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Sleep Paralysis

Before you go to bed, brush your teeth, wash your face, and change into pajamas. This will help you

avoid sleep paralysis as it increases the chances that you’ll get an uninterrupted night of restful

sleep. If it's too difficult to fall asleep right away (or if you can't fall asleep at all), consider reading a

book or doing something relaxing instead of watching TV or using social media. If you can't fall

asleep, get up and do something, or try drinking warm tea to help you relax. If you don't feel sleepy

after 5-10 minutes, skip the bedtime routine and check out our list of sleep interventions.

Buckner, 2008 [url=

nn.2799_330.html]Auditory verbal hallucinations are associated with disrupted gamma oscillations

in the human


[color=#C0C0C0][b]Oxford Journals[/b][/color] April 8,

2008[/url][url=] [color=#FF0000][b]Scandinavian

Journal of Psychology[/b][/color] June 2009 Vol 45 Issue 1 Pages


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