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Raising a child is a full-time job. Thinking ahead about the challenges you’ll face and
the support you’ll need can help you prepare to be the best parent you can be. Therefore, if a
woman was suffering from undesired pregnancy, her child will carry all the burden, and all of
the challenges that he/she might go through. Which is much worse than having an abortion.
Carrying the child for almost 9 months that you never wanted, and you are not emotionally
and mentally prepared.

I myself agree with the idea of Abortion, because The legal situation of abortion in a
country does not influence the abortion rate, but illegality is associated with a much greater
risk of complications and death. Some might argue that we already know why a woman
obtains an abortion—she does not want the pregnancy—and that we need look no further.
However, while at one level almost all abortions result from unintended pregnancies, some of
them are victims of sexual molestation.

Some might argue that “killing actual persons is wrong because it unjustly deprives the
victim of his or her future; that the fetus has a future”. But how will you secure the bright
future of that fetus if first of all her mother wasn’t financially, mentally and emotionally
prepared. Because one of the second most common reasons why women seeks abortion
includes poverty, and relationship problems with their partners. And as you might say, why do
they have sex if they are not ready for a child? Well one of the cause of unintended pregnancy
was the contraceptive failure. Contraceptive use does not necessarily provide complete
protection against pregnancy; each method can fail, even when it is used perfectly. U.S. data
from the late 1980s, for example, show that the estimated first-year failure rate for the pill is
8%, while that for the condom is 15%.

It is essential for understanding the context within which women seek abortion.
According to my research the most commonly reported reason women cite for having an
abortion is to postpone or stop childbearing. The second most common reason—
socioeconomic concerns—includes disruption of education or employment, lack of support
from the father, desire to provide schooling for existing children, and poverty, unemployment
or inability to afford additional children. In addition, relationship problems with a husband or
partner and a woman's perception that she is too young constitute other important categories of
reasons. Women's characteristics are associated with their reasons for having an abortion:
With few exceptions, older women and married women are the most likely to identify limiting
childbearing as their main reason for abortion.
Some women who had been gone through the procedure of abortion receives judgement
from other people and it often leads to discriminatory. But do you know that Crminalization of
abortion violates the Fundamental Human Rights of Women and girls. Because lacking of
equal access to a safe and dignified health care services of a women whos suffering from
undesired pregnancy is “discriminatory”. Which is against the Article 12 of Convention on
the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). On the Article
121 it was stated that “Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate discrimination
against women in the field of health care in order to ensure, on a basis of equality of men and
women, access to health care services, including those related to family planning”.Meaning
the women should have an equal access to a safe health care services in order to have an
equality of men and women.

But why do other genders intervene in the issue of abortion?

People other than women need access to abortion care. Some bisexual transgender
non-binary person, can become pregnant. They are not a woman and yet, They need access to
abortion care. Access to abortion would be a matter of lifesaving health care. The fight for
abortion rights and LGBTQ+ rights go hand in hand because they are both ultimately about
protecting our bodily autonomy. Lesbians, bisexuals, trans people, queer people and yes, some
trans gay men, can experience pregnancy and deserve control over if, when, and how they
become pregnant, and whether or not they stay pregnant.

In general, it can be concluded that the illegalization of abortion is associated with a

much greater risk of complications and death of the womens who seeks for abortion. It was
proven that abortion poses many risks to the woman that not only endangers her life, but also
the life of the baby. The risks range from physical to psychological, because it can affect their
Mental Health. The woman should have a freedom to choice and decide in her own body.

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