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When I am at elementary level social media is not too influential at all.

You can see many children that

are playing until they are exhausted .I am one of them, i’ve been experienced playing street games like
moro-moro,hide and seek,etc.,As time goes by internet or social media become more bigger than it
was .You can call in just one click ,get information without going and reading books in the library. I
remember when i was in gr7,all of my classmates are busy to add or to communicate using messenger.
Eventually I got too curious what is social media?what is facebook?how can people interact with that
kind of app? I tried it for the first time and that was so fascinating in just one click and you can video call
or message that person imagine if I were the one whom writing a letter and sending it to my love ones it
takes so many days or months even year before you receive the message..Throughout the 21 st
century,technological advances made our world to have interaction.These improvements impacted
millions of lives.Little did I not know that social media would become a vital part of my life and other as
years to come.

Every morning when I wake up,the first thing I do is ,I look at my phone and spend some time
viewing any messages,notifications and timeline on my social media. Once I do notice the time I quickly
start to get ready for my school afterwards.Until the pandemic happens when we’re not allowed to go
outside especially teenagers like me.I was totally devastated that I can’t go anywhere or do anything
outside our house,thinking what should I do for the whole day.My one and only option I do have is to
use my phone connect it on the internet then voila i can see anything in the social media.In spite of this
positive effects of using social media it has also a huge platform for a widely use of scamming people by
spreading fake news or sending a link that has a virus eventually it would spread throughout your device
and hacked your information.I was also a victim of what they called fishing,someone ask me to sign up
for their survey and after several minutes I cant access anymore my social media account.I was scared to
death because this can put me in danger and my family.First thing i did was telling what happened to my
friends “Can you access your acc”,”Does something happened after you cant access you acc?” asked by
my friends to me.After telling them all details prior to that accident that made me realize that I doesn’t
think before I click.I was too careless.

Since that day it

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