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First of all, what is polygamy? Polygamy is a practice of marrying multiple spouses, word
polygamy is from Late Greek its polygamía means state to marriage many spouses. Polyandry is
a condition when woman married more than one husband at a time. The opposite of polygamy is
monogamy, when marriage just with two parties.

The positive side of polygamy is like, when one wife is can’t get pregnant because of health
issues or other, the other one can pregnant to make descent so the offspring doesn’t stop there, or
polygamy contain saving factor, the initiative to protect also as a honor for existence and dignity
to the women (Ariij binti Abdur Rahman as-Sanan, 2006).

In contrast, polygamy has lot of negative, such as when one wife feels like not satisfied with
equity of her husband, this can make jealousy within wives. With that jealousy, it can trigger an
abusive situation to their children. Polygamy can be really bad if the husband can’t provide the
equity within the family, the children, and the wives.

In Islam –which is my religion– the polygamy is not illegal, you can do polygamy up to a total
four wives if you are equally enough to all of your wives financially and in terms of support
given to each wife. That is really hard to do, human never justly enough to other human. In Islam
polygamy is legal when there are under reasonable and warranted condition. However, Islam
advises monogamy for a man if he fears he can’t deal justly with his wives.

Many peoples now, have wrong definition about the polygamy in Islam. They are just know that,
polygamy is just married the young woman, they just fulfill their desires in sex with young
woman. In fact, if you want do polygamy you should do it with woman who doesn’t have support
with their financial such as widow. And many peoples who do the polygamy claim that they can
deal justly with their wives, in fact, deal justly to other people is hard to do.

Prophet Muhammad SAW had a total of nine wives, but not all at same time, depending on the
sources of his lifetime. Khadija, his first wife, they are married for 25 years, until Khadija died.
After her death, Muhammad SAW married multiple women, but mostly widows. He gives
financial protection to those widows by marries them.

Polygamy is not Sunnah, I mean, yea, that is a prophet’s sunnah, but do it with the right way, and
the prophet’s Sunnah isn’t just polygamy, you can gain pahala with other way, you can chase
heaven with other way.

I absolutely on the opposite of polygamy. Polygamy is not a great way to chase heaven. Don’t do
it for just fulfill your desire to sex. Think about your spouse’s feeling, think about your child’s
feeling. If you want to help widow who doesn’t have support with their financial, you can help
her financial by send them money, with your wife’s permission of course. And if your economy
isn’t that good, don’t do polygamy. Because, if you are do polygamy you will support multiple
wives, and it’s really need high financial.

Muhammad Rafindra F.


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