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“Arroz Con Leche” (Practice Step)

MU: Pr6.1.5a Perform music alone or with others with expression, technical accuracy, and
appropriate interpretation.
MU:Pr4.2.5b When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation.


Arroz Con Leche notation, lyrics, translation

Lesson Sequence:
Time/ Objectives Lesson

Entry Activity/ Transition/ 1. T: “Can we all pat a beat while I tell you a little story”
Prerequisites Rice pudding wants to get married
To a little widow from the capital
Who knows how to knit, who knows how to embroider,
Who puts the needle in its holder,
Ding, Dong, little bread soup
I am the little widow from the Valley of the King
I want to get married, and I don’t know to whom.

2. T: “I just chanted the Enlilgh translation of a song that is actually in

Spanish that we are going to learn today!”
3. T: I am going to sing the beginning in Spanish for you and I want you
to tell me what time signature it is in.
4. How can you tell it is in 6/8? What characteristics and rhythmic
qualities tell us that?

Activity 1 Objective: Students will 1. Repeat after me class: (Repeat as many times as necessary)
sing “Arroz con leche” in 6/8 time 2. Echo as chant
with accurate pronunciation, beat, A-rroz con le-che
and rhythm. Se quie-re ca-sar

Con un-a viu-di-ta

De la ca-pi-tal,

Que se-pa te-jer

Que se-pa bor-dar

Que pon-ga laa- gu- jaen- su cam-pa-nal

Gui- lin Gui-lan

So-pi-ta de pan

Yo soy la viu-di-ta del Valle del Ray

Me quiero ca-sar y no en-cuen- tren con quien.

3. Repeat any sections needed
4. Longer echos
A-rroz con le-che, Se quie-re ca-sar

Con un-a viu-di-ta, De la ca-pi-tal,

Que se-pa te-jer, Que se-pa bor-dar

Que pon-ga laa- gu- jaen- su cam-pa-nal

Gui- lin Gui-lan, So-pi-ta de pan

Yo soy la viu-di-ta del Valle del Ray

Me quiero ca-sar y no en-cuen- tren con quien.

5. Repeat any sections needed

6. Put lyrics on the board and chant full song

Students are able to sing “Arroz Con Leche” in 6/8 time with accurate
pronunciation, beat, and rhythm. If not, spend more time on the area that
needs the most work before moving on.

Activity 2 Objective: Students will 1. T: “Class, today we are going to add the pitches to the words we
sing “Arroz Con Leche” with learned!”
accurate pitch and pronunciation. 2. Echo with pitches
A-rroz con le-che
Se quie-re ca-sar

Con un-a viu-di-ta

De la ca-pi-tal,

Que se-pa te-jer

Que se-pa bor-dar

Que pon-ga laa- gu- jaen- su cam-pa-nal

Gui- lin Gui-lan

So-pi-ta de pan

Yo soy la viu-di-ta del Valle del Ray

Me quiero ca-sar y no en-cuen- tren con quien.

3. Repeat any sections needed

4. Longer echos with pitches
A-rroz con le-che, Se quie-re ca-sar

Con un-a viu-di-ta, De la ca-pi-tal,

Que se-pa te-jer, Que se-pa bor-dar

Que pon-ga laa- gu- jaen- su cam-pa-nal

Gui- lin Gui-lan, So-pi-ta de pan

Yo soy la viu-di-ta del Valle del Ray

Me quiero ca-sar y no en-cuen- tren con quien.

5. Repeat any sections needed

6. Put lyrics on the board and chant full song

Students were able to sing “Arroz Con Leche” with correct pitches and
pronunciations. If not, review as necessary before moving on to the game.

Integrated World Music 1. History of Rice Pudding/ Arroz Con Leche

Activity 3- Reinforcement 1. Lyrics and translation is on the board as students come in.

2. T: “Students can you identify the spanish words that mean “knit”,
“embroider”, and “put the needle”?
● Knit- tejer
● Embroider- bordar
● Put the needle- ponga la aguja
3. T: “What motions should we use for those three words? Because they
are going to be a part of the game”
4. Students decide our motion.
5. Okay, one person is going to be in the middle going in a circle, we are
all going to sing the song and do the motions we just came up with.
When we get to “guilin guilan” the person in the middle will close their
eyes and point their finger. When the song stops on “quien” whoever they
are pointing to becomes the new person in the middle.
6. Play this a few times

Assessment/ Closure
4- Able- Student sang “Arroz Con Leche” with accurate pronunciation, pitches, beat and
3- Attempted, almost able- Student was successful 80% of the activity.
2- Attempted, not able- Student tried activity but was less than 50% successful.
1- Did not attempt- Student did not try activity.

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