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Quiz 3

- The zero padding extends the non-zero value by changing the value of the entire signal through
rounding of

Select one: False

- DFT property which shows that a signal in time domain and frequency domain is a result of a shifted by
N samples.

Select one: Periodicity

- The magnitude response of a rectangular pulse is a sine function.

Select one: False

- The value of y(n) in DFT can be determined using N point DFT

Select one: False

- When ω = π, this corresponds to the____ possible rate of oscillation.

Select one: Highest

- Find the DTFT of the discrete time signal x(n) = [1, 0, -1, 0]

Select one: X(k) = [0 2 0 2]

- The zero padding extends the non-zero value without changing the value of theentire signal

Select one: True?

- In DFT multiplication in the time domain is circular convolution to the frequency domain

Select one: True?

- DFT provides a discrete frequency representation of infinite-duration sequence in the frequency


Select one: True?

- Which among the following steps are not included in FFT algorithm?

Select one: Storing the signal x(n) into a row vector

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Quiz 4

- Region of convergence is the set of values of z where the value of X(z) will be_____

Select one: finite

- The equation that shows the relationship of the past output and present and past input samples and
the present output sample is called

Select one: Diference equation

- An exponential sequence can be expressed as an arithmetic series.

Select one: False

- What is the z-transform of the signal x(n) = 0.5 δ(n-3)?

Select one: 0.5 𝑧^(−3)

- Generally, for a finite duration two-sided signal, the region of convergence is

Select one: Entire z plane except 0 and ∞

- A Z-transform has limits from 0 to positive infinity is called a rational Z-transform.

Select one: False

- The z transform of the signal is given by X(z) =z/(z-0.3) , its inverse z is:

x(n) = 0.3^n u(n)

- The exponent of z of an advanced impulse is positive.

Select one: True

- The ROC of is 2/(1-z^(-1))

Select one:z>1

- Generally, for a finite duration causal signal, the region of convergence is

Select one: Entire z plane except 0

- The Z-transform of convolution is multiplication.

Select one: True

- A Z-transform has limits from 0 to positive infinity is called unilateral Z-transform.

Select one: True

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- The ROC of x(n) = δ(n+1) - δ(n-1) is:

Select one: All except z= 0 and ∞

- The inverse z-transform of X(z) = z – z-1 + z -2 is:

Select one: x(n) = δ(n+1 ) - δ(n-1 ) + δ(n-2 )

- The ROC of X(z) = z – z-1 + z -2 is:

Select one: all except z= 0 and ∞

- A property of Z-Transform which involves scaling is referred to as

Select one: Homogeneity

- The Z-transform of convolution is a circular convolution.

Select one: False

- The value of z is the equivalent to the complex value in Fourier Transform if r = 1.

Select one: True

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- The ROC of X(z) = z – z-1 + z -2 is:

Select one: a. all except z= 0 and ∞

- An exponential sequence can be expressed as an arithmetic series.

Select one: False

- The Z-transform of convolution is multiplication.

Select one:True

- The value of z is the equivalent to the complex value in Fourier Transform if r = 1.

Select one: True

- Generally, for a finite duration anti-causal signal, the region of convergence is

Select one: Entire z plane except ∞

- The magnitude response of a rectangular pulse is a sine function.

Select one: False

- The output of Discrete Time Fourier transform is continuous periodic.

Select one:True

- The magnitude response of a rectangular pulse is a sinc function.

Select one:True

- A property of Z-Transform which involves scaling is referred to as

Select one: Homogeneity

- What is the z-transform of the signal x(n) = 0.5 δ(n-3)?

Select one: = 0.5z^-3

- Multiplication of two sequences in time-domain is _______ in frequency domain

Select one: Convolution

- The analysis and synthesis equation for Fourier Series of continuous periodic signals is equivalent to N
point DFT and the inverse DFT, respectively

Select one:True

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- DFT property which shows that a signal in time domain and frequency domain is a result of a shifted by
N samples.

Select one: Periodicity

- The input and output of Discrete Fourier transform is discrete and finite.

Select one: True

- Find the DFT of x(n) = [ -1 1 1 -1]

Select one: X(k) = [0,-2 - 2j, 0,-2 + 2j]

- When ω = π this corresponds to the____ possible rate of oscillation.

Select one: Highest

- Which among the following steps are not included in FFT algorithm?

Select one: Storing the signal x(n) into a row vector

- In DFT multiplication in the time domain is multiplication in the frequency domain

Select one: False

- Property of DFT which shows additivity and scaling.

Select one: Linearity

- If x(n) = [ 1 1 0 0 0.5] for 0 ≤ n ≤ 4, the z- transform of the signal is

Select one: X(z) = 1 + z-1 + 0.5 z-4

- A signal defined as x(n) = nan u(n) has an ROC at

Select one: |z| > |a|

- The zero padding extends the non-zero value by changing the value of the entire signal through
rounding of

Select one: False

- The ROC of x(n) = δ(n+1) - δ(n-1) is:

Select one: All except z= 0 and ∞

- The value of y(n) in DFT can be determined using Inverse Fourier Transform

Select one: True

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- An exponential sequence can be expressed as a geometric series.

Select one: True?

- Find the DTFT of the signal x[n] = 0.9n u[n]

Select one:1/(1-0.9e^-jw)

- A property of Z-Transform which involves ashift in the input will have a corresponding shift in the

Select one: Shift invariance

- The inverse z-transform of X(z) = z – z-1 + z -2 is:

Select one: x(n) = δ(n+1 ) - δ(n-1 ) + δ(n-2 )

- Region of convergence is the set of values of z where the value of X(z) will be_____

Select one: finite

- DFT provides a discrete frequency representation of infinite-duration sequence in the frequency


Select one: False

- The z transform of the signal is given by X(z) =z/z-0.3 , its inverse z is:

Select one: a. x(n) = 0.3^n u(n)

- Find the DFT of the discrete time signal x(n) = [j, 1, -j, 1]

Select one: X(k) = [2, 2j, -2, 2j ]

- The value of y(n) in DFT can be determined using N point DFT

Select one:False

- The frequency ranges of DFT is

Select one: -π to π

- A Z-transform has limits from 0 to positive infinity is called a rational Z-transform.

Select one:False

- DFT provides a discrete frequency representation of a finite-duration sequence in the frequency


Select one: True

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- Find the DTFT of the discrete time signal x(n) = [1, 0, -1, 0]

Select one: X(k) = [0 2 0 2]

- Time reversal property is similar to the

Select one: Shifting property?

- Find the DFT of the discrete time signal x(n) = [j, 1, -j, 1]

Select one: X(k) = [2, 2j, -2, 2j ]

- The output of Discrete Time Fourier transform is discreteand finite.

Select one: False

- What is the functional representation of the discrete signal x(n) = [… 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 …]?

Select one: 1, 0<= n <=2; 0 otherwise

- The DTFT of x[n] = 0.2 n u[-n]

Select one: converge?

- The frequency range of discrete-time signals is

Select one: . Finite

- The exponent of z of an advanced impulse is positive.

Select one: True

- Find the DFT of the discrete time signal x(n) = [1, 1, 1, 1]

Select one: X(k) = [4, 0, 0, 0 ]

- What is the z-transform of the signal x(n) = 0.5 u(n) ?

Select one: wtf???

- A Z-transform has limits from 0 to positive infinity is called unilateral Z-transform.

Select one: True

- A property which shows that x(n) in time domain is X(k) in frequency domain

Select one: Notation

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- What is the sequence representation of the discrete signal described by the functional representation
given below?

Select one:[…00AAAAA00..]

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