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In a moment of anger, I stormed out,

Fuming with rage, no doubt.
I thought I knew best, but little did I know,
That the experience ahead would humble me so.

I stumbled upon a homeless man on the street,

Looking worn and defeated, with nothing to eat.
My anger dissipated, replaced with sadness and shame,
As I realized the life that he had to claim.

The man looked up, his eyes filled with despair,

And for a moment, we both stood there.
I felt the weight of my privilege and luck,
And how easily I could be down on my luck.

In that moment, my heart was humbled,

And my thoughts, once angry, crumbled.
I realized the true extent of my blessings,
And how easy it is to take them for granted.

From that day on, I vowed to do my part,

To help those in need, to make a start.
For the experience humbled, saddened, and angered me,
And showed me the person I wanted to be.

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