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Question 3 - VOCABULARY
Enfoque en la pregunta 3: Find words or phrases in the text that
correspond to the words and definitions given.
Boy wears skirt to school in protest against 'discrimination'

Impington Village College pupil Chris Whitehead wears a skirt in protest at his
school's policy of making boys wear long trousers in the summer. Chris
Whitehead wore a skirt to classes at Impington Village College, near
Cambridge, Cambs. He is protesting against the school uniform policy.

Chris believes that forcing boys to wear long trousers during the sizzling
summer months affects concentration and their ability to learn. He said: ''In the
summer girl students are allowed to wear skirts but boys are not allowed to
wear shorts. We think that this discriminates against boys. I will march in a skirt
with other boys waving banners and making a lot of noise. I will be wearing the
skirt at school all day in protest at the uniform policy and addressing the
assembly with the student council, wearing a skirt.''
Chris's mum Liz Whitehead, 50, has praised her son. She said: ''I am delighted
that Chris is taking action on what he believes in.
I am really proud he is brave enough to wear a skirt to school for what he
believes in and back him all the way.''
The ban on shorts was imposed following consultation with students, teachers
and parents in 2009. But when Chris joined the school he was outraged by the
policy and pledged to overturn the decision.
Headteacher Robert Campbell said: ''Our uniform policy had a significant
consultation and ours is typical of most schools in Cambridgeshire and the
consensus was we were going to go for that. ''Chris is one of our brightest and
most articulate students and we have got a very strong student council. He is
one of only two year 8 pupils on it.”
Question 3

Find words or phrases in the text that correspond to the words or definitions

** Consejo: Las palabras que vas a encontrar en esta parte de la prueba están siempre
en el mismo orden en el que aparecen en la pregunta; si hay que encontrar 2 palabras
en el párrafo 2, por ejemplo, la primera palabra que tienes que encontrar aparecerá
antes que la segunda.

1. to make someone do something (paragraph 2)

Aquí hace falta un verbo. We need a verb here.

Los verbos en el párrafo 2 son: Verbs in paragraph 2 are:


believes, forcing, affects, learn, are allowed, wear, think, discriminates, will march,
waving, making, addressing.

El verbo correcto es “forcing”. If you force someone to do something, you oblige or

make them do something.

Las respuestas aceptadas aquí serían: Acceptable answer here would be:

to force (infinitive with ‘to’),

force (infinitive without to)

forcing (la forma del verbo tal como parece en el texto) (the form of the verb as it
appears in the text).

** Otro consejo: Si miras a la siguiente pregunta, ésta te dice que el verbo tiene que
aparecer antes de “sizzling” en el texto, así que los únicos verbos posibles
son: believes, forcing, wear.

2. very hot (paragraph 2)

Aquí hace falta un adjetivo.

Los adjetivos en el párrafo 2 son: long, sizzling

The correct adjective is ‘sizzling’. Even if you don’t know this word, you can probably
choose the correct answer because you probably do know the meaning of ‘long’ and

El adjetivo correcto es “sizzling”. Incluso aunque no conozcas esta palabra, puedes

elegirla probablemente como respuesta porque conoces el significado de “long”.

3. skill (paragraph 2)

Aquí hace falta un sustantivo

Los sustantivos en este párrafo son:

boys, trousers, months, concentration, ability, summer, girl students, skirts, shorts,
banners, noise, school, protest, uniform policy, assembly, student council

El nombre correcto tiene que aparecer después de “sizzling”, así que podemos
eliminar “boys” y “trousers”

El nombre correcto aquí es “ablity”. It means the power or skill to do something.


4. a long piece of cloth, with a message on it, carried by people in a protest march
(paragraph 2)

Aquí hace falta un nombre

Mira en c) para ver la lista de nombres del párrafo 2

The correct noun must appear after ‘ability’ in this paragraph, so we can eliminate
‘boys, trousers, months, concentration, ability,’ from this list.

El nombre correcto tiene que aparecer después de “ability” en este párrafo, así que
podemos eliminar “boys, trousers, months, concentration, ability’.

El nombre correcto es “banners” Banners are often made and carried in protests and

Las respuestas aceptadas serían “banner” y “banners” (La palabra aparece en plural
en el texto, pero la forma singular también se aceptaría).

5. to express your admiration (paragraph 3)

Aquí hace falta un verbo

Los verbos en el párrafo 3 son: has praised, said, taking, believes, am, is, wear, back

El verbo correcto es: to praise / praise / praised / has praised (Todas estas respuestas
serían aceptadas:

6. not frightened by danger (paragraph 3)

Aquí hace falta un adjetivo.

Los adjetivos en el párrafo 3 son:delighted, proud, brave

La respuesta correcta es “brave”. If you are brave, you are not frightened by possible

7. prohibition (paragraph 4)

Aquí hace falta un nombre

Los nombres que aparecen en el párrafo 4 son: ban, shorts, consultation, students,
teachers, parents, school, policy, decision

El nombre correcto aquí es “ban”. A ban is when something has been forbidden or
prohibited officially.


8. very angry and shocked (paragraph 4)

Aquí hace falta un adjetivo

El único adjetivo que aparece en el párrafo 4 es “outraged”, así que es la respuesta


9. to promise (paragraph 4)

Aquí hace falta un verbo

Los verbos del párrafo 4 son: imposed, joined, was, pledged, overturn. Pero la
respuesta tiene que aparecer después de la respuesta anterior: “outraged”. Esto quiere
decir que nuestras posibilidades se reducen a “pledged” y “overturn”.

La respuesta correcta es “pledged”

Se aceptarían: to pledge, pledge or pledged.

10. discussion (paragraph 5)

Aquí hace falta un nombre

Los nombres del párrafo 5 son: headteacher, uniform, policy, consultation, schools,
consensus, student, student council, pupils

La respuesta correcta para esta definición es “consultation”

11. agreement (paragraph 5)

Aquí hace falta un nombre

Mira la lista en k) arriba de los nombres del párrafo 5. El nombre para esta pregunta
tiene que estar después de “consultation”, así que podemos eliminar headteacher,
uniform, policy, consultation

La respuesta correcta es “consensus”

12. Very intelligent (paragraph 5)

Aquí hace falta un adjetivo

Los adjetivos del párrafo 5 son: significant, typical, bright, articulate, strong

La respuesta correcta es “brightest”

Puedes dar esta respuesta utilizando la forma en superlativo del texto (brightest / the
brightest) o el adjetivo base (bright)


13. able to express yourself clearly and effectively (paragraph 5)

Aquí hace falta un adjetivo.

Los adjetivos del párrafo 5 son: significant, typical, bright, articulate, strong.

La respuesta correcta es “articulate”.

Puedes escribir esta respuesta usando el adjetivo superlativo del texto (most articulate
/ the most articulate) o la base del adjetivo ( articulate)

Now, read the text below and answer Question 3.

We think pretty people are smarter

Society has taught us two crucial - and contradictory - codes to live by: ‘Never judge a
book by its cover’ and ‘first impressions last a lifetime.’ Yet new research shows that
first impressions may be misleading, especially when it’s guided by our sexual
attraction towards the person in question.

A study conducted by Sean N. Talamas and his team investigated the connection
between physical attractiveness and intelligence. He took photos of 100 students at
the University of St. Andrews, ensuring that they were standardised by only picking
those who wore no jewellery, wore neutral expressions and were Caucasian (to control
racial bias). Academic data of the students was collected and used to form the basis of
comparison between perceptions of intelligence and the reality. He then showed the
photographs to Amazon Mechanical Turk, who rated the faces based on perceived
intelligence, conscientiousness and academic performance.

The findings showed that those people who were perceived attractive were also rated
as having higher intelligence. We automatically assume that attractive people are
more intelligent, and when compared against actual grades, the findings demonstrated
that there is no correlation between attractiveness and intelligence.

The authors of the study said: Facial impressions have consistently been shown to
influence our opinions as well as bias decisions in politics, leadership, law, parental
expectations and punishments on children, military rank promotion, and teacher
evaluations. Clearly, the power of first impressions is critical and has repeatedly been
shown to influence our opinions about a person.

The implications of this study are quite severe when real world situations are taken
into account: not only do we look favourably upon those deemed attractive, but we
make a number of positive assumptions that can affect outcomes in professional and
legal contexts.


Question 3 (1.5 points) Find words or phrases in the text that correspond in
meaning to the words and definitions given.

a. deceptive (par.1) b. evaluated (par.2) c. real (par.3)

d. influence, prejudice (par.4) e. keep in mind (par.5)

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