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A coffee shop is a commercially managed food business that offers guests drinks or
snacks with in-house service informal atmosphere without being followed by a standard service
rule (as executive dining room), the types of food or their relative prices (Charles J.). The coffee
shop is also a retail industry that is currently booming where this coffee shop is not only limited
to offering products, but service is one of the more points that will be owned by every coffee
shop if the coffee shop provides these services well to every consumer. which exists. (Yazid
(1999)). Coffee Shop is a place (shop) that serves processed espresso coffee and small snacks.
(Atmodjo (2005)). According to Charles J coffee shop is a business in the field of food that
offers guests with standard service rules. Likewise, according to (Yazid, 1999) explains that the
more important point of a coffee shop is service to consumers, while according to (Atmodjo,
2005) a coffee shop is a shop that serves coffee drinks and snacks, snacks meant snacks.
associated with one's work. Use registers in language adapt to the environmental context and the
behavior of the wearer (Pateda, 2015:76). Register is a language that is only understood by
speakers in certain fields.(Suwardjono, 2004:1-3). One of the uses of registers in certain jobs is
registers which used by baristas. According to Otten Coffee Magazine etymologically, the word
barista comes from Italian for bartender, i.e. those who serve all kinds of drinks, isn't it only
coffee. However, along with the times and the entry of coffee trends into America and Europe,
he said this was later adopted into what we now know. While in Italy itself, baristas are called
with baristi (for men) or bariste (for women).

The research method is basically a scientific way to obtain data by specific purposes and
uses. Each research has a specific purpose and use. In general There are three types of research
objectives, namely discovery, verification, and development. Invention, means that the data
obtained from the research is data that is completely new, which was not previously available
ever known. Proof, means that the data obtained is used to prove the existence of doubts about
certain information or knowledge and development, means deepen and expand existing
knowledge” (Sugiyono 2017:2). The form of research used in this study is a qualitative method
 Qualitative research does not describe the form of calculation numbers, but displays the results
of data analysis obtained at the time of the study. The research uses a form of qualitative research
because: the object of the research study in accordance with the data. Qualitative analysis
focusing on language and meaning in their respective contexts and often describe it in the form
of words rather than in numbers” (Mahsun, 2012:257). The researcher's opinion regarding the
qualitative method here is a method with only explain the results of the analysis of the object
being studied in the form of exposure of the data found and which will be studied. The data in
this study are in the form of words, these words researchers obtained through the process of
observing (observation). The source of the data in this study is on Instagram through the hastag
coffee shop.
1. Data and data sources
The author's data source began to analyze the register in coffe shop from
collections on social media such as Instagram by identifying the sentences that were
included in the register compiled by the author.

2. Research Place
The research was conducted in the home room. Starting from looking for data
sources found on social media on Instagram.
3. Research Time
This research was conducted at the beginning of August 2022 on 20 until its

Finding and Disscusion

Based on the data found and discussed in this study, it is a form of barista register that
can be analyzed based on the process of its formation which consists of a single form, complex
form, affixation form, translator abbreviation form, and fragmentary form derived from the
source language used. In the process of its formation which consists of a single form, the form
complex, affixation form, translator's abbreviation form, and fragment form.


Kopi Tunggal - Bahasa Indonesia

V60 - Abreviasi Bahasa Inggris
Affogato - Abreviasi Bahasa Italia
Americano - Abreviasi Bahasa Italia
Cappucino - Abreviasi Bahasa Italia
Red Velvet - Abreviasi Bahasa Inggris
Latte - Abreviasi Bahasa Inggris
Esspresso - Abreviasi Bahasa Italia
Vietnam Drip - Abreviasi Bahasa Inggris
Coffee Cola - Abreviasi Bahasa Inggris
Flores Tunggal - Bahasa Indonesia
Toraja Tunggal - Bahasa Indonesia
Arabika Tunggal - Bahasa Indonesia

Based on the table above, it can be seen that there are 13 data registers used by coffee
shops on Instagram. The forms of registers found are 4 data in single form and 9 data in complex
form consisting of 9 data abbreviations translator. The sources of language used are English,
Indonesian, and Italian.
1. The Singular
The singular is the smallest grammatical unit. The basic word does not experience
a decrease in form, so the basic word is the base of the term in the form of derivatives In
the data there is a register that is used, namely the use of the word coffee. The word is
included in the register in the singular. The singular form of the word coffee.The above
can also be called a basic word because the root word is the smallest unit that cannot be
used divided again. Based on the KBBI, coffee means a tree that is widely grown in Asia,
Latin America, and Africa. Africa, the fruit is fried and finely ground to be used as an
ingredient. In line with KBBI, coffee According to barista terminology, it is a superior
variety in the form of roasted and used seeds the seeds to make a drink.
2. Translation Abbreviation
In carrying out the translation process, what must be considered is the similarity
and concept coherence. In addition, the field of meaning and the characteristics of the
meaning of foreign language terms also need to be considered. On the data contained a
register, namely the use of the word V60. Becausethe word V60 is a form of
abbreviation, V60 is an abbreviation of the letter V which means Filter and the number
60 which means 60 degrees. If interpreted in English Filter which means filter;but s;
filter; smart; technique; strainer; filter; filter; leak; pedestal. But iftranslated in a whole
form means coffee that is in the process of brewing.

Based on the results of the analysis and data findings that the authors have done in the
Register's research Coffee Shop On Instagram, in accordance with the formulation of the
problem the author draws conclusions as follows: following. First, the registration form in the
Coffee Shop menu on Instagram can be classified based on the process of forming the term and
the source of the term or language origin. Based on process its formation, the form of registers
found is a single form of 15 data and a form of complex as many as 14 data consisting of 1
affixation data, translator abbreviation 7 data, and 6 data in the form of revision. The source of
the language used comes from English Indonesian, and Italian. These findings indicate that the
barista register can be obtained through the process of its formation and also through the source
of the term or source of language. Considering that the barista register adopts many terms from a
foreign language, namely English and Italian, then knowledge of the register form on the coffee
shop menu can be an understanding for the customers coffee connoisseurs who still feel
unfamiliar with register terms.

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Pateda, Mansoer. 2015. Sosiolinguistik (Edisi Revisi). Bandung: CV Angkasa.
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