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Name: Mark Dwane Lumanga

Section: Grade 12 Saint Michael 1st Activity

People starts to become innovative making things to make life easier, creating things that
are very unusual and unexpected. At the old times they created fire which becomes the greatest
discoveries in the past. Then suddenly time is really fast approaching so does a person’s mind.
Many have been created, innovate and improved from a simple telephone to an easier and
upgraded way to communicate such as cellphones, pad’s and many more. Now, we have the
millennials, an era where technologies are highly valued and becoming vital in our society. As
much as we wanted these things arises, so does other problems occur starting from technologies.
Cyberbullying or simply cyber harassment is a type of bullying accompanied with the use
of technologies mostly computers and cellphones through social media cites such as Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram and many more affecting mostly teenagers who are under the influence of this
technologies. Since almost all of us use cellphones or other gadgets, it became more of a major
problem in our society as these issues became larger and larger that our community cannot stop it
from occurring.
Why does people cyberbully anyway? For fun, revenge, entertainment. People are
becoming prone to this gadget yet some of us don’t know how to use it in the right way. This
kind of bullying does not only affect the mental health of the person but also had a large impact
including in their physical and emotion of the person. Cyber bullying is not just a simple
problem with an easy solution. It is dangerous knowing that it can lead to death to the person
who are a victim of it. It may cause the person to feel unconfident, miserable and alone making
his or herself isolated from the person around him. It can also lead to trauma that may affect his
everyday routine and actions and when the person mentally broke down, it can lead to depression
or in more serious cases, suicide. As it leads to the death of a person, cyberbullying is not only
illegal but is also now considered a crime.
This is a very serious matter which if cannot be stop, it must be prevented from occurring
for it may destroy lives not just for a single person. I as a student and an individual have never
felt incidents like this yet I can see the person who have been a victim of this problem really
experience a lot. Some may have not survived and take their lives because of embarrassment and
depression. We need to stop this nonsense instead we bring down other people. Cyberbullying is
not for entertainment and revenge; it is very immoral knowing that it destroys life and the future
of the person who is a victim of it. Learn to keep their private life confidential. Social media is a
very large website that not only one person can see those unproper thing but the whole wide
world. “Think before you click”, its just a simple quotation but lots of meaning. These gadgets or
the social media cites are not to be are not to be used for those immoral things. We live in a very
advance era now that we can even read bible verses in our mobile phones. Use it to develop not
to bring down people. There is an etiquette way on how to use this and learn that in every action
has an opposite reaction. Make it a positive one.

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