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kurir pizza : "is this,chloe?

chloe : "what took you so long?" simple past tense
chloe : "you swing by your mamas for curry chicken or something"
kurir pizza : "excuse me"
chloe : " don't you speak english?" simple present tanse
chloe : "where are you from?" simple present tanse
kurir pizza : "actually, i was born here,but my parents are from triniad."
chloe : "who cares?
chloe : "you're late.
kurir pizza : "wait a second"
kurir pizza : "yeah,it's only been 27 minutes since uh your order is placed." simple past

kurir pizza : "we guarantee 30 minute delivery."

chloe : " do you want a medal for waiting the absolute last minute?"
kurir pizza : "Here it is."
kurir pizza : "So we made sure your pizzas is as per your request, extra cheese and even the
three extra dipping sauces." simple past tense
chloe : "Hold up"
chloe : "These olives are green. Simple present tanse
kurir pizza : "Uh,yes."
kurir pizza : "Your order said mushroom bacon."
chloe : "I know what i ordered you moron." simple past tense
chloe : "I asked for black olives because green olives are disgusting." simple past tense,
present continuous tense

kurir pizza : "Sorry."

chloe : "Don't they have black olives in your country? Simple present tanse
chloe : "It's obvious who don't understand english or else I'd have black olives." Simple
present tanse
pacar : "I've seen you eat green olives before" present perfect tense
chloe : "Shut up Casey."
chloe : "I want another pizza,but with black olives." Simple present tanse
pacar : "Oh"
pacar : "Can I have that pizza?" Simple present tanse
pacar : "Oh,I'm hungry now." Simple present tanse
chloe : "Shut it"
kurir pizza : "Pizza King doesn't have black olives." Simple present tanse
kurir pizza : "They only have green." Simple present tanse
chloe : "I don't want excuses." Simple present tanse
chloe : "Make it happen."
kurir pizza : "Um,Alright,I'll get it done." Simple present tanse
kurir pizza : "You have my word" Simple present tanse
chloe : "Your word means nothing"
chloe : "I don't care where the hell you came from,but in this country we don't make
excuses.You got that?" Simple present tanse, simple past tense
chloe : "I want the pizza that I ordered with black olives." Simple present tanse, simpel past
chloe : "Hot,fresh and on time."
chloe : "Capiche?"
kurir pizza : "Whatever you say."
kurir pizza : "I'll get it done"
chloe : "Ugh."
chloe : "What a loser."
pacar : "Think you were,Maybe a little hard on him?"
chloe : "Okay."
chloe : "What is it with you today?" Simple present tanse
chloe : "Is he like your boyfriend or something?" Simple present tanse
pacar : "No,but that pizza smelt amazing and now it's on its way back to the shop because you
decided to be difficult." simpel past tense
chloe : "You're talking a lot of smack for someone who's getting a free pizza." Present
continuous tanse
pacar : "Mm-hmm.
pacar : "And I've also seen you devour slices with green olives before." Present perfect tense
chloe : "Okay"
chloe : "Pizza King is my dad's company." simpel present tense
chloe : "He built this entire thing from nothing,and this guy's vibe is totally ghetto."
chloe : "He doesn't care."
pacar : "I'm gonna nuke Hot Pocket." Present continous tense
kurir pizza : "Thank you so much brother."
kurir pizza : "You saved my skin"
kurir pizza : "I'LL leave you a good tip."
kurir pizza : "So I got the pizza and I even went down to Pucinello's got black olive outta my
own money."
kurir pizza : "You're gonna love this."
chloe : "It's been 33 minutes."
chloe : "Do they not have clocks in Trinistan or whatever?"
pacar : "Oh,yes,yes,yes."
pacar : "Come to papa."
chloe : "Oh hot,oh hot."
chloe : "What are you still doing here?"
chloe : "It's been 33 minutes."
chloe : "You don't seriously expect a tip,do you?"
kurir pizza : "My,my car broke down at Pucinello's,so I had to order rideshare,all the way
kurir pizza : "That's why."
chloe : "Not my problem."
chloe : "Hi daddy"
kurir pizza : "Your dad is the Pizza King?"
ayah : "How are you Sam?"
kurir pizza : "Just fine Mr.King."
chloe : "Uh,you know him?"
ayah : "I make a point to know all of my employees."
ayah : "How much we owe you,Sam?"
kurir pizza : "I, It's settled."
ayah : "I hope she left you on nice tip?"
kurir pizza : "Of course."
pacar : "Oh!"
pacar : "Hi,Mr.King"
chloe : "Actually,yeah."
ayah : "Chloe,do you have something to say ?"
chloe : "Daddy,your employee did a terrible job."
chloe : "He completely messed up my order and when he went back to fix it, it took him 33
chloe : "I'm afraid that someone like this reflects terribly on your business."
ayah : "I see."
ayah : "Um,these are black olives."
ayah : "How did these get on one of my pizzas?"
chloe : "It's because,um"
ayah : "Let um,Sam,take this."
kurir pizza : "When we received the order,it,it was for black olives,but,uh
there must have been a mistake and we ended up putting green olives on the pizza."
kurir pizza : "When we found out about this,I took it upon myself to rectify it and I took the
pizza back,went to Pucinello's got black olives,topped it off."
kurir pizza : "I was heading back here,then my car broke down and then I had
to,uh,order,rideshare and got here and that's why it was a few minutes late."
kurir pizza : "Chloe is right."
ayah : "Sam,how would you like to join us for pizza?"
chloe : "Dad"
ayah : "Casey?"
pacar : "Yes,sir"
ayah : "If you had to use one word to describe my daughter's treatment of Sam today,what
would it be?"
pacar : "Um,rude and, and low key racist in my opinion."
ayah : "Rude?"
ayah : "Chloe,can you please explain to me whyyou felt it justified to be rude to Sam?"
chloe : "Daddy"
chloe : "My whole life I've seen how hard you work to make sure that pizza king is number
chloe : "I've seen how hard you work on weeknights,weekdays,because of your commitment
to excellence,and then I see people like this riding their coattails and it makes me sick"
ayah : "Chloe,I am truly ,truly sorry."
chloe : "Sorry?"
chloe : "sorry for what?"
ayah : "Maybe instead of spending so many hours at the office obsessed with being the
number one pizza brand,maybe I should have spent more time at home being the number one
dad.While I was out there in boardrooms and kitchens chasing the perfect pizza."
ayah : "I think I let you down."
ayah : "I failed in helping you see what's truly important."
chloe : "You were a great role model."
ayah : "but somehow I missed the most important lesson of all."
ayah : "None of this pizza empire would be possible without the great people I've worked
with for years."
ayah : "People like Sam."
chloe : "Like him?"
chloe : "Are you serious?"
ayah : "Very serious."
ayah : "Sam went above and beyond to make sure you're happy."
ayah : "He didn't even know you're my daughter."
chloe : "But he failed."
ayah : "I failed thousands of times,but in every failure there's a powerful lesson."
chloe : "But Sam was just a "fricking" delivery guy."
ayah : "And how do you think I started in this business 30 years ago?"
kurir pizza : "Mr.King?"
kurir pizza : "you use to deliver pizzas ?"
ayah : "I sure did."
chloe : "What kind of a lesson can you learn delivering a pizza?"
chloe : "You don't need any skills."
chloe : "Anyone can do it."
ayah : "Delivering pizza taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned."
kurir pizza: "More valuable than anything I learned in any university."
kurir pizza : "And what is that?"
ayah : "It taught me patience to deal with the most difficult people."
pacar : "Oh,snap"
ayah : "Sam,uh,what are your plans after high school?"
kurir pizza : "I was hoping of joining college,but it would probably take a few more years of
saving up.If I can even think of enrolling."
ayah : "I think you'd be a tremendous candidate for our executive scholarship program.we're
always looking to develop bright and eager talent like yourself.We promote you to junior
executive,let you run our delivery team.While you get your college degree."
chloe : "Really!"
chloe : "you actually see potentialin him?"
ayah : "With time,you'll be able to see that kind of quality in people just need to walk
in their shoes for a while."
pacar : “Uh oh.”
chloe : “Wait,what do you mean?”
ayah : “I was thingking delivering pizza would be the perfect summer job for you.”
chloe : “dad?”
chloe : “That’s ridiculous,that would make him my boss. I can’t work for someone like him.”
ayah : “What do you mean?”
ayah : “Someone like him?”
chloe : “Whatever.”
chloe : “I’m gonna college nect fall.I don’t need this low level crap on my resume.”
ayah : “Chloe,let me make this perfectly clear.This is an opportunity you desperately need to
build character so you can make it in this world.There’s no. point in sending you to college
until you learn humility and how to work with people.”
chloe : “Wait,what are you saying?”
ayah : “I am saying if you don’t take this job,you can forget about going to college.”
chloe : “I can’t believe you’re making someone like him,My boss.This is bs.”
kurir pizza : “Mr.King,thank you.Thank you so much for this opportunity.I won’t let you
down,I promise,and hopefully chloe will come around in time.”
ayah : “I hope you’re right,Sam.”
pacar : “Mr.King?”
pacar : “If chloe doesn’t take it,I could always use a job.”

orang : “Should chloe have shown more patience and kindness to sam?”
orang : “Or is the customer always right?since the pizza was late?
orang : “Should chloe have paid for it ?”
orang : “More importantly,have you ever dealt with a similar situation?”
orang : “I’d love to hear what you have to say so drop a comment and let me know.”
orang : “Be kind to everyone because the people you think are beneath you now may be
above you someday.”
orang : “Sam,might have been just a delivery guy,but character and dedication like that will
surely carry him to great heights.Starting at the bottom doesn’t determine where you end
up.Your attitude does share like this video to help me.reidframe the lives of people around
you.One frame at a time.

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