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I. Reading skill

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

1. How does television affect our lives? It can be very helpful to people who carefully choose the
shows that they watch Television can increase our knowledge of the outside world; there are
high quality programmes that help us to understand many fields of study, science, medicine, and
the arts and so on. Moreover, television benefits very old people who can’t often leave the house,
as well as patients in hospital. It also offers non-native speakers the advantage of daily informal
language practice. They can increase their vocabulary and practice listening.

2. On the other hand, there are several serious disadvantages to television. Of course, it provides
us with a pleasant way to relax and spend our free time, but in some countries, people watch the
‘boob-tube’ for an average of six hours or more a day. Many children stare at a television screen
for more hours each day than they do anything else, including studying and sleeping. It’s clear
that the tube has a powerful influence on their lives and that its influence is often negative.

3. Recent studies show that after only thirty seconds of watching television, a person’s brain
‘relaxes’ the same way that it does just before the person falls asleep. Another effect of television
on the human brain is that it seems to cause poor concentration. Children who view a lot of
television can often concentrate on a subject for only fifteen to twenty minutes. They can pay
attention only for the amount of time between commercials.

4. Another disadvantage is that television often causes people to become dissatisfied with their
own lives. Real life does not seem as exciting to these people as the lives of actors on the screen.
To many people television becomes more real than reality and their own lives ... boring. Also
many people get upset or depressed when they can’t solve problems in real life as quickly as
television actors seem to.

5. Before a child is fourteen years old, he or she views eleven thousand murders on the tube. He
or she begins to believe that there is nothing strange about fights, killings and other kinds of
violence. Many studies show that people become more violent after certain Programmes. They
may even do the things that they saw in a violent show.
1.1. Make notes on the above passage using proper abbreviations (04) and suggest a suitable
title. (3 + 1 + 1 = 05 Marks)

1.2. Write a summary of the above passage in about 50 words (03 Marks)

II. Answer the following questions:

1. Highlight the tremendous courage shown by the two children during the struggle to keep the
boat from sinking. What values do you learn from them?

2. We’re Not Afraid to Die” is a saga of patience and bravery. Comment.

3. The hurdles of life can be challenged if we have confidence to make optimum use of our
potential. Elaborate.

4. The reaction of the crew and children gives us an insight into the human mind and how it can
help us to survive any disaster. Discuss.

5. The story is called ‘The Adventure’. Compare it with the adventure described in ‘We’re Not
Afraid to Die…’

6. Why do you think Professor Gaitonde decided never to preside over meetings again?

7. “You neither travelled to the past nor the future. You were in the present experiencing a
different world. ” Explain.

8. “The lack of determinism in quantum theory! ” Explain.

9. The narrator was fascinated by the awesome mastiffs. Why?

10. How did Tsetan manoeuvre across the first patch of snow that they came across?

11. The narrator on his way to Mount Kailash came across a lot of topographic variation.

12. Enumerate the difficulties that the group faced in Hor.



I. Writing skills
1. You are Suresh Patel, a resident of 25 Amar society, sector 19, Gandhinagar. You wish to sell
your car bought just three years ago. Draft an advertisement providing necessary detail for the
‘For Sale’ section of the newspaper in not more than fifty words.

2. Design a poster in not more than 50 words for your school library on the value of books and
good reading habits. You may use slogans.

II. Answer the following:

1. How is the cyclic movement of rain brought out in the poem “The Voice of the Rain”? What
points of similarity do you notice between rain and music?

2. How is the cyclic movement of rain brought out in the poem ‘The voice of the rain’ ?

3. Is independent thinking a step towards adulthood? If yes, then how? Explain with reference to
the poem ‘Childhood’.

4. How did Markus Naten conclude that Hell and Heaven were imaginary places?

5. Based on the poem ‘Childhood’, bring out the hypocrisy that the adults exhibit with regard to

6. What sort of father-son relationship has been depicted in the poem ‘Father to Son?

7. How far has the poet succeeded in transforming a purely personal matter to a universal
experience prevalent in modern times? (Father to son)

8. How can you infer that the father wishes his son to remain at home with him?



I. Writing skill

1. You are Virat Prajapati / Foram Parekh student of XII studying in R. K. High School
Maninagar Ahmedabad. You have participated in an inter house Elocution Competition. The
topic of the competition is “India of My Dream”. Prepare the speech in 120 to 150 words.

2. You are Mukul / Mahima of Alps Public School. Your school has organized a debate on
“Social Media and It’s Effects and you will be participating in your school. Prepare your views
against or in favour of the motion. (120 – 150 words)
II.Answer the following:

1. Compare and Contrast Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald.

2. What picture of Andrew Manson do you form after reading ‘Birth’?

3. The shock treatment makes the thoughtless and selfish people realise the real position of the
lady of the house.” How far do you agree with the statement? Give reasons for your answer.

4. The play ‘Mother’s Day’ is a humorous and satirical depiction of the status of the woman in a
family. Bring out briefly the elements of humour and satire.

5. What impression would you form of a state where the king was just and placid? (The tale of
melon city)

6. Suggest a few instances in the poem ‘The tale of melon city’ which highlight humour and

7. Comment upon the criteria of selection of the wisest man and the quality of counsel he offered.

8. How did the accused try to shift the blame on others? How far did they succeed?

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