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Lesson plan - Turkish Em.

Topic: Professions
Objectives: Focus on conversational English, with focus on prepositions
Materials: Worksheets

Method Timings

Start with introductions and general conversation, icebreaker talk about each 10 mins
other and gauge fluency - what specific English they would like to focus on. Write
out objectives.

‘Meeting new people’ worksheet - basic exercise to introduce them to familiar 10 mins
formal greetings. Speaking activity for introductions followed by second half of
sheet - dialogue

Reintroduce prepositions - Linking words within a sentence that tell us where 10 mins
things are in space and time. A preposition sits before a noun to link a nearby
word. Go through example sentences for where and when
He sat on the chair.
● There is some milk in the fridge.
● She was hiding under the table.
● The cat jumped off the counter.
● He drove over the bridge.
● She lost her ring at the beach.
● The book belongs to Anthony.
● They were sitting by the tree.
● Taking notes during the meeting
● Spoken with confidence

Illicit these words:

above, about, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below,
beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside,
into, like, near, of, off, on, since, to, toward, through, under, until, up, upon, with,

Illicit use of prepositions: 10 mins

​ Use 'to' with verbs of movement. She drove to the store./He walked
to the park.
​ Use 'at' with places within a city with verbs that do NOT express
movement. I'll meet you at the shopping mall./I like to relax at
home on the weekend.
​ Use 'on' with surfaces, both horizontal and vertical. That's a
beautiful picture on the wall./I like the vase on the table.
​ Use 'into', 'out of' and 'onto' to express movement from one place to
another. She drove out of the garage./Please put the keys onto the
​ Use 'in' with months, years, cities, states, and countries. She lives in
San Diego./I will see you in April.
​ Use 'at' with times of the day. Let's meet at five o'clock./I want to
begin the meeting at two.

Prepositions ‘fill in’ worksheet to consolidate 10 mins

Talk to each student about ‘a day in the life’ for them going as in depth as 20 mins
possible, note down key parts on board and try to flesh out a paragraph that
involves prepositions. Try out pick out any other difficulties they may have and
make them read out their paragraph, working on pronunciation skills. Lead into the
next activity.

Break 5 mins

Worksheet two ‘The world of work’ - go through initial questions and scenario and

Pronunciation: id, d and t. 15 mins

Recap the previous lesson on prepositions: 5 mins

​ Use 'to' with verbs of movement. She drove to the store./He

walked to the park.
​ Use 'at' with places within a city with verbs that do NOT
express movement. I'll meet you at the shopping mall./I like to
relax at home on the weekend.
​ Use 'on' with surfaces, both horizontal and vertical. That's
a beautiful picture on the wall./I like the vase on the table.
​ Use 'into', 'out of' and 'onto' to express movement from
one place to another. She drove out of the garage./Please put
the keys onto the table.
​ Use 'in' with months, years, cities, states, and countries.
She lives in San Diego./I will see you in April.
​ Use 'at' with times of the day. Let's meet at five o'clock./I want
to begin the meeting at two.
Illicit the types of prep. By giving examples first.

Go through the worksheet again briefly,

Follow with: Talk to each student about ‘a day in the life’ for them going as in
depth as possible, note down key parts on board and try to flesh out a paragraph
that involves prepositions. Try out pick out any other difficulties they may have
and make them read out their paragraph, working on pronunciation skills.

Full list of prep to use in the paragraph:

● above
● across
● after
● against
● among
● around
● at
● before
● behind
● below
● beside
● between
● by
● down
● during
● for
● from
● in
● inside
● into
● near
● of
● off
● on
● out
● over
● through
● to
● toward
● under
● up

Lead into phrasal verbs

Phrasal verbs are verbs used with another word (an adverb or
preposition) to create a commonly used phrase.
Phrasal verbs are idiomatic — you can’t guess the meaning of a phrasal
verb by interpreting each of the words it contains literally. For example, if
you say, “I’ll look into the mirror,” you are going to direct your sight to a
mirror. In this case, look into is not a phrasal verb; it’s simply a verb
followed by a preposition. On the other hand, if you say, “I don’t know
what phrasal verbs are, but I’ll look into it,” you are not directing your sight
into phrasal verbs—you are going to find out more about them.

Explain basic phrasal verbs and try to illicit the meaning

Move onto phrasal verbs relevant to business English:

I was called in (= asked to do something) by my boss.
1. I need to catch up (=do something that should be done) with my

2. We are putting in (give) hours and hours.

3. They won’t give up (=abandon) their demands.

4. We shouldn’t give in (=surrender) to bully tactics.

5. Do you think they picked up (=receive) the message?

6. I will need to get back to you (=reply) on that.

7. Can we work something out (=agree) here?

8. I agreed to step in (=take their place)for my boss.

9. You need to run this by (=tell) the client.

10. Who set this up (=arranged)?

11. My colleague said they would put in a good word (=say something
positive) for me .

12. That team always stick up for (=support) each other.

13. I don’t know who to turn to (=get help from).

14. You can always count on (=depend on) me.

15. #1 – draw up. To draw up an agreement, a contract, a list, etc. ...
16. #2 – get ahead. ...
17. #3 – burn out. ...
18. #4 – (not) measure up. ...
19. #5 – zero in on. ...
20. #6 – lay off. ...
21. #7 – pencil in. ...
22. #8 – close down.

Discussion: examples of times where the student may have experienced

these. Use this to reinforce.

Listening exercise:

Follow up with role play scenario between student - teacher to incorporate

phrasal verbs into casual talk.

Listening exercise -

Teach vocab first
Go through comprehension questions after listening

Pronunciation if there’s time left

OR use the last tab to do a competitive game, listening to the pronunciation of

each word (first to ten)

Lesson plan - Absolute beginner

Start with intro to basic greetings:

Hello/Hi - Hola
How are you? - como estas?
What's your name? - como te llamas?
Where are you from? - De donde eres?
What are you doing today? - Que haces hoy

Repeat and do interview style back and forth.

Days of the week: lunes,martes, miercoles, jueves, viernes, sabado,domingo

Today is, yesterday was, tomorrow will be : hoy es, ayer fue, manana sera

having students repeat while you point to each word. I sometimes have cards with the names of the
days printed and hold them up so students can practice telling me how to spell the word as I write it
on the board. Using these same cards, you can cover parts of the word and sound them out for
students and have them repeat, then say the whole word, and practice placing 4-5 out and saying
"Show me Tuesday..." etc. and later have them put days of the week in order.

Colours: verde, rojo azul, blanco, negro, amrillo

Link phonics here to the previous vocab used and recap.

● Phonics - Alphabet is great and all but knowing the alphabet doesn't lead to literacy,
phonics does. Choose a vowel sound to practice, like short A, and using alphabet
cards, practice a few consonants and your vowel which can be arranged to make short
words, like bat, pat, cat, sat, hat etc. Hold up a card and say "buh - baby" a few times.
Students may say the letter name B and you can say "Name B, sound (while gesturing
to your ear) buh, baby" etc. Place the letter down, then hold up the end sound "t -
table" and do the same thing. Then hold up the vowel and say "ah - apple" and place it
between the letters. Repeat each sound pointing to the cards and then blend them
together, "bat." Have students repeat. From here, practice a few new beginning
consonants and make new words (cat, pat, etc.) Place the beginning consonants out in
a row and keep "at" where it is and say "Show me cat" and have students slide the
right consonant up, etc. Next lesson, review all these then add new consonants or a
new vowel. Eventually after having students manipulate the cards to make the sounds,
give them "whiteboards" (sheet protectors with cardstock inserted and an expo
marker) and dictate the same words in random order for them to write.

I would like - quisiera

Una dos tres quatro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez

Cual es tu fruta favorita?

Sunny soleada
Windy ventosa
Cold fria

Today - hoy

Sentence structure:


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