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Name : Novi Fazri Okta Hadianti

NIM : 2250347026
Class : 1A Midwifery (Linjur)

Task 4. Let’s Practice Hal.14

1. The midwife gains information from the mother

- Information from the mother is gained the midwife
- Information from the mother was gained the midwife
- Information from the mother has been gained the midwife
- Information from the mother is being gained the midwife
- Information from the mother will be gained the midwife
2. The midwife monitors the fetal growth
- The fetal growth is monitored the midwife
- The fetal growth was monitored the midwife
- The fetal growth has been monitored the midwife
- The fetal growth is being monitored the midwife
- The fetal growth will be monitored the midwife
3. The 4-dimension USG shows the image of the fetus very crearly
- The image of the fetus is viewed very clearly the 4-dimension USG shows
- The image of the fetus was viewed very clearly the 4-dimension USG shows
- The image of the fetus has been viewed very clearly the 4-dimension USG shows
- The image of the fetus is being viewed very clearly the 4-dimension USG shows
- The image of the fetus will be viewed very clearly the 4-dimension USG shows
4. The midwife undertakes an abdominal examination
- An abdominal exam is undertook the midwife
- An abdominal exam was undertook the midwife
- An abdominal exam has been undertook the midwife
- An abdominal exam is being undertook the midwife
- An abdominal exam will be undertook the midwife
5. The midwife detect the uterine contraction
- The uterine contraction is detected the midwife
- The uterine contraction was detected the midwife
- The uterine contraction has been detected the midwife
- The uterine contraction is being detected the midwife
- The uterine contraction will be detected the midwife
6. The woman discuss the findings of the diagnostic test
- The findings of the diagnostic test is discussed the woman
- The findings of the diagnostic test was discussed the woman
- The findings of the diagnostic test has been discussed the woman
- The findings of the diagnostic test is being discussed the woman
- The findings of the diagnostic test will be discussed the woman
7. The midwife assesses the progress of labor
- The progress of labor is assessed the midwife
- The progress of labor was assessed the midwife
- The progress of labor has been assessed the midwife
- The progress of labor is being assessed the midwife
- The progress of labor will be assessed the midwife
8. The midwife instructs the woman to push
- The woman is instructed to push by the midwife
- The woman was instructed to push by the midwife
- The woman has been instructed to push by the midwife
- The woman is being instructed to push by the midwife
- The woman will be instructed to push by the midwife
9. The midwife measures the axilla temperature of the mother
- The axila temperature of the mother is measured the midwife
- The axila temperature of the mother was measured the midwife
- The axila temperature of the mother has been measured the midwife
- The axila temperature of the mother is being measured the midwife
- The axila temperature of the mother will be measured the midwife
10. The mother feels the contraction of the uterus
- The contraction of uterus is felt the mother
- The contraction of uterus was felt the mother
- The contraction of uterus has been felt the mother
- The contraction of uterus is being felt the mother
- The contraction of uterus will be felt the mother
Activity 4. Writing Hal. 19

1. Keadaan seperti ini normal dalam kehamilan minggu ke empat sampai minggu ke enambelas (
week-in the fourth-sixteenth-gestation)
2. Setelah kelahiran, keadaan akan Kembali normal (birth -occurred-once-has)
3. Jika anda merasa pusing, sebaiknya tidak terlalu lama berdiri (avoid-period-long-of)
4. Saya menganjurkan anda menemui dokter kandungan (suggest)
5. Dalam bulan terakhir kehamilan, kadang anda akan merasa pusing saat berbaring (late-dizzy-
pregnancy-lie flat)
Answer :
1. Your/this condition is normal in the fourth-sisteenth week of gestation
2. After birth, condition will has once occurred normal
3. If you feel dizzy, avoid stand long of period
4. I suggest that you see a gynecologist
5. In late month of pregnancy, sometimes you will feel dizzy when lie flat

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