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I'm going to hire professional help tomorrow. I can't handle this anymore.

She fell over the coffee table

and now there is blood in her catheter. This is much more than I ever signed up to do.

Sometimes it's just better not to be seen. That's how Harry had always lived his life. He prided himself as
being the fly on the wall and the fae that blended into the crowd. That's why he was so shocked that she
noticed him.

Barbara had been waiting at the table for twenty minutes. it had been twenty long and excruciating
minutes. David had promised that he would be on time today. He never was, but he had promised this
one time. She had made him repeat the promise multiple times over the last week until she'd believed
his promise. Now she was paying the price.

Frank knew there was a correct time and place to reveal his secret and this wasn't it. The issue was that
the secret might be revealed despite his best attempt to keep it from coming out. At this point, it was
out of his control and completely dependant on those around him who also knew the secret. They
wouldn't purposely reveal it, or at least he believed that, but they could easily inadvertently expose it. It
was going to be a long hour as he nervously eyed everyone around the table hoping they would keep
their mouths shut.

I haven't bailed on writing. Look, I'm generating a random paragraph at this very moment in an attempt
to get my writing back on track. I am making an effort. I will start writing consistently again!

It was just a burger. Why couldn't she understand that? She knew he'd completely changed his life
around her eating habits, so why couldn't she give him a break this one time? She wasn't even supposed
to have found out. Yes, he had promised her and yes, he had broken that promise, but still in his mind, all
it had been was just a burger.

The time had come for Nancy to say goodbye. She had been dreading this moment for a good six
months, and it had finally arrived despite her best efforts to forestall it. No matter how hard she tried,
she couldn't keep the inevitable from happening. So the time had come for a normal person to say
goodbye and move on. It was at this moment that Nancy decided not to be a normal person. After all the
time and effort she had expended, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

There weren't supposed to be dragons flying in the sky. First and foremost, dragons didn't exist. They
were mythical creatures from fantasy books like unicorns. This was something that Pete knew in his
heart to be true so he was having a difficult time acknowledging that there were actually fire-breathing
dragons flying in the sky above him.

She reached her goal, exhausted. Even more chilling to her was that the euphoria that she thought she'd
feel upon reaching it wasn't there. Something wasn't right. Was this the only feeling she'd have for over
five years of hard work?

Housework could be everyone’s work, not just “women’s work”. Why do women enable men to act
oblivious to cleaning, grocery shopping, pet feeding, etc? Somehow when men live alone they figure out
how to do all of those things all on their own. My friend’s husband claimed he didn’t know that sheets
should be washed more than once a season. He said he didn’t know one had to clean toilets. He
assumed that since you flush toilets they clean themselves. She tried to get him to help but he did an
awful job so she let him off the hook. Wouldn’t it be better if she spent the time and energy to get him
to do it right instead of letting him claim he is “just bad at it”. My sons were raised to clean toilets and
change their own sheets. Hopefully, in their future homes, the housework will be equally divided.

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