knowing the role of each input.

2. 2. Assessment as learning
This assessment aims to reflect on the learning process and as a formal
assessment function. Students should be actively involved in this activity.

Assessment for learning

This assessment aims to improve the process of learning. Learning assessment
can be carried out in a formalative assessment format as well as a cumulative
assessment. This assessment functions as a measuring tool to find out the
achievement of student learning outcomes, reflects on learning, serves as
feedback to make evaluations in learning

Learning assessment
Assemblies of learning function as a tool for measuring commitment to learning
outcomes through grades, as feedback to find out the shortcomings of students.

3. Learning outcomes assement technique :

 Tes ( written test and oral test )
 Non –test ( performance, attitude, portofolio. Self – assement)

4. A using non test and tippe choice

Tipple choice
B. The type of guarantee card given by the manufacturer when consumers buy a
new product is called
a. magnetic card
b. guarantee card
c. credit card
d. membership card
e. debit card

the spread of merchandise on display evenly in order to avoid the accumulation

of an item is called ……..
a. sky line
b. spreading
c. on finger
d. faces
e. tier

the party responsible for customer service and consignment goods in a store
a. supervisor
b. suppliers
d. counter head

one part of a product that provides information about the product and the seller
is called …….
a. equity
b. brand
c. label
d. packaging
e. guarantee

one form of equipment services in the form of providing advice, personal

counseling, auditing, and management / technical consulting:
a. care taking
b. information
c. order taking
d. consultation
e. hospitality


state the meaning of meaning of display desaign for detail……….

State the form and components in the bproduct desaign…..
Make a product arrange desaign in the mall….

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