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What is ICT?

● Information and communication technologies (ICT) is defined as a diverse

set of technological tools and resources used to transmit, store, create,
share or exchange information.
1. List down the technology invented in different computer generations:
● ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC, IBM-701, and IBM-650.
2. How does ICT affect your life?
● ICT has a significant impact on my life because it makes me more helpful
and handy for both myself and other people. For instance, you could use a
computer, the internet, or other gadgets to send someone a message
immediately with one tap rather than sending them a letter through fax.

B. Watch the videos (click the link) below and write your thoughts about the
subject matter.
1. In order to demonstrate the many ways that IT helps us, the movie used the
example of an ATM, which enables us to withdraw cash and speeds up and
simplifies processes.
2. Artificial intelligence (AI) is being used in our daily lives, which has both many
benefits and drawbacks. AI may make our lives easier and more convenient by
assisting us with tasks for which they have been trained. Robots or Al, however,
can be destroyed and are limited in what they can accomplish.
3. We may employ robotic process automation to aid us with other aspects of daily
living, like solving mathematical issues.

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