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In her Essay, “Five Faces of Oppression,” Iris Marion Young discussed that the concept
of oppression have evolved beyond discriminating someone. She argues that
oppression in not only a result of intentional acts by individual but a result of a complex
social structure, system, culture, and norms. Young discusses that the concept of
oppression is deeply ingrained in the society and is spread through everyday practice
and interaction. To reiterate Oppression moves from a simple act of an individual
intentionally discriminating someone to a more complex and broader forms of societal
2. According to Young, the oppression could manifest in 3 different dimensions:
unconscious, structural, and systematic. The unconscious dimension of oppression
refers to our internalized prejudices that we are not even aware of. The structural
dimension of oppression refers to the institutional , norms, and practices of a society that
reinforce inequality. This form of oppression can be seen in some social structures such
as education, employment, housing, and our legal system. The systematic dimension of
oppression refers to the way in which different forms of oppression are intertwined and
reinforce each other, creating a big impact on our marginalized groups. This systematic
oppression discusses that a person may experience multiple forms of oppression at the
same time simultaneously, based on race, gender, class, sexuality, and ability.
3. Young’s Account Acknowledges that oppression may create a privileged group from the
unequal treatment. This privileged group may not actively oppress others but they still
benefit from the existing systems. The article states that privilege can manifest in various
forms,such as more access to resources, social advantages, and cultural dominance.
Young argues that other people are more privileged than others is a key factor in
breaking down the oppressive culture. If we want to truly abolish oppression, it could
involve challenging the more privileged groups that involves redistributing power,
resources, and opportunities to create a more equal society.
4. My key takeaway in the article is that I recognize that there are different forms of
oppression and it extends beyond just a simple discrimination of a person based on their
race, gender, etc. it highlights the importance of understanding the structural and
systematic oppression in our society which are deeply ingrained to us unknowingly.
Young invites us to rethink and examine power relations and work to change them
towards a more inclusive and equitable society that dismantles oppressive systems.

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