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Jonathan E. Sevransky, MD, MHS, Series Editor

Bronchopleural Fistula in the Mechanically

Ventilated Patient: A Concise Review
John C. Grotberg, MD1
OBJECTIVE: To describe the physiology of air leak in bronchopleural
Robert C. Hyzy, MD2
fistula in mechanically ventilated patients and how understanding of its
Jose De Cardenas, MD2
physiology drives management of positive-pressure ventilation. To pro-
vide guidance of lung isolation, mechanical ventilator, pleural catheter, and Ivan N. Co, MD2
endobronchial strategies for the management of bronchopleural fistula on
mechanical ventilation.
DATA SOURCES: Online search of PubMed and manual review of arti-
cles (laboratory and patient studies) was performed.
STUDY SELECTION: Articles relevant to bronchopleural fistula, mechan-
ical ventilation in patients with bronchopleural fistula, independent lung
ventilation, high-flow ventilatory modes, physiology of persistent air leak,
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, fluid dynamics of bronchopleu-
ral fistula airflow, and intrapleural catheter management were selected.
Randomized trials, observational studies, case reports, and physiologic
studies were included.
DATA EXTRACTION: Data from selected studies were qualitatively evalu-
ated for this review. We included data illustrating the physiology of driv-
ing pressure across a bronchopleural fistula as well as data, largely from
case reports, demonstrating management and outcomes with various ven-
tilator modes, intrapleural catheter techniques, endoscopic placement of
occlusion and valve devices, and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.
Themes related to managing persistent air leak with mechanical ventilation
were reviewed and extracted.
DATA SYNTHESIS: In case reports that demonstrate different approaches
to managing patients with bronchopleural fistula requiring mechanical ven-
tilation, common themes emerge. Strategies aimed at decreasing peak
inspiratory pressure, using lower tidal volumes, lowering positive end-
expiratory pressure, decreasing the inspiratory time, and decreasing the
respiratory rate, while minimizing negative intrapleural pressure decreases
airflow across the bronchopleural fistula.
CONCLUSIONS: Mechanical ventilation and intrapleural catheter man-
agement must be individualized and aimed at reducing air leak. Clinicians
should emphasize reducing peak inspiratory pressures, reducing positive
end-expiratory pressure, and limiting negative intrapleural pressure. In re-
fractory cases, clinicians can consider lung isolation, independent lung ven-
tilation, or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in appropriate patients as
well as definitive management with advanced bronchoscopic placement of Copyright © 2020 by the Society of
valves or occlusion devices. Critical Care Medicine and Wolters
Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights
KEY WORDS: bronchopleural fistula, mechanical ventilation, alveolar-
pleural fistula, independent lung ventilation, intrapleural catheter
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004771

292 February 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 2

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Concise Definitive Review

ronchopleural fistula (BPF) is defined as a con- positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), resulting in
nection between the pleural cavity and bronchus hypoxemia, loss of effective tidal volume, worsening of
with persistent air leak. Technically, alveolar- ventilation-perfusion mismatch, and persistent subcu-
pleural fistula refers to air leak originating from lung taneous emphysema, pneumomediastinum, or pneu-
parenchyma but is also commonly referred to as “BPF.” mopericardium. Bubbling in the water seal of a chest
The duration of persistent air leak defining BPF ranges drainage device, once a pleural drain is placed, is seen
from 24 hours to 5 days, though more than 24 hours, for more than 24 hours. Chest tube suction may in-
is generally accepted (1–3). Lung resection remains the crease flow across the fistula, leading to poor gas ex-
leading cause of a true BPF with prevalence ranging change and BPF healing. In volume-cycled modes, air
from 4.5% to 20% after pneumonectomy and 0.5% to 1% leak can be directly measured as a difference between
after lobectomy (1, 2, 4). Additional etiologies, generally the inspiratory and expiratory volumes in the ventilator
alveolar-pleural in nature, include mechanical ventila- circuit. There is little consensus defining large versus
tion, pulmonary trauma, spontaneous pneumothorax, small air leaks. Qualitative grading systems based on
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), iatrogenic the timing of leak during the respiratory cycle versus
injuries, radiation, radiofrequency ablation, and inva- quantification with digital chest drainage systems or
sive infectious or inflammatory etiologies (2, 4). air leak meters can be used (15–20). Confirmation of
In mechanically ventilated patients, BPF commonly the presence of bubbling in the drainage system, cor-
is the result of a pneumothorax. This occurs by direct rect pleural placement of the chest tube, secure con-
disruption of airway or visceral pleura or by sponta- nections, and an inflated endotracheal tube cuff will
neous alveolar rupture. Once pneumothorax develops differentiate leak from BPF compared with leak from
in a mechanically ventilated patient, the pleural space the ventilator circuit (8, 21).
should be evacuated by tube thoracostomy to prevent Evidence of air leak can also be observed in venti-
tension pneumothorax. Air leak persisting beyond 24 lator waveforms. Total volume, represented by the area
hours confirms a diagnosis of BPF. under the flow curve, will be greater in inspiration
BPF in the mechanically ventilated patient is associ- than in expiration, indicating volume loss between in-
ated with high morbidity and mortality (1, 2, 5). A re- spiratory and expiratory cycles. The volume tracing
view of 1,700 mechanically ventilated patients found also will not return to baseline, indicating volume loss
that 2% had BPF secondary to barotrauma or direct lung (Fig. 1) (22, 23).
injury with an overall mortality of 67%. Others have re-
ported mortality ranging from 27.2% to 50% (5–7). Late PHYSIOLOGY OF AIR LEAK AND
onset of BPF (> 24 hr of mechanical ventilation) and air POSITIVE-PRESSURE VENTILATION
leak greater than 500 mL per breath were associated with
Ventilator management to minimize air leak and op-
increased mortality (5). Epidemiology of BPF is predom-
timize gas exchange derives from understanding the
inantly from an era when it was common to deliver large
physiologic mechanisms of BPF airflow. Laminar flow
tidal volumes (8). In randomized controlled trials com-
through a BPF is an interaction of visceral pleural de-
paring high and low tidal volumes in ARDS, the com-
fect size, local lung compliance, airway pressure, relative
posite prevalence of barotrauma was 11.4% compared
airway resistance, and transpulmonary pressure (24).
with 9.6%, respectively (8–14). Presumably, the preva-
Volumetric flow of BPF air leak BPF (FBPF ) is propor-
lence of BPF as a complication of mechanical ventilation
tional to mean airway pressure (P AW ) (Fig. 2A) (25–27).
in critically ill patients is likely lower than that previously
Transpulmonary pressure as a difference in P AW and
reported. Consequently, the management of mechani-
pleural pressure (PPL ) represents the driving pressure
cally ventilated patients with BPF is less familiar to inten-
between the pulmonary airways and the BPF (Table 1).
sivists in the era of lung-protective ventilation.
Peak-inspiratory pressure (PIP) and PEEP both con-
tribute to P AW . In animals, some have shown that the
IDENTIFYING AIR LEAK IN effect of increasing PEEP led to increased air leak com-
pared with increasing PIP, whereas others have shown
Clinical manifestations of BPF in the mechan- that flow was directly proportional to P AW despite
ically ventilated patient may include the loss of alterations in PIP and PEEP (28–30). Interestingly,

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Grotberg et al

a BPF increased from 15% to 54% with the addition

of 15 cm H2O of PEEP illustrating the significant con-
tribution of PEEP to P AW (32). This understanding is
critical to minimize BPF flow, improve gas exchange,
and reduce mortality with mechanical ventilation.

Understanding BPF physiology allows for the ma-
nipulation of key variables with the ventilator to help
minimize and/or heal BPF as well as manage patients’
ventilator needs. Specifically, alterations in the vari-
ables that determine P AW can improve BPF air leak
and reduce mortality. This includes decreasing PIP by
using lower tidal volumes (generally 4–6 or 3–4 cc/kg
for single-lung or independent lung ventilation [ILV]),
lowering PEEP, decreasing the inspiratory time, and
decreasing the respiratory rate (Table 2) (2, 33, 34).
Permissive hypercapnia should be considered in
patients with high-minute ventilation requirements, as
these strategies may affect gas exchange. There is little
evidence demonstrating the superiority of one mode
over another. Intermittent mandatory ventilation and
pressure support ventilation have been proposed to
have theoretical advantage in reducing mean airway
pressures by supporting spontaneous ventilation
though comparative data are lacking (25).

In patients where adjusting conventional mechanical
ventilation variables proves unsuccessful, advanced
techniques can be used. Lung isolation anatomically
separates the left and right lungs to achieve one lung
ventilation (35). In BPF, isolating the lung contralateral
Figure 1. Detecting air leak from bronchopleural fistula by to the BPF will stop air leak and promote wound heal-
ventilator waveform analysis. A, Tracing of flow over time in ing of the fistula site. In patients with large, proximal
seconds, showing the area under the curve (tidal volume) is
fistulas, a large air leak may affect the ability to ade-
smaller during exhalation. B, Tracing of pressure over time in
seconds. C, Tracing of volume over time in seconds. Figure
quately oxygenate and ventilate contralateral lung pa-
adapted from Lucangelo et al (22) with permission. renchyma. In this case, isolating the contralateral lung
may improve gas exchange, while eliminating air leak
increasing P AW also led to not only increasing airflow across the BPF.
but also increasing BPF resistance, indicating that There are numerous techniques for lung isolation,
increased driving pressure between the pulmonary including endobronchial blockers, double lumen en-
airways and pleura results in increased air leak despite dotracheal tube (DLT), and modified single lumen
higher resistance (31). Data are limited in humans tubes (Fig. 3). Approach should be catered to the in-
illustrating these physiologic determinants. However, dividual patient and may depend on the tolerability of
a case report demonstrated that volume loss through single-lung ventilation, laterality of the fistula, patient

294 February 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 2

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Concise Definitive Review

Figure 2. Management of the pleural space in bronchopleural fistula (BPF). A, Illustration of driving pressure between pulmonary
airways and the intrapleural space through a BPF. Flow is proportional to P AW − PPL . B, Illustration of driving pressure between pulmonary
airways and the intrapleural space through a BPF. Flow is proportional to P AW − PPL . Illustration of mechanism to apply positive
intrapleural pressure. Exhaled gas passes through an exhalation valve through large-bore tubing to a positive end-expiratory pressure
(PEEP) device. Intrapleural gas passes through a chest tube drainage system and is connected to the PEEP device by an evacuation
port with an intrapleural pressure gauge. Figure adapted from Downs and Chapman (78).

TABLE 1. anatomy, and the consideration of other ventilation

techniques. There is no difference in placement ability
Quantitative Drivers of Bronchopleural
Fistula Flow or complications between right-sided and left-sided
DLTs when compared with endobronchial block-
Equations Governing Bronchopleural Fistula ers (35–39). DLT have the advantage of easy conver-
Air Leak
sion into ILV, if needed. Sedation and neuromuscular
  blockade are often required to maintain correct posi-
1.  P AW = 1 (PIP − PEEP )  TI  + PEEP
2 T  TOT
tion for DLTs.
Although not constituting lung isolation per se,
2.  FBPF = ( P AW − PPL )πRBPF
there may also be benefit in positioning the patient in
8 µL
the lateral decubitus position with the BPF side down.
3.  PTP = P AW − PPL In a case report, this has been shown to decrease BPF
leak by reducing airflow to the affected lung secondary
4.  FCT = π r P
2 5
to regional differences in the intrathoracic intra-
fL abdominal pressure gradient. Positive pressure pref-
erentially displaces the diaphragm in nondependent
Equation 1: Mean airway pressure (P AW ) as function of peak
lung zones (40).
inspiratory pressure, positive end-expiratory pressure, inspiratory
time (TI), and total respiratory cycle time (TTOT).
Equation 2: Volumetric flow across bronchopleural fistula (FBPF) as
a function of mean airway pressure (P AW ), pleural pressure (PPL),
radius of the bronchopleural fistula (RBPF), viscosity of air (µ ), and Endobronchial management with occlusive materials
bronchopleural fistula length (L).
or endobronchial valves may be considered to reduce
Equation 3: Transpulmonary pressure (PTP) as a function of mean
airway pressure (P AW ) and pleural pressure (PPL). air leak. In the cases of small (< 5 mm) BPFs, where
Equation 4: Turbulent flow through a chest tube (FCT ) as a func- the defect is observed by bronchoscopy, occlusive
tion of radius (r), pressure (P), friction factor (f), and length (L). materials could mechanically seal the leak. Occlusive

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Grotberg et al

Strategies to Decrease Mean Airway Pressure and Bronchopleural Fistula Leak Using
Conventional Modes of Mechanical Ventilation and Strategies to Decrease Driving Pressure
Across a Bronchopleural Fistula Resulting in Decreased Bronchopleural Fistula Air Leak
Strategies for Intrapleural
Strategies for Mechanical Ventilation Catheter Management

Low peak-inspiratory pressures (< 30 cm H2O)

Low tidal volume (4–6 and 3–4 cc/kg for single-lung ventilation) Limit negative intrapleural pressure
Set chest tube to water seal
Lowest possible PEEP Positive intrapleural pressure
Minimize inspiratory time   Intrapleural pressure < PEEP
Low respiratory rate   Intrapleural pressure = PEEP
Allow for permissive hypercapnia
Consider independent lung ventilation or lung isolation
PEEP = positive end-expiratory pressure.

substances have included glutaraldehyde sterilized tracheal or bronchial defects, airway stents might be
lead, gel foam and tetracycline, fibrin glue, gelatin- used. Amplatzer devices have previously been em-
resorcinol mixture, oxidized regenerated cellulose, ployed to occlude larger tracheobronchial defects;
albumin-glutaraldehyde, cryoprecipitate fibrin, and however, there is risk of dislodgement into the pleural
autologous blood patch (41–46). With more proximal space, or more proximal airways, leading to airway

Figure 3. Airway and endobronchial management in bronchopleural fistula. A, Image of an endobronchial blocker passed through an
endotracheal tube. B, Diagram of endobronchial blocker occluding the left mainstem bronchus. C, Chest radiograph demonstrating
left apically directed chest tube (arrow). D, Bronchoscopy demonstrating endobronchial balloon occlusion of the apical segment of
the right lobe resolving bronchopleural fistula air leak. E, Image of double lumen endotracheal tube (DLT). F, Diagram of double lumen
endotracheal tube connected to two ventilators. G, Chest radiograph demonstrating DLT placement in a patient with bronchopleural
fistula. H, Placement of two endobronchial valves (Spiration, Redmond, WA) in the apical and anterior segments of the right upper lobe

296 February 2021 • Volume 49 • Number 2

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Concise Definitive Review

obstruction (47–49). Most of these interventions are ILV in patients who cannot tolerate airway pressures
restricted to cases series. In the cases where the defect required to minimize air leak (60, 62–68).
is localized in the visceral pleural and beyond reach
of the bronchoscope, selective endobronchial sealing HIGH-FREQUENCY VENTILATION
can be achieved with one-way endobronchial valves.
Originally designed for endoscopic lung volume re- High-frequency ventilatory modes have been evalu-
duction, the valves allow airflow out of bronchial seg- ated for managing patients with refractory air leak.
ments/subsegments, while preventing distal airflow Tidal volumes of 2–5 mL/kg are delivered at 100–200
(50–56). Success depends on the presence of a com- breaths/min. Mechanisms of gas exchange include
plete fissure in the affected lung, sometimes even if the bulk flow, augmented Taylor dispersion, the Pendelluft
fissure is not complete, the air leak in the chest tube effect, gas profiling, molecular diffusion, and cardio-
will decrease enough to allow transition to water seal. genic mixing.
In a case series of nonsurgical candidates with ARDS The evidence using high-frequency ventilatory
and persistent air leak, endobronchial valve placement modes in the management of adult patients with BPF
resolved the air leak and resulted in decreased venti- is both varied and controversial. Case reports have
lator days (57). Liberation from mechanical ventilation demonstrated improvement in gas exchange and BPF
using endobronchial valves has also been reported in leak with high-frequency jet ventilation and high-fre-
nonARDS patients (58). quency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) (25, 30, 69–72).
Methods to locate the region of air leak broncho- However, a case series of patients with acute respira-
scopically include the balloon-occlusion method and tory failure and BPF randomized to conventional me-
the Chartis system (Pulmonx, Redwood City, CA). The chanical ventilation or HFOV reported that six of seven
more commonly used balloon-occlusion method uses a patients deteriorated with HFOV. In patients with oth-
Fogarty balloon (Edwards, Irvine, CA) catheter, which erwise normal lung parenchyma, airway impedance
is sequentially inflated in the lobar bronchi. Cessation drives the distribution of gas flow. HFOV increases
or significant decrease of air leak in the pleural drain- airway impedance, thus reducing flow across a BPF.
age system following occlusion of a lobar bronchus However, in patients with diminished lung compliance,
identifies that leading to the fistula. The Chartis system the increase in airway impedance with HFOV has less
was originally designed to detect collateral ventilation of an effect on the distribution of gas flow (73). Due
and uses a balloon catheter with a flow and pressure to varying evidence, high-frequency modes in me-
sensor and is not commonly used in mechanically ven- chanically ventilated patients with BPF are not recom-
tilated patients (51, 59). mended as an initial strategy. Selective patients may
benefit; however, caution should be taken in patients
INDEPENDENT LUNG VENTILATION with poor lung compliance.

In refractory cases, the ventilator strategies that reduce

BPF leak may result in suboptimal gas exchange. ILV
allows maintaining low airway pressures ipsilateral to
the BPF, while facilitating optimal ventilation of the Pleural drainage plays a key role in the management
contralateral lung, using a DLT and two ventilators of BPF, as it evacuates air from the pleural space and
(Fig. 3). Ventilatory support with ILV can be performed controls a potential source of infection. Turbulent flow
synchronously or asynchronously. In synchronous ILV, through the chest tube is governed by the Fanning
the respiratory rate to each lung is identical, whereas equation (Table  1). A correctly placed, fully patent
tidal volume, inspiratory flow, PEEP, and Fio2 are al- 14-Fr pleural pigtail, with applied –20 cm H2O of suc-
tered to optimize gas exchange. Asynchronous ILV tion, can evacuate approximately 12.8 ± 0.3 L/min.
employs all different variables, including ventilatory Inability to achieve lung expansion should lead to the
mode (60). ILV is typically resumed until persistent air clinician to evaluate correct location and patency of
leak has resolved, tidal volume differential is less than the tube, possibility of nonexpandable lung, or pres-
100 mL, and lung compliance differential is less than ence of large air leaks (> 16 L/min) and, therefore, in
20% (61). Case series demonstrate the effectiveness of the latter scenario, a larger chest tube (74).

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Grotberg et al

Similar to controlling P AW with the ventilator, PPL can (> 5 mL/kg), VA-ECMO led to BPF closure in three of
also be manipulated to decrease BPF driving pressure five patients (81).
(Table  2). For example, transitioning chest tube from
suction to water seal resolved persistent air leak in 60% CONCLUSIONS
of postoperative patients (15, 75). Randomized trials
have shown that in patients undergoing lung resection, a Intensivists may care for patients with BPF while on
“shorter” period of chest tube suction followed by water mechanical ventilation. Management to decrease air
seal can reduce air leak and chest tube duration in patients leak and improve gas exchange requires a robust un-
without clinically significant pneumothorax (18, 75–77). derstanding of the physiology driving air leak. These
There is some historic evidence to support posi- principles are well demonstrated in animal models
tive pressure with intrapleural catheters (26, 78–80). with some supportive clinical evidence in bedside
Although one case series had success setting intrapleu- management with the overarching goal of diminish-
ral pressure equal to PEEP, others found this leads to ing driving pressure across the fistula. The strongest
significant pneumothorax (78). Expiratory transpulmo- evidence promotes the emphasis of reducing P AW by
nary pressure can be calculated, and intrapleural pres- decreasing tidal volumes to reduce PIP and more im-
sure titrated to allow for significant reduction in BPF portantly by decreasing PEEP, though decreasing in-
flow while maintaining adequate lung expansion (79). spiratory time and respiratory rate are also beneficial
In the past, positive intrapleural pressure was delivered with conventional modes. Clinical evidence varies
by routing exhaled gas to a PEEP device connected to with respect to pleural pressure management, how-
the pleural drainage system (Fig. 2B) (78, 79). ever, limiting negative intrathoracic pressure, as per-
Despite limited prospective, randomized trials, cur- mitted by maintaining lung expansion, is the initial
rent evidence would suggest that there is a role for strategy to decrease BPF driving pressure. BPF size,
manipulating intrapleural pressure to reduce or elimi- location, etiology, chronicity, and presence of low lung
nate persistent air leak. Excessive negative intrapleural compliance will affect a patient’s physiology on the
pressure should be avoided, and the addition of posi- ventilator and the ability to tolerate pleural pressure
tive intrapleural should be reliant on a patient’s indi- manipulation with respect to BPF leak. The approach
vidual physiology. Clinicians should monitor patients to management should, therefore, be tailored to the
closely for development of tension pneumothorax and individual patient. Clinicians may also consider endo-
intrapleural infections if chest tubes are set to water bronchial management. In refractory cases, clinicians
seal or positive intrapleural pressure. should consider lung isolation, ILV, and ECMO in ap-
propriate patients.
OXYGENATION 1 Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, MI.
In patients with BPF and refractory ventilatory failure,
2 Department of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
veno-venous-extracorporeal membrane oxygenation University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
(VV-ECMO) promotes gas exchange while permitting Work for this study was performed at the University of Michigan
ultralung protective ventilation. ECMO may allow for Hospital.
BPF healing and fistula closure or may provide a bridge The authors have disclosed that they do not have any potential
to definitive intervention. Case reports have illustrated conflicts of interest.
the success of ECMO in BPF (67, 81–83). A case se- Address requests for reprints to: John C. Grotberg, MD, 3116
ries of patients with traumatic BPF using VV-ECMO Taubman Center, SPC 5368 1500 E, Medical Center Drive, Ann
as primary therapeutic intervention showed cessa- Arbor, MI 48109. E-mail:
tion of air leak after cannulation with ultralung pro-
tective ventilation with adherence to the ECMO for
protective ventilation protocol (83–85). Venoarterial REFERENCES
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