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Interviews A student-focused strategy

Developed by Viola Spolin (1986, 1999), character

interviews are designed to allow students to imagine
themselves as characters in a literary text. This
activity has students role-play as characters from
the text and interviewers (Maxwell et al., 94).

partner collaboration
social-emotional learning
in-depth character analysis
textual evidence
written and oral language skills

This method is best designed to serve

students in a general education English or
history classroom. This activity could be
adapted for students with specific learning
needs or an online setting.

In an English classroom...
Using the assigned text, in partners, students will
write interview questions for characters in the text.
Taking turns, students will ask each other the
questions while role-playing as an interviewer and
chosen characters from the text.
Example: The Outsiders

podcast/audio recording

Maxwell, R. J., Meiser, M. J., & McKnight, K. S. (2011). Teaching English in Middle and Secondary Schools. Pearson.

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