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Levente Csák University of Public Service

Faculty of Law Enforcement

Human trafficking in Békés Vármegye

The issue of human trafficking is one of the most serious problems facing the world today. In
recent news, four human traffickers were arrested in Hungary for smuggling illegal
immigrants across the border. This is a reminder that human trafficking is still a prevalent
issue that needs to be addressed by the international community.
The illegal immigrants who were smuggled into Hungary were from various countries,
including Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Syria. They were promised a better life and employment
in Europe, but instead, they were exploited by the human traffickers who used them as cheap
Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery, and it affects millions of people worldwide.
Victims are often subjected to violence, sexual exploitation, forced labor, and other forms of
abuse. It is a lucrative business that generates billions of dollars in profits for traffickers.
The fight against human trafficking is a complex and challenging task that requires the
collaboration of different stakeholders. Governments, international organizations, civil
society, and the private sector need to work together to prevent and combat human trafficking.
The first step in addressing human trafficking is to raise awareness about the issue. People
need to be educated about the dangers of human trafficking and how to protect themselves
and others from falling victim to this crime.
Governments also have a crucial role to play in combating human trafficking. They need to
establish and enforce laws that criminalize human trafficking and provide protection for
victims. They should also increase funding for law enforcement agencies and other
organizations that work to combat human trafficking.
International organizations such as the United Nations and the International Organization for
Migration (IOM) are also important players in the fight against human trafficking. They
provide assistance to victims and support for governments in developing policies and
programs to address the issue.
Civil society and the private sector can also contribute to the fight against human trafficking.
NGOs and other organizations can provide support and services to victims, while the private
sector can help by implementing policies and practices that prevent human trafficking in their
supply chains.
In conclusion, the recent arrest of four human traffickers in Hungary is a reminder of the
ongoing need to address the issue of human trafficking. It is a complex and challenging
problem that requires the collaboration of different
stakeholders. Everyone has a role to play in combating
human trafficking, and it is only through collective
action that we can put an end to this modern form of
Levente Csák University of Public Service
Faculty of Law Enforcement

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