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PRODUCT: multiplies all the nos. given as arguments and returns the product.

SUM adds all the numbers in a range of cells. E.g =SUM(F6,D7,-E7), =SUM(A2:A4)

SQRT gives a positive square root of a specific number.e.g =SQRT(B2)

POWER gives the result of a no. raised to a power. E.g=POWER(5,2)

ROUND function rounds a given number to a specified no. of digits. E.g =ROUND(2.149,1)

LOG - Gives the logarithm of a number to the base you specify. E.g =LOG(8, 2)

MOD - Gives the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor. E.g =MOD(3, 2)

AVERAGE gives the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments provided.e.g =AVERAGE(A2:A6)

MAX- Gives the largest value in a set of values.

MIN - Gives the smallest number in a set of values.

MEDIAN gives the number in the middle of a set of numbers.

MODE - Gives the most frequently occurring, or repetitive, value in a range of data.

COUNT - Counts the no. of cells that contain numbers within the list of arguments.

IF is used to conduct conditional tests on values and formulas. E.g =IF(A2<=100,"Within budget","Over


SUMIF - Adds all the values in a range that meet specific critera

SUMIFS (2007+) - Adds values in a range based on multiple criteria

SUMPRODUCT - Sum a range of cells that meet multiple criteria

ROUNDUP - Round a number up to a specified number of digits

ROUNDDOWN - Round a number down to a specified number of digits

COUNT - Counts all the values in a range


COUNTA - Counts all non-empty cells in a range

COUNTBLANK - Counts all blank cells in a range

COUNTIF - Counts all the cells in a range that meet specific critera

RANK - Returns the rank or position of a number within a range of numbers

NOW - Returns the current date and time

DATE - Returns the sequential serial number for the specified date and formats the result as a dat

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