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Activity 1


Directions: Briefly explain the following statement/question. You may submit your answers personally or through
email or messenger.

1. Describe the ICT Hierarchy of Colrain Zuppo.

Answer: The term information and communications technology or ICT according to Zuppo (2012) can be defined
as “a combination of communication applications, procedures and devices that include phones, computer and
network hardware and software”. However, this definition was too broad that Zuppo made an ICT hierarchy to
identify key aspects such as ICT in economic development, economic sector, education and business/IT.

ICT is universal and access to relatively affordable and somewhat effortless. This makes the demand
much higher as different sectors, industries, and organizations now also incorporate ICT in their daily business

2. Contrast IT from ICT.

Answer: IT refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cell phones,
computers, software, and other media applications and services enabling users to access, retrieve, store,
transmit, and manipulate information in a digital form.

ICT is a broader term for Information Technology and also used in general sense and is described as
using computers and other digital technologies to assist individuals or institutions in handling or using
information. It also supports activities involving information such as gathering, processing, storing and presenting

3. Discuss the role of technology in accomplishing your daily tasks.

Answer: No one can escape the absolute necessity of technology in our daily lives. Each of us is so heavily
dependent on technology that we cannot do anything easily without it. Technology is important because it is used
in all areas of life. When you contemplate your daily routine and count all the technology gadgets you consume in
just one day, you will realize how important technology is when you use Printing, Photography, Telegraph,
Telephone, Radio, Television, Computer, Transistor, Personal Computer, Internet, Artificial intelligence. With that
technology can not only help with the present but also bring the future closer.


Activity 2


Direction: Briefly explain the following statement/questions. You may submit your answers personally or through
email or messenger.

1. What are the differences between first and second-generation computers?

Answer: First Generation computers through the late (1940 - 1956) The computers were built using Vacuum
tubes, and the speed was measured in Milliseconds. E.g., a computer could perform 5,000 additions and 300
multiplications per second. The memory of these computers used electromagnetic relays, and all data
instructions were fed into the system from punched cards. The instructions were written in machine and
assembly languages.

Second Generation computers through the late (1956 - 1963) These were built using Transistors
invented by John Bardeen, William Shockley, and Walter Brattain at Bell laboratories in 1947. Their operation
speeds increased and were measured in Microseconds. E.g., a computer could perform 1 million additions per

2. Contrast input devices from output devices.

Answer: Input Device allow the computer to receive information from the user. The information is in language the
user can understand, and it will be changed into a form the computer can process. Examples: Keyboard, Mouse,
Microphone, Web Camera.

Output Device – transforms computer language into a form that can be read and easily understood by
man. Examples: monitor, printer, speakers

3. Why are computers considered powerful thinking machines?

Answer: First of all, they are super smart and they are capable of things that humans are not normally capable of.
Whatever. Artificial intelligence makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and
perform human-like tasks. To begin with, we look at what personalized details service of necessity, and any
essential features like coding. However, the arithmetic operation when you connect to a VPN computing machine
cannot be unseeable even on a router. Most laptops use an integrated graphic processor, which uses the
computer’s system memory power games. Powerful computing processors with the necessary power to cool
high-end processors. Almost everyone agrees for that.


Activity 3


Directions: Briefly explain the following statement/questions. You may submit your answers personally or through
email or messenger.

1. Describe the impact of information age to our society.

Answer: The advent of the internet has revolutionized the world. A new global village has been created through
the communication and networking that occurs online. In this Information Age, beginning from the widespread
use of the Internet in the mid of 1990’s. Most people argue that the Information Age has improved various
aspects of everyday life and also to the society. Many items are attainable online such as books, health care,
movie and airline tickets, construction materials, music, and electronic devices. Some of these items can be
purchased cheaper online rather than at a store or in person. People also keep contact with one and another
through electronic mail, preventing the need of traveling great distances to see friends and relatives. Most kids in
contemporary society are more experienced with computers than ever before and are connected to Internet,
encouraging independence and self-sufficiency.

2. How does technology affect our communication?

Answer: Technology affects communication by making it easier, quicker, more efficient. It allows you to track
conversations and therefore provide better customer service. Tech also makes it easier to gather customer
insights and improve the entire customer experience.

3. Contrast handheld computers from wearable computers.

Answer: Handheld Computers. Also known as personal digital assistants (PDAs) are small, portable devices that
offer users many of the same features and capabilities as desktop computers at a fraction of the size. Although
the terms “handheld computer” and “PDA” are often used interchangeably, handhelds tend to be larger and
feature miniature keyboards. In contrast, PDAs tend to be smaller and rely on a touch screen and stylus for data

Wearable Computers. A wearable computer is any small technological device capable of storing and
processing data that can be worn on the body. Wearable computers are designed for accessibility and
convenience, as well as improvements to workplaces by making information quickly and readily available to the


Activity 4


Directions: Briefly explain the following statements. You may submit your answers personally

or through email or messenger.

1. Describe the impact of ICT on individuals, organizations and society.

Answer: ICT has contributed a lot to change our everyday life such as letter to email, shopping on online
through shopping application, classroom learning and many more. However, ICT brings positive and
negative effects. It improves education, access to information and security. But it also have a negative
impact which it reduced personal interaction and physical activity, Job loss or increase un employment
such as multiply workers, shipping or freight services and automation through robots and machine and
lastly security. ICT really influence or has a big impact on individual, organizations and society in every
aspect of our lives. ICT does not only made our life easier but somehow a bit harder because of some
disadvantage or negative effect of the ICT.

2. Explain why security became a positive and at the same time a negative effect of ICT.
Answer: When we say security it is our safety. Through our social media accounts we put our
informations such as our names, location and even some of our confidentials information. Security
became a positve effet on ICT because of security measure on application like the use of encryption
methods to keep and protect data from any malicious software, the use of password for personal
information protection and development of physical security such as biometrics in a form fingerprint,
facial recognition, iris (eye) recognition and voice recognition. However it also has a negative impact at
the same time because it brings threat to security. Internet connection must always be safeguarded
from different attacks such as data modification, identity/IP address spoofing, password-based attacks,
denial of service


Activity 5


Directions: Briefly explain the following questions. You may submit your answers personally or

through email or messenger.

1. What is the use of number system in computers?

Answer: The use of numer system in computers are counting, measuring and computing. Number
system defined as a system of writing to express numbers. Number system is a mathematical notation
for representing numbers of a given set by using digits or other symbols in a consistent manner. It
provides a unique representation of every number and represents the arithmetic and algebraic structure
of the figures.

2. What is the purpose of the ASCII character set?

Answer: ASCII Is abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character
encoding standard for electronic communication. ASCII codes represent text in computers,
telecommunications equipment, and other devices. It uses numeric codes to represent characters.
These include upper and lowercase English letters, numbers, and punctuation symbols.

3. Why is the width of the data bus so important to the processing speed of a computer?

Answer: A data bus carries the data between the processor and other components. The data bus is
bidirectional. It has many different features, but one of the most important features is its bus width. The
width of a data bus refers to the number of bits that the bus can carry at a time.

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