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How can we encourage academic integrity in online classes?

Academic integrity: ‘the expectation that teachers, students, researchers and all members of
the academic community act with: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.’ 
Pensylvania TESOL East.

Peace corps I Gabon and South Africa

Academic integrity / Cheating lessons by James Lang

There are two reasons that incit students to cheat (shortcut/ the context (the way that the
classroom is set) ) the goal is to have students honest. This is key.

Who is cheating and how do they cheat? Her Job was to catch cheaters. The goal is to

Find a way( door) that lead to academic dishonesty

The teacher Vs Students:

What is academic honesty and why is it important?

Weekly quiz.

Unary code

The voice can give a clue on a cheating situation. In online situations, voices can be tracked from
mails, discussion, and interactions between teachers and students.

Researches pays a million of dollar. LOL

To cut people from their nails.

Before giving a graded assignment: giving them a lot of assessments.

Only incist on

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