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In ancient times, suras (sharks) fought with baya (crocodiles) for prey in their

territory. The fights between sura and baya never stopped and kept happening.

Sura and baya are both smart, agile and strong. Despite hurting each other, no one
ever lost or won the fight.

One day, Baya finally proposed an agreement with Sura to stop their fights because
he was tired of fighting.
Baya said "Sura, let's stop this fight, I'm tired".
Sura replied "Me too Baya, let's end this fight".

Baya said "From now on the estuary is my territory, don't let you in. And the sea is
yours". Sura agreed "Alright then, I will take care of it". Sura returned to the sea
and Baya returned to the estuary.

With the agreement between Sura and Baya, the fighting stopped.

However, the deal was broken by Sura, who went to the estuary to hunt. Baya
secretly knew that Sura was hunting in his territory.

Baya who felt betrayed, was furious with Sura and demanded answers as to why
Sura had broken their agreement. Sura tried to find a reason to defend himself.

Baya said "hey you are greedy and stupid Sura, the fish in your sea are abundant
but you hunt in my territory".
Sura replied "Hey baya, if you want you can hunt in the sea, I don't forbid you".
"I don't like fish, I can't stand in sea water" said Baya. "Well if you don't want to,
the important thing is that I have offered you, where there is water there is me"
replied Sura.
Baya felt that this was just a trick to trick him.
Baya was angry, "Then our agreement is canceled, whoever wins, he has the right
to control this area."

Sura and Baya fought again because no one wanted to give in.
Sura and Baya pounced and attacked each other, and finally Baya won with the
result that he managed to sever Sura's tail. To commemorate their fight, the place
was named Surabaya.
The moral of the story is
that fighting cannot solve problems, and we should not be greedy with what we
have, and most importantly we should not break promises to anyone.

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