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1. Why is it important to know the different generations of computers and their

- Generation of computer technology refers to the changes made in the
computers technology over the time. Earlier, computer used to be a big machine
with a lot of heavy wiring, whereas nowadays, a computer can be carried in
hands. Initially, the changes made were limited to those made in hardware
technology. However, now it includes both hardware and software
developments. The table given below shows the five generation of computers.

2. Do computer networks nowadays have a potential threat to us users? Why or

why not? (Site at least one (1) example).
- Yes, like taking cyber, security seriously can help mitigate the changes of
your company becoming a victim of data breaches and losing money and time
and viruses can damage your software.

3. Does the advent of Artificial intelligence have a positive or negative effect on

us? Why or why not? (Site an example on its potential advantage and potential
- This is one of the biggest advantages of Artificial intelligence. We can
overcome many risky limitations of humans by developing an AI Robot,
which in turn can do the risky things for us.
* high cost of creation
*making human lazy
* unemployment
*no emotion
*lacking out of box thingking

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