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1. Nilai : 6.5

Soal : agree disagree

Some people think living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree
or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Jawaban :

Rapid development in technology caused so many effects not only in fruitful aspects but also
in bad consequences, especially in cities. Some people believe that big urban areas have a
poor impact on its citizen such as on people's health. I completely agree with this opinion
and this essay will explain the reasons.

First of all, I believe that a big city contains so much air pollution since so many vehicles fulfill
an urban area by generating carbon dioxide emissions. As a result, that air pollution can
come into people's lungs and it will cause so many health problems. For instance, it can
cause a lot of diseases such as pneumonia, asthma, or even cancer. That's why air pollution
will cause some health problems to people who live there.

Secondly, almost all urban areas have perfect terrible traffic jams which make people live
there being stressed that will leads them not only to bad physical health but also to mental
health. Yet mental health is not as feasible as physical health, it will lead to the appearance
of other diseases. In the other words, people's anxiety which can result from traffic jams can
cause illnesses such as stomachache or even heart attack. Thus, traffic jam is harmful to
people's mental health.

To conclude, I strongly agree that a big urban area can lead people who live there into some
atrocious health conditions. The impacts are living in a city can affect not only people's
physical health but also their mental health.

2. Nilai: 6.0

Soal : problem solutions

The dangers of smoking are well known, yet many people continue with this habit.
What are the causes of this? How can we reduce smoking in society?
Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.
Answer :
Smoke cigarettes are a hotly-debated topic that generates health disasters such as
death and lung cancer yet people still love to do that activity. This essay will briefly discuss
the causes and the solutions to fallen the amount of society who has a smoking habit.
One of the biggest problems that generating people to keep smoking habit is an
addiction caused by nicotine that can influence the human brain and behavior. Moreover,
these substances would release fake happiness feeling in the neuron due to dopamine
substances generated by nicotine. As a consequence, people tend to repeat the daily
smoking habit since it is like a sweet escape from the hustle-bustle of their workplace.
Several solutions can overcome these problems. Firstly, the government can scare
society of the hazardous impact of the smoking habit. For instance, they can delineate a
picture of people who lost or damage their body tissue because of the smoking habit which
can make people feel disgusted and scared. Secondly, people who want to stop their bad
behavior to smoke can try to convert their daily activities to other activities that can make
them as happy as smoking a cigarette. For example, they can try to eat a lollipop or
chocolate that has a big similarity way in smoking a cigarette. Furthermore, society can make
them busier than before. As consequence, they will have no time to smoke which will lead
them to stop their terrible habit to smoke.
In conclusion, keeping a bad habit to smoke a cigarette caused by nicotine is an
addictive substance that leads them to feel happiness when smoking. There are several
solutions to overcome this problem such as changing activities and adding some activities for
people who are addicted to smoking.

3. Nilai : 6.125

Soal : Both side

Computers are now the basis of the modern world. They should therefore be introduced
into classrooms, and their programs used for direct teaching purposes. However,
dependence on computers in teaching may carry a certain degree of risk to students.
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Jawaban :
The rapid development of semiconductor material as an essential computer substance
generates a dramatic jump in computer growth. Some people believe that the teaching-
learning process should be included by the computer, while others say it has a hazardous
impact on the students. It is a hotly-debated issue. This essay will discuss both views of these
On the one hand, the usage of computers in the class helps the teacher explain the teaching
material, which is hard to understand. In other words, the students will quickly reach a
higher understanding of the teacher using the computer as a learning tool. For instance, in
the electrical engineering department, the Proteus software on the computer is commonly
used by the teacher to explain the electrical circuit to get the students' understanding
before they do an actual practice in the laboratory.
On the other hand, students can have various damage from the computer usage. Firstly, it
can destroy their vision since the computer monitors release the radiation. Secondly,
computer usage in a student society can fall their morality due to the terrible information on
the internet. For instance, they can see pornography or violence on the internet while their
teacher explains teaching materials.
To sum up, the usage of computers in the classroom helps the teacher improve the student's
understanding. However, it also has negative impacts on students, which can cause morality
or vision damage to themselves.

4. Nilai : 6.0
Minus :
a) Coherence and cohesion : 5.5
- Passage not structured in the logical paragraphs
- Not support main points with an explanation and then an example
- Not varying linking phrase using synonyms

b) Lexical resources
- Not vary the vocabulary using accurate synonyms
- Use more common question specific words that accurately convey meaning

c) Grammatical range
- Not use a variety of complex and simple sentences

d) Task achievement
- Not present relevant ideas

Soal : advantages disadvantages

Question :

The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent

language in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only
language to be spoken globally. What are the advantages and disadvantages to having one
language in the world?

Answer :

The rapid development in terms of technology stimulates globalization that provides

the easiness of traveling to other countries, which influences the way society communicates.
It is a hotly-debated issue that English will be the only language used worldwide due to the
fact that people nowadays often use it to communicate. This essay will discuss the
advantages and disadvantages of this problem.

On the one hand, using just one language in this globalization era has several
advantages. Firstly, society will easily understand each other. In other words, if people use
various languages, it will take enormous effort to learn other national languages. So, if they
have the same language to use, it will save much time and energy to learn other languages.
Secondly, there will be no language bias because of the fact that every language has its own
structure. However, no matter our understanding of learning other languages, it still a
probability of misunderstanding. So, it would be nice if we had the same language since it
would make a fine distinction structure in language.

On the other hand, if the world has the same language, it will cause several
disadvantages. Firstly, it will be boring. Imagine that we cannot learn other languages which
stand as a cultural symbols. Furthermore, it will discriminate against every nation's local
language as the heritage of native ancestors. If we do not preserve it, it will substantially
disappear. In other words, it will kill every nation's culture.

To conclude, having one language worldwide has several benefits and negative
impacts. It can be easier to use and has no bias in language usage globally. However, it still
has disadvantages such as boredom with language and discrimination against the ancient

5. Soal :
In some countries, an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a
result of eating too much fast food. It is therefore necessary for governments to impose a
higher tax on this kind of food. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Agree disagree

Nilai : 6.00

Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5

 Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
 ?
One main idea per paragraph
 Include an introduction and conclusion
 Support main points with an explanation and then an example
 Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
 Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resources: 5.5
 Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
 Use less common question specific words that accurately convey
 Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.5
 Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
 Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 7.0
 Answer all parts of the question
 ?
Present relevant ideas
 Fully explain these ideas
 Support ideas with relevant, specific examples

The modernization era impacts the lifestyle of numerous people, such as their
habits in eating. It is common for people to eat junk food nowadays, which affects a
significant growth in the number of people who experience terrible health diseases. Some
people believe that the stakeholders should give a higher tax on the fast-food selling due to
this problem. I completely agree with this statement, and this essay will explain the reasons.

Firstly, the high tax can help to reduce people's willingness to buy fast food. As a
result, the higher tax on junk food, the higher price will be. In other words, people will think
twice before buying junk food since it has bad consequences, both for health and finance.
For example, if the price of a portion of fast food was $10, then it would grow twice, and
society would think of other kinds of food which deal with price.

Secondly, it will increase the government's income and reduce the expense of the
nation. Tax is one of the most significant government revenue, so the increment of tax in
terms of junk food will be good for government finance. However, the increasing number of
people who are suffered from diseases causes expenses for healthcare subsidies to increase
dramatically since various kinds of diseases are caused by junk food. For instance, it causes a
heart illness and a serious stroke attack. Both of them appear since junk food has low
nutrients while it has high fat and calories.

To sum up, I believe that if the government raises the junk food tax, it will reduce
people's want to eat fast food. Moreover, it will be fruitful to the escalation of a nation's
income and the declining government expenses.

6. Nilai : 6

 Structure your answers in logical paragraphs

 ?
One main idea per paragraph
 Include an introduction and conclusion
 Support main points with an explanation and then an example
 Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
 Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
Lexical Resources: 5.5
 Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
 Use less common question specific words that accurately convey
 Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
Grammatical Range: 6.0
 Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
 Check your writing for errors
Task Achievement: 7.0
 Answer all parts of the question
 ?
Present relevant ideas
 Fully explain these ideas
 Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
Labels Descriptions
 ?
Currently is not available
 Meet the criteria
 Doesn't meet the criteria

Soal :

Some people believe that the higher a product is priced, the more likely it is that people will want to
buy it.

To what extent does price influence potential buyers?

What other factors influence people to buy a product?

Jawaban :

The rapid development of information technology has influenced how society makes a
decision on products that they want to buy. Some crowds believe that people tend to buy a thing
which has a higher price than others. This essay will discuss how big the price tag's impact on
customers' desires and various other reasons that influence society's decision to buy a product.

On the one hand, people tend to have a willingness to buy expensive items due to some
reasons. Firstly, the ability to purchase glamorous items is a kind of achievement that people want to
show to others. In other words, people will feel proud of themselves because of the fact that they
are feeling decadent. Secondly, there is a stereotype in some societies that the higher the price, the
higher the quality of that product. In fact, it is a reasonable thing since the high-quality products
need some exclusive materials, which are nearly always pricey.

On the other hand, several factors could influence people's desire to buy a product. First of all,
a ubiquitous advertisement would lead people to have a curiosity about that product. As a result,
they will easily purchase the product. Furthermore, good reviews from other people who have
chosen those products are essential in decision-making. For instance, a skincare product that has a
good review on the website will reach numerous sales than others.

To sum up, people bear to buy overpriced stuff since it shows their achievement and a
stereotype that the quality will follow the price. Moreover, several factors which influence people's
decision to purchase products is the advertisement and good reviews from the former user of the
7. Score :

Agree disagree

Soal :

Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree
or disagree with this statement?

Jawaban :

This rapid development of technology impacts various aspects in people’s life, such as their
lifestyle, their way of think, and their choices. Some people believe that todays, society have
numerous choices which leads to a confusing situation. I totally agree with this statement
and this essay will explain the reasons.

First of all, nowadays we face a lot of choices in information due to the fact that internet has
fulfilled this world with the ubiquitous data. As a result, we have to own the ability to
distinguish better and worse information, since we can find various data from several
sources. For example, if we want a reliable knowledge in the engineering field, we can meet
it in a book, a newspaper, or on the internet which everyone can write an article there.

Secondly, we also have the enormous range of foods due to the globalization era. In fact,
nowadays we can easily find other country’s cuisine just on our hand since we could
purchase it on some applications, such as grab, gojek, or shopee. Furthermore, we can make
it eas

To sum up,






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