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Super MOM, Super Ma’am

The past years with this pandemic were really a tough one most especially on our front liners in
line with health, uniformed personnel and of course, teachers.

How was really is it on our dear teachers? Most especially those who are also a parent? Was it
easy for them since they have work from home arrangements? Or they find it too hard to
manage both household and work at the same time? Did anyone ask them on how exhausted
are they now?

I, personally would say, being on a work from home mom is a blessing. Given that it is really
hard to maintain and manage both household and work at the same time. Blessing it is because
I have time with my kids, I have time to look after them and watch them grow, watch them
discover something new which I did not have this chance pre-pandemic times.

You cook while looking after your kids and at the same time answering queries of parents for
the learning modules of our students. Eating while attending virtual meetings at the same time
breastfeed the baby. Yes, we need to multitask, we need to exert extra effort to deliver
satisfaction on both work and household.

But, not all the time we can perfectly multitask, there will be days that my kids will have their
tantrums, my youngest doesn’t want to let go of me, they will keep on making mess and etc.

They sometimes call me monster mom when I get angry because of their stubbornness while I
am working. There will be times that I almost forgot to check on our group chats because I was
focused on my children.

But nevertheless, even with these difficulties and hardships on both working for the house and
school, I exert my all-out effort just to perform my duties and task.

Struggle is real for a Teacher mom with children of her own, keeping on being a good teacher, a
good mother. And yes indeed, I am a SUPER MOM, SUPER MA’AM.

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