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 The stepped reckoner or Leibniz calculator was a mechanical calculator invented

by the German mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz around 1672 and
completed in 1694. The name comes from the translation of the German term for
its operating mechanism, Staffelwalze, meaning "stepped drum”. The purpose of
stepped reckoner is to serve as a calculating machine supported addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division. It is made of wood, Oak, Steel, and brass

 The third great calculator inventor of the seventeenth century was Gottfried
Wilhelm von Leibniz. The range and richness of his intellect was nothing less
than phenomenal. Leibniz was a master of almost a dozen disciplines: logic,
mathematics, mechanics, geology, law, theology, philosophy, history, genealogy,
and linguistic.

The Stepped Reckoner was a remarkable machine whose operating principles

eventually led to the development of the first successful mechanical calculator.
The key to the device was a special gear, devised by Leibniz and now known as
the Leibniz wheel that acted as a mechanical multiplier. The gear was really a
metal cylinder with nine horizontal rows of teeth;

 The so called "stepped drums", invented by Leibniz, can be twisted with a crank
and cogs of different sizes around 0 to 9 sprockets further. It was the first
calculator that could perform all four arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division. The machine performs multiplication by repeated
addition and division by repeated subtraction. The multiplication is conducted as
a reoccurring addition, the division as an ongoing subtraction.

 Leibniz conceived the idea of a calculating machine in the early 1670s with the
aim of improving upon Blaise Pascal's calculator, the Pascaline. He concentrated
on expanding Pascal's mechanism so it could multiply and divide.

 Jacquard fabric is a textured fabric that has complex patterns woven into it,
rather than printed, dyed, or embroidered on top. Jacquard weaving has its
origins in sixth-century Italian brocade, and it remains one of the most popular
types of fabric to this day
 This handloom was used for weaving silk at Stonehouse in Lanarkshire in the
19th century. It has a Jacquard attachment which allows complex patterns to
be woven. The punch cards used in the Jacquard mechanism laid the
foundation for modern computer programming.

 The Jacquard loom is a loom machine developed in the early 1800s that used
a series of punch cards to control weave operations. It is named for Joseph
Marie Jacquard, its inventor, and is considered part of the historical chain of
progress toward modern computing operations.

 The Jacquard mechanism, invented by Frenchman Joseph Marie Jacquard

and first demonstrated in 1801, simplified the way in which complex textiles
such as damask were woven. The mechanism involved the use of thousands
of punch cards laced together. Each row of punched holes corresponded to a
row of a textile patter

 the arithmometer was the 1st digital mechanical calculator strong enough and
reliable enough to be used daily in an office environment.

 Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar, he invented this in 1820 in France and

manufactured from 1851 to 1915.

 The arithmometer was the first commercially successful calculating machine to

complete all four basic operations which is the addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division

 Its sturdy design gave it a strong reputation of reliability and accuracy and made
it a key player in the move from human computers to calculating machines that
took place during the second half of the 19th century.

Analytical Engine : Analytical engine Is a Difference Engine : The word difference

fully controlled general-purpose computer engine is derived from the Latin method of
which includes automatic mechanical divide difference. A difference engine is
digital computer into it. Any of the the type of automatic mechanical
calculation set is being programmed with calculators that are designed or
the help of punch cards. It also includes developed to calculate or tabulate the
integrated memory and programs flow polynomial function. It can calculate in a
control and also ALU into it. It is the first way to tabulate the polynomial functions
general mechanical computer system by using the small sets of coefficients.
were Any of the other finite calculations
are being carried or performed by it. The Is an automatic mechanical calculator
Analytical Engine was a proposed designed to tabulate polynomial functions.
mechanical general-purpose computer It was designed in the 1820s, and was
designed by English mathematician and first created by Charles Babbage.
computer pioneer Charles Babbage. It
was first described in 1837 as the
successor to Babbage's difference engine,
a design for a mechanical computer.
It was first described in 1837 as the The notion of a mechanical calculator for
successor to Babbage's difference engine, mathematical functions can be traced
which was a design for a simpler back to the Antikythera mechanism of the
mechanical calculator. 2nd century BC, while early modern
examples are attributed to Pascal and
Leibniz in the 17th century
In 1821 Charles Babbage invented the Difference Engine to compile mathematical
tables. On completing it in 1832, he conceived the idea of a better machine that could
perform not just one mathematical task but any kind of calculation. . This was the
Analytical Engine (1856), which was intended as a general symbol manipulator, and
had some of the characteristics of today’s computers.
Analytical Engines can solve any set of calculations with the help of a processor,
punch cards, and a bunch of codes. While the difference engine is a mechanical
calculator that was designed to calculate polynomial functions

Both of the engines were made to calculate and solve complex problems with
numbers. While both of the engines have similarities, both of the engines calculate and
solve numbers differently.

Charles Babbage KH FRS was an English polymath. A mathematician, philosopher,

inventor and mechanical engineer, Babbage originated the concept of a digital
programmable computer. Babbage is considered by some to be "father of the
computer". Born: December 26, 1791, London, United Kingdom Died: October 18,
1871 at the age of 80 , Marylebone, London, United Kingdom

Clockwork is the first example of programming. The Jacquard Loom punch card system (1804) is likely
the first example of a binary system. Ada Lovelace wrote the first computer programs (1840s). Lovelace
was also the first person to suggest that computers could be more than just calculators. Grace Hopper
developed LOW-MATIC, the first system that could convert plain English into computer code (1952).

Who was the first programmer?

Clockwork devices are probably the first know first examples of "programming". The earliest known
example is the Antikythera mechanism (200 BC -- 70 BC). For this reason, no one can say for sure who
the first person to program a machine really was.

Before electronic computers, there were human and mechanical computers and of course, clockwork
devices. Many clockwork devices were so intricate that they could be "programmed" to complete a
series of complex tasks, such as dancing or writing.

"The Writer", an automaton (mechanical doll), designed and built in the 1770s by Pierre Jaquet-Droz, a
Swiss watchmaker, is one particularly spectacular example.

The Writer could be "programmed" to write different letters with a quill. Each gear represents a
different letter. The Writer consists of some 600 different parts. Incredibly, it still works to this day. You
can see him in action at the Musée d'art et d'histoire, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
In the 1840s, Ada Lovelace became the first computer programmer, inspite of the fact that the Analytical
Engine (the computer that she designed the programs for) wasn't ever manufactured. She was also the
first person to suggest that a computer could be more than just an oversized calculator!

Her radical idea was that the numerical values produced by the computer could be used to represent
something other than numbers: symbols, musical notes or well, pretty much anything... not everyone
was convinced.

On June 5, 1833, Lovelace (17) first met computer pioneer, Charles Babbage (40) at a party in London.
The two began an unlikely friendship. Despite the incredible powers of Babbage's machines, it took
Lovelace to realize their full potential. In 1842 Luigi Federico Menabrea wrote a paper on Babbage's
Analytical Engine.

Lovelace translated it from French (8,000 words) into English and added her own notes (20,000 words).
Her translation included the first "computer program" and was published in 1843. The computer
program gave plans for a series of punch cards that could create a long sequence of Bernoulli numbers.
Although notes have been found in her own handwriting, many scholars have sought to discredit her.
Some speculate that this is because she, was a woman mathematician.

A new, a vast, and a powerful language is developed for the future use of analysis, in which to wield its
truths so that these may become of more speedy and accurate practical application for the purposes of
mankind than the means hitherto in our possession have rendered possible. Thus not only the mental
and the material, but the theoretical and the practical in the mathematical world, are brought into more
intimate and effective connection with each other. -- Ada Lovelace

The First Computer programmer (on an electrical computer)

1941, Konrad Zuse became, what was probably, the first person to program an electrical computer and,
unlike Lovelace, the computer was actually able to perform the operation! While Alan Turing was busy
cracking the enigma code, his German "counterpart"; Zuse was developing the Z3; the world's first
working electromechanical programmable, fully automatic digital computer. The computer was fed
programs with a strip of film. Much like the Jacquard Loom system, the film was punched with holes.

Group 2


Christoian A. Reyes
Jascha Piedad

Silva Paing

Nasra Samson

Riza Roble

Jelanie Noynay

Gabriel Galvez

Michelle Delos Reyes

Angelo Jesus Cancino

Chrizel Lamberte

Rosemar Ferrer

Mary Grace Elma

Mary Dawn Torino

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