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Labor and Delivery Journal

Michaela Watkins

Centofanti School of Nursing, Youngstown State University

NURS 3731: Childbearing Family and Women’s Health Nursing

Mrs. McClusky

March 3, 2022

Overall Clinical Experience

Today at clinical I observed a cesarean (c-section) delivery. This was a great experience

and awesome learning opportunity. The mother was a G5 T1 P1 A3 L1. On admission she was

not dilated, 50% effaced, and presenting at -2cm station. Her contractions were strong and

occurring every 3-5 minutes. The fetal heart tones were at 120 BPM with normal variability.

This was a planned c-section due to the patient having a previous one. Some of the medications

that were given during the labor experience were fentanyl, bupivacaine, phenylephrine, Zofran,

and Pitocin. Shortly after I arrived, the nurses began to take the patient to the OR. Then, the

patient received a spinal tap, which was very interesting to see. A nursing diagnosis that was

utilized during this time was anxiety. During the spinal procedure, the mother was nervous. An

intervention that was performed by one of the nurses was support and words of

encouragement throughout the process. Also, the nursing diagnosis of acute pain with the

intervention of pain medications was used.

After the physician made his first incision, the whole process only took about 5 minutes.

The physician and first assist lead the procedure. After stretching the abdominal skin and

cutting through some fatty tissue and muscle, the baby was pulled out. Official delivery time

was 0907 and the baby boy weighed 9 pounds, 3 ounces. The baby was brought to the infant

warmer where he was wiped off, administered a Vitamin K injection, given erythromycin eye

ointment, and received a set of vitals. Also, the APGAR assessment was performed with scores

of 8 and 9. While this was happening, the mother delivered her placenta, and the physician

began to suture her back up. In about 15-20 minutes, the mother and her baby were off to their


Course Objective and Learning Experiences

The most significant learning experience that I saw during this c-section is letting the

mother be involved during the procedure. Cesarean deliveries pose a risk for lack of bonding

between mother and baby, as they don’t get the initial skin to skin contact. During the

procedure, the physician and nurses were talking with mother and treated her as more than

just a patient. Also, as soon as the baby was delivered, then physician held the baby up to show

the parents. As soon as the mother was able to, she got to hold her son. The only thing that

could have improved the initial bonding was the use of the joey band. I heard a lot about the

joey band, so I was disappointed I didn’t get to see it be used. Overall, I enjoyed this experience

and learned a lot.

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