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Literature assignment

1) The passage is about a customer who refused to pay for his food and caused a scene in
the parlour with the owner and then he went on to pulling out a knife and instilling fear in
the other customers.
2) A) The mood in lines 3-10 is chaotic and hostile. This is the mood because in those
lines,the passage explained that the owner of the parlour lost his temper because
Fisheye did not want to pay for his food.

B) Fisheye’s attitude went from being hostile to feeling bad about what he did. My
reasoning for this is due to the events that occurred in the passage: in the beginning,
Fisheye didn't show any sort of respect to the old man. But after causing a scene and
seeing the sad look in the old woman’s eyes, he felt pity and tried plastering a silly smile
on his face to make her feel “comfortable”.

3) A) The literary device being used is a “Simile”.

B) This device is effective because it perfectly describes how Fisheye stood up against
the old man.

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