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Quarter 1: TLE EXPLORATORY (Mechanical Drafting)


In Lettering, one must consider the lines of the papers to make writings more presentable and gain
uniform heights of letters because guidelines are used to determine the height and base of the letters .
Guidelines can be used to help produce neat lettering when drawing. These lines are drawn as extremely
light horizontal and or vertical lines to regulate the height and width of lettering. Below are the guidelines
in Lettering.

Different Letter Case - is the distinction between the letters that are in larger uppercase or capitals and
smaller lowercase in the written representation of certain languages as shown below:


Directions. Answer the questions below.

1. With the use of guidelines below, write your full name using the single stroke letter, with the
combination of lowercase and uppercase letters. Then, label the parts of the guidelines of letters
pointed by an arrow.

2. Write the Letter case of your name where it belongs.

Uppercase _______________________________

Lowercase _______________________________
Quarter 2: TLE Exploratory (Dressmaking)
The color of a garment is often what first attracts us to a piece of clothing.
Understanding color and how colors work together is an important part of wardrobe
planning. The colors we choose often affect and reflect our moods and feelings.
 In general, to look larger or draw attention to a figure or part of it choose
warm colors with light values, bright colors, and whites.
 The rules of thumb to make a figure or part of it look smaller or to de-
emphasize body contours choose cool colors with dark values and full
Guide questions as a Dressmaker/Tailor:
1. If the skin is dark, what colors of clothes would you suggest? _________________
2. If the skin is fair, what colors of clothes would you suggest? ________________
3. Do you wear bright colors more often than others? __________________
4. How does your favorite color make you feel when you wear it? ________________
5. During summer, what kind of fabric do you prefer to wear? _________________

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