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I’d like to talk about a commercial that I was very keen on watching.

It is a
commercial for electrical equipment of Green Electronics, a famous brand of electrical
equipment in Vietnam.
I remember that about 4-5 years ago. After having dinner, I turned on TV to watch
film and I saw that advertisement. Yellow and blue were main colors of that
advertisement. There were many people dance together and they all wore a same blue
outfit. That was the initial thing I impressed. And they sang a song. The lyrics of
advertisement were so short and simple. “If u want to buy TV, go to Blue Electronics. If
u want to buy fridge, go to Blue Electronic. If u want to buy washing machine, go to
I think it is persuasive because this was a creative ad that effectively delivered a
clear message to audience. In addition, after a long time, the frequency of advertising
appeared dense on TV and Internet, so whenever people mention about electrical
equipment, they all remember to B.E brand and if they want to buy electrical equipments.
they all go to stores of this brand to buy.

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