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On the previous weeks, Ma’am Helen used digital monitor to

present her lesson. This involves the explanation of the topic she
is going to discuss and through this way, the students were
highly interested to listen, learn and share ideas.

Ma’am Helen lets her students participate during discussions by

asking questions about the lesson
and also letting them work in groups.
The teacher incorporates rules and regulations inside the
classroom to foster good discipline and
address bad behaviors.
The teacher demonstrated good attitude towards teaching. She
shows eagerness and positive characteristic while teaching the
class like praising students with a smile and even making
statements that made the students laugh and smile too.

The teacher recapitulates their previous lesson and lets the

students relate or connect it to the
new lesson that they are going to discuss
The teacher sets or formulates learning outcomes that are highly
relevant to students’ life and that will reflect real-life situations.

I don’t have an opportunity to observe the integrated teaching

approach implemented by
our resource teacher.

For me, there is no best method of teaching because it all depends on how a teacher implement or use it in his/her classroom.
I believe, some methods of teaching are/is effective than the others but it doesn’t mean that they are the best method of teaching yet
because just like what I’ve said, it all depends on the situation and also in a particular lesson or topic, types of students and the
capacity of the teacher to implement a certain teaching method.

Teaching strategies are very important for a teacher to have a proper and effective teaching and to achieve the
lesson’s learning objectives. To select an appropriate strategy for a lesson, teachers should have enough knowledge of the subject
matter that he/she will teach. The teacher should study and plan the lesson, know the students well specially their abilities,
characteristics and learning types, formulate appropriate learning objectives that are relevant to students, plan for different
classroom activities that will enhance students development and knowledge as well as to provide assessment that are appropriate
to the lesson and can highly increase students’ thinking abilities. I believe, these steps will allow teachers to properly select
strategy/ies that will best suit his/her capabilities and to the lesson they are going to teach.

Our resource teacher, ma’am Arado, did not state the learning objectives before she began teaching
the class. After she greet the students, she then introduced their new lesson for that specific day by
conducting a review or recapitulation of their previous discussion beforehand. After which she had
motivation about her topic then ask question with relation to the discussion outcome then present the
learning objectives.

Based on my observation, ma’am Arado used lecture method and an inquiry

method or the formulation of questions. These teaching-learning activities helped her to attain her
lesson objectives because as I have observed, she effectively discussed the topic while
encouraging students participation that increased their learning and also, the students evidently
demonstrated knowledge of the topic by having opportunities to share their ideas or insights.

Yes, all the tasks given by the teacher were aligned to the lesson objectives. The
resource teacher gave a group differentiated activity (as an assessment) to share their knowledge or
insights about the topic they have discussed.

OBTL or the Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning is one of the effective curriculum
design frameworks which highly helps teachers to focus on the intended learning outcomes of a particular
subject matter. As the term suggests, it does not focus on what teachers must teach his/her students but rather
emphasizes the outcomes that the students are intended or expected to achieve after a course or program. I
think, it would be beneficial for both the teachers and students because first of all, it really helps teachers to
align their teaching strategies to the classroom activities and assessment process to maximize students
learning and on the other hand, the OBTL provides students a clear goal or guide of what they should do,
make or achieve and be able to systematically and properly work on it.

The OBTL or the Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning is a curriculum design

framework that focuses on the intended outcomes for students rather than focusing on the teacher’s teaching
method or strategies. It highly encourages a student-centered learning environment wherein the focus is on
students, particularly on what they are intended to achieve after their course or program. The outcomes that a
student made or achieved will highly determine the learning that he/she gained or acquired throughout the
teaching and learning process. The OBTL is intended to maximize students’ learning capacities that will help
them focus on their own learning development and development as students. As I have learned, OBTL also
helps students through empowering them while adapting to their strengths and weaknesses and also by giving
enough amount of time to become proficient and fluent in a particular subject matter.

I believe, this saying has something to do with the type of questions that teachers
ask and the questioning and reacting techniques that they employ because as we all know, students
or children always have questions in their minds, they’re curiosity arises especially whenever they
encounter a new word or unfamiliar concept. For me, a teacher transforms into a crucial tool for
students to discover something that they didn’t know or something they want to know. They help
students to learn more things that are relevant to them. However, they don’t directly answer
students’ questions but rather guide them to seek and think for concepts that will help them arrive
for an answer. To do this, the teacher asks or provide different kinds of questions and in most
cases, they give time for students to think, redirect the questions used or correct some mistakes or
misunderstandings that a student have in order for them to come up with an appropriate and
acceptable answers. This is why the questioning and reacting techniques that is used by teachers
are very helpful and have a direct influence on how children go to school as question marks and
leave the school as periods.

Reacting techniques is one of the important and helpful techniques in

which teachers can use during the teaching and learning process. It is very useful
for teachers to highly encourage more responses from the students and to increase
their critical thinking abilities. By giving feedback, praises or corrections, a
teacher can effectively demonstrate his/her good listening skills that will highly
contribute to increase students’ confidence and self-trust. Based on my own
experience, receiving a praise or a simple words like “very good”, “excellent”,

“good job”, really helped me in boosting my confidence which gave me a mindset

to study more, recite or share my ideas or opinions in front of the class as well as
to actively participate because I want to experience that feeling that I have just
received when I responded to my teacher’s question. I believe, this will really help
students to pursue more and improve themselves for the better. These reacting
techniques will also help them to learn and know what are the things they have
misunderstood and the learning areas to which they needs improvement through
properly addressing or explaining the certain points and arguments. Thus, this will
be a helpful way for them to focus and improve their thinking skills and to
effectively formulate answers about a particular question.

Available Learning Resources Characteristics and Unique Teaching Approaches where the
(Enumerate in bullet form) Capabilities Resource is Most Useful

1. Print Resources - It is a printed information about -All of this resources are most
• Books a specific subject and its specific useful in the teaching approach
topics of The reading approach and it
- It contains news around the can be teacher centered or
• Newspapers student centered approach
country or around the world
-It contains fictions and real life
• Story book
stories where students can define
its moral lessons.

2. Audio Resources -It can be used for the students to -Teacher approach used for
• Speakers listen songs and also to make the this resource is the audio-
discussion more loud and clear lingual method or teacher-
centered and also student-
centered approach

3. Non-electronic Visual -A visual interpretation of -This resources are most useful

Resources something like animals and for the student-centered approach
• Pictures
4. ICT Resources -It can show to the students a This resources can be used in the
• Television movie or video about their topic teaching approach of flipped
classroom because this is the new
-It can browse the internet way of providing information to
• Computer world the students.
-It can make a hard copy from a
• Printer online document.
-It can be used to make a
• Projectors presentation much bigger
using the computer
-It can be used for the students to
• Online page find information and tasks online

Impression about the LRC- The LRC of the school is complete and well-maintained.

1. Are the learning resources/materials arranged properly

according to their function and characteristics?
Yes, all the resources and materials were arranged properly
according to their function and all of them are well-maintained.

2. Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the

materials by the teachers? Why? Why not?
Yes, because the teachers are the ones who maintained the facility
and it was an easy access since the teacher taught the students in using the

3. What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center?

The Learning Resource Center has a complete, clean, well-maintained, and full
of information.

4. What are its weakness?

5. What suggestions can you make?

I can’t think of any suggestions because they did everything a
student can ask for, like they already have a LRC and because we
experienced, pandemic they already develop online strategies where the
students can access.

1. Which of the materials in the Learning Resource Center

caught your interest the most? Why?
As I have observed, the materials in the Learning resource Center that
caught my attention are the modules handed to the students. because it is
really good seeing that the school provided resources that attracts the
students, motivate the students to do better at school as when I was young, I
wasn’t able to study before hand due to the lack of learning resources.
2. Which gadget/materials are you already confident to use/operate?
I could say that I am confident in operating most of the gadgets
because in high school, we were taught on how to use and operate those.
But I would be more confident in operating a computer/laptop and

3. Which ones do you feel you need to earn more about?

I think I need to learn more about the printer. I know how to use it but
there are some features specific functions that I need to lean in operating.

Grade or Year Level of Class Observed: Grade 10

Date of Observation:
Subject Matter:
Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher:
The teacher used the approach of students-centered and lipped classroom because the teacher thinks
that by using this two approach the learning will be active and not boring

Teaching Aids used Strengths Weaknesses Appropriateness of

the Teaching Aids

-Computer and projector - It is a new way to -The students in the - It is really

for the power point share the back of the class will appropriate that
presentation information to the not see the when using a
students or a presentation computer as a
modernized book to properly. teaching aids it must
be exact. the projector as a
partner so that the
students in the back
can also see clearly
to the presentation.

-Pictures -It can help students - There is a - Use not just

to visualize the possibility that the only one picture
important points of learner will for a specific
the discussion. misinterpret the matter.

In my opinion, the level of technology integration of the class that I had observed is in level 5 or in the
“transformation” stage. In transformation stage, the teacher creates a rich learning environment in which
students regularly engage in activities that would have been impossible to achieve without technology. As
I had observed, the teacher used TV in showing the class about the lesson. The teacher also used slide
presentation and provides hand-outs for her students.

The characteristic of the learning environment in the

class would be ‘goal-directed’. The students used technology tools
(projector, slide presentation) to set goals, plan, activity, and monitor
progress and evaluate results rather simply completing assessments
without reflections. As I have observed, after individual activity, the
teacher provided immediate feedbacks which in turn the students will give
their defense and opinion on how they have arrived with their answers.
The teacher is open to the original ideas of the students even if it is not
based on the class discussion. The teacher encourages her students to think
outside the box and to go on the realm of creativity and imagination.
Over-all, were the learning resources used effectively? Why?
Why not? Give you suggestions.
The over-all learning resources are excellent. The teacher is mater

in integrating technology to her class. She utilized the information found

online and present it during the actual discussion. The teacher managed to
use all resources very effectively in a sense that the students were able to
like, listen, and love the discussion as shown in the majority of the class
who got perfect, there were no students who gat a failing score during the

Well, to be honest I may her zeal and mastery in manipulating laptop and projector in
the class for the smoothness of her lesson. I appreciate and like her method in giving the
students hand-out during class discussion. Her method is fast, sweep accurate, and
modern; it facilitates students learning in an optimum level. The way she handles her class
is anchored with the philosophy that the students are the center of the curriculum so do I.
The over-all performance of the teacher is excellent and ideal for education student like

Activity 11.3 1.

- The lesson is about analyzing literature with one objective. Analyze literature as a shared
heritage of people with diverse backgrounds through making an informative essay.

- The concept was to teach the learner analyze literature by reading text.

- Enhancing reading comprehension by analyzing literature.

- Surfing the internet for the electronic resources to be used in the class is good because new ideas can be searched
to deepen the learning and teaching quality and experiences for both teachers and learners. But because internet is
gives me huge information from different websites, it would be slightly difficult for me to search for the best
electronic resources for the class. It takes a great effort and long patience to search the best information from the
- When choosing an electronic resource, there are several factors to consider. The first point to
consider is credibility. It entails choosing resources that have already been demonstrated and tested.
The following factor to consider is appropriateness. There are numerous other irrelevant items that you should
not mention if you search on Google. The next step is to make yourself available. Choose materials that are easily

- I must admit that after years of surfing the web and using electronic devices and equipment, I am now a
moderately skilled or technologically savvy user. Using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, as well
as manipulating videos, movies, and music, and even creating connected games. My spreadsheet skills
are likely to be the technology skills I will continue to improve. Other tools and code that are used in it
are unfamiliar in me.

- As a future teacher, MOOCs help me to realize that technology has a big part on our lives at the same time in our
learning. Through MOOCs we can explore more new things that can help us in our teaching-learning process. It is
more convenient for me to get information and at the same time it helps in enhancing my computer skill on
exploring online learning. It is an educational course content that may help a lot of students if will be used. As a
lifelong learner, MOOCs help me to give the opportunity to have quality education. The information that
I will get will help me to become knowledgeable person that I will also be sharing to my future students. It
assists me in preparing for my profession.

- I learned that technology provide a lot of opportunities for many people to have good
education. Nowadays, distance is not a barrier for learning, and it’s all because of the help
of technology and at the same time MOOCs. It is more convenient to learn for those people who have a
busy life and are working since this online course are open to all groups of people. This can access by
anyone anywhere providing the participants online discussion on topics just like in a classroom. They
also provide feedback for the performance of participants through the use of technology.

- As a learner I will try to use this course and explore more about their providers. I would effort to
improve my skills of being an effective facilitator so that someday if ever I will teach a MOOC, I could
facilitate my students well.

12. 1
1. It is better to know whether the students understand the lesson while the teacher is in the middle of

discussion so that it will not take long to repeat things again once they finished the lesson just to know
that the students did not understand anything the teacher taught them. Knowing them at they understood
during discussion means the teacher is doing a great job teaching.

2. It is because most students just say yes in order for the lesson to go in even though they did not
understand anything. Some of them are also shy to admit and ask questions about the lesson.

3. Yes, the teacher should keep records of the students so that she will know their progress and
achievements if they have any. She will also determine those who are struggling with the subject.

4. Asking a question regarding that part of the lesson they are currently discussing works best because
the teacher knows whether the students were listening or able to understand that part of the lesson.

5. Peer touring also works better because most students are comfortable learning with their classmates
rather than their teachers. Also, the tutors or their classmates knows how it feels to be frustrated about
things and see the situation with the same perspective as the tutee.

6. Yes, because it means that the students weren't able to understand the lesson and the teaching
techniques used was either repetitive or not useful at all.

This analogy is fantastic since it clearly distinguishes between formative and summative assessment.
When a cook tastes a soup, she is mainly looking for information that will assist her determine if the soup
needs to be modified before it is finished and cannot be changed. The soup is done by the time the
costumer tastes or eats it, and the cook cannot make any alterations or changes that could change the taste
of the costumer.
The crucial point to remember is that they are both tasting the soup for different reasons.

Should you record results of formative assessment? Why or why not?

I believe it is acceptable to score, grade, and record formative assessments. Keep in mind that learners can
be motivated in one of two ways. Some people have an innate will to succeed. As a result, receiving a
decent grade or score does not drive individuals to work harder to improve their performance. Some
learners, on the other hand, are driven by external factors. They require external incentive in the form of
receiving a good grade or score in order to work hard and accomplish their best. As a result, I believe that
teachers should score, grade and record their formative assessments on a regular basis. We must do all
possible to teach, reach, and motivate each and every one of our students.

Yes, based on my observation sometimes the teacher would tend to

tell the students to share on what have they learned in the
discussion base on their understanding and would often time ask
them to construct an essay of reflecting on the lesson that they

Well first is that they were often times understand and reflect on
the lesson that they learned and then monitor them self to what
they have learned in order for their skills to develop even adjust on
a certain part to level theirs abilities and skills for a much complex

For me they recorded the lesson that was being discuss in the
session for their reference and further clarification of the topic in
support on their studies.

Yes every time there is a discussion or a meeting session that was

going to commence there's always a post of instruction every week
by the teacher in the GCR that includes the steps of instructions
including the objectives the learning outcomes and the activities of
the students to be executed.
- I agree for like every assessment is design to observe if there is an impact in learning skills of the students to which
it determines the skills and abilities that the students have the potential to attain or improve a certain term for them
to engaged in a much complex knowledge and experience.

- For me there is potential that it has the same purpose for both assessment as learning and assessment for learning
because assessment for learning focuses on the strategies and methods that is going to be implemented in the fields
of discussion whiles constantly attaining feedback for them to monitor if the students is truly learning or their
something that they have learned the same thing as to assessment for learning is a self - assessment to which
students assess themselves reflect on their understanding of the lesson to which they will know if there is
something that they have attain or something that they need to improve.


- Assessment for the purpose of improving student learning is best understood as an ongoing process that arises out
of the interaction between teaching and learning. It involves the focused and timely gathering, analysis,
interpretation, and use of information that can provide evidence of student progress
- Is an approach to teaching and learning that creates feedback which is then used to improve students' performance?
Students become more involved in the learning process and from this gain confidence in what they are expected to
learn and to what standard.
- Is about students becoming aware of their own thinking processes, and being able
to make those transparent to others. It enables assessment of the "why" and "how" of the learning, and what
needs to be done as a result. Reflection readily follows on from self or peer assessment.

➤ The Difference between a Self-Assessment and a Self-Evaluation.
By this logic, a self-assessment is an early step in self-evaluation, where you assess your own work. The insights
you gain about yourself through an assessment helps you see the root of any issues or weaknesses you discover
during a self- evaluation.
➤ Self-assessment can provide insight into students' true comprehension and can help to identify gaps in students'
knowledge. Encouraging students to examine their own learning and levels of understanding can also be an
important 'wake-up call', identifying areas that require improvement
➤ Assessment is a key component of learning because it helps students learn. When students are able to see how
they are doing in a class, they are able to determine whether or not they understand course material. Assessment can
also help motivate students.

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