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Lev Vygostky- His contribution is sociocultural theory.

Also he encourage the teachers to give more

activities to the learners because he emphasizes that social interaction have a great impact in a child’s

Daniel Goleman- His contribution is emotional intelligence. He puts significance in the emotional
aspect of learning. HE developed a model that assess the emotional intelligence of an individual to be
able to improve.

William Kipatrick- Project method and small group interaction. He believed that curriculum should
develop the child through social interaction even small group activities to develop social relationship to
one another.

Hilda Taba- She focuses on understanding the different backgrounds of the learners through the social
studies education. Learning should be evaluated not only to see what students are really learning, but to
see what changes might need to be made to the curriculum.

Ralph Tyler- He is well- known in the area of assessment learning should be evaluated not only to see
what students are really learning, but to see what changes might need to be made to the curriculum.

John Dewey- He is well known on the idea of education that learning should be through doing. Learners
acquire the essential knowledge and skills when they are involve in the activities.

Abraham Maslow- He is well-known in the order of hierarchy of needs. In life there are things we need
to put in priority to be able to proceed in the next level.

carl Rogers- His contribution is the Psychotherapy method or client centered therapy. He emphasizes
that each individual has the capability in becoming and showing their true self through the 3
Franklin Bobbit- He emphasizes that curriculum need to adapt in the needs of an individual and the
society. They should not teach what learners cannot apply in real life.

Alvin Toffler- He is well-known in technological aspect in teaching. His works is about digital revolution
that discuses on modern technologies that can have effects on cultures worldwide. His books’ “future
Shock”, “The Third Wave” and “Power Shoot".

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