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Francisco Xavier Custodio Zosa Liliana contreras 07/02/2023

1. Inferiority: Qué es. El complejo de inferioridad podemos definirlo como
un sentimiento constante e inconsciente, que implica sentimientos de
menosprecio a uno mismo, timidez, agresividad y sentimientos de
inadaptación. El complejo de inferioridad es la base de muchos
problemas educativos y de mucho sufrimiento humano .
2. Equality:
Equality is the identical treatment that an organism, state, company,
association, group or individual provides to people without any kind
of objection for race, sex, social class or other plausible circumstance
of difference or to make it more practical. , is the absence of any type
of discrimination
3. Superiority: The superiority complex is an unconscious mechanism in
which individuals try to compensate for feelings of inferiority,
highlighting those qualities in which they excel. It is logical to think
that each individual has positive and other negative aspects.

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