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Types of Polygyny:

Sororal Polygyny: Sororal is a type of polygyny

form of marriage in which one man marries two
or more wives who are related as sisters.
Non-Sororal Polygyny: Non-Sororal is a type of
polygyny form of marriage in which one man
marries two or more wives who are not related
as sisters.

Causes of Practicing Polygyny:

The practice of polygyny becomes common in a

society where there are more women as
compared to men which creates an imbalance in
the sex ratio.
People practice polygyny for economic benefit.
In some of the African Tribes like Longas and
Thongas people practice polygyny thinking that
women can contribute to family income.
Many people practice polygyny marriage to
enjoy sex life with multiple wives because sex
relation with a woman during her menstrual,
pregnancy, and lactation periods is taboo in
many societies.
Many people practice polygyny because of the
childlessness of the first wife.

Disadvantages of Polygyny:

H i i l d t hild

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