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(Submitted of the partial fulfillment of +3 Arts final

Submitted by :
+3 3rd year Arts, Economics (Honours)
University roll number – RS 2112324
Registration number – 19720/2020
Under the Guidance of

Dr. Alekh Ch. Mohanty lecture on Economics


Affiliated to Berhampur University
Year 2023-24
I do hereby declared that the project topic titled
has been prepared under the guidance of Dr. Alekha Ch.
Mohanty as a partial fulfillment of the +3 Degree Course
in Arts, Economics (Honours), for the academic session
2022-23, is my original work. To the best of my
knowledge, this report has not been submitted by any
others institutions for any other degree earlier before.

Place: Khallikote Signature of the Student
I, express my thanks gratitude to ALMIGHT GOD, our
teacher, parents, friends without whose on constrained
support I could not have made this career +3 Arts.
I am grateful to my project guide Dr. Alekh Ch.
Mohanty of R.C.M Science (Degree) collage, Khallikote
for this constant motivation valuable help throughout
the project.
Finally, I would like to thank all my well wishers for their
cooperation to complete project.

Regd No:- 19720/2020

University roll no - RA 2112324 Tapaswini jena

This is to certify that Tapaswini jena, University Roll No-

RS 2112324 a student of +3 Arts Economics Honors
(DES-IV) 6th semester, 2022-23 of R.C.M. Science
college, Khallikote, has completed the project
assignment titled “AN ENQUERY IN TO THE
guidance and supervision. This original work of the
student is suitable for submission and evaluation.

Education in the largest sense is any act or experience
that has a formative effect on the mind character or
physical ability of an individual. Education is
accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one
generation to another.

Education is most important of an understatement. It is
probably the most important tool can change one’s life. It
certainly determines the quality of an individual’s life. It
improves one’s knowledge, skills and develops the
personality and attitude most noteworthy. Education
affects the chances of employment for people. A highly
educated individual is probably very likely to get a good
job. In this essay on importance of education, we will tell
you about the value of education in life and society.

To develop and build sympathy, empathy, and respect

for fellow of humans, it is important for every individual to
gain a basic education. It helps us balance things out,
grow together, and make decisions that interest everyone
in society.

Dropout means a person who has abandoned a
course of study or who has rejected conventional society
to pursue an alternative lifestyle. That means person who
leaves school, college, or university before completing a
qualification, or a person who lives in an unusual way.

The report is indicates that the dropout rates last

year alone in the sampled counties stood at 3.3 per cent
among boys compared to 2.5 per cent for the girls “most
children drop out in upper classes between grades four
and seven,” reads the report some 2023 school were
surveyed in 23 counties.

The report noted the overall dropout rate at the

secondary level in the country is over 17% while in the
upper primary classes (6 to 8) and the primary level it is
1.8% and 1.5% respectively. The dropout rate for boys in
primary classes was 1.7% as against the girls’ 1.2%. So
the boys’ dropout is more than the girl’s dropout.


1. Lack of personalized learning
Online learning was a good stopgap measure, but it
failed to provide the personalized learning experience
that takes place in a physical classroom. The
impersonal interaction between teachers and students
in the hybrid or online mode compromises the quality
of learning
2. Lack of budget
Many students are not been able to get the proper
education, due to the lack of budget. On the other
hand, educators have been able to overcome all
financial and geographic limitations, owing to
advanced technology. Though getting a proper internet
connection and devices is still a challenge for many.
Hope we will overcome this problem soon.
3. Too much poser on Grades
In the education system in India, a student’s
intelligence and performance are thought to be mostly
determined by their grades. This thought stems from
the idea that only professionals like doctors, lawyers,
engineers, and chartered accountants are good and
everybody wishes their child to become one of these.
To achieve that, one has to get 99.9% in India. This
shouldn’t be the case, students should be encouraged
to follow their hobbies and make a career in the same. Music,
art and to be named a few.
4. Too much completion
In a perfect world, a student with a score of at least
90% would be regarded as intelligent. This viewpoint
needs to alter, though. A student who had a lower
score might nevertheless be intelligent and competent.
Some problems are Tech solutions are now assisting in
improving communication skills, and teaching and
testing practical knowledge
5. Not focusing on overall growth

. Today’s educational methods, made possible by teconology

emphasize hands-on learning, practical experience, and the
development of soft skills in addition to topic knowledge. Educational
experiences can now be tailored and individualized to meet the needs
of a specific child. In the conventional school system, this was not

6. Lack of training

This suggests that teachers place more emphasis on conceptual

understanding and neglect to incorporate practical learning in schools.
Visual materials and practical applications of solutions are frequently
not used. As a result, everyone who passed school remembers that
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, but not many people can
do their taxes.

7. Lack of recourse

That’s why some other parts take priority over education and the ones
that suffer the most are students. With such a huge population to cover
dozens of sections for, lack of resources for the education system is
kind of expected. A poor economy is the main problem here and it
results in a lack of fundamental things for the students across the
country. Because of this, students get short of appropriate learning
material, school libraries are rarely present, and schools are missing the
newest equipment for scientific projects.

8. Expensive of higher education

University, professional and technical education has become costly in

India. Fee structure of technical and professional institutes like IIM’s is
quite high IIM’s charge Rs. 2 lakh per semester for MBA classes. It is
beyond the reach of common man. Privatization of higher education
has led to the growth of profit hungry entrepreneurs. Now a day’s
higher education is much costly affair.

9. Problem of brain dram

When intelligent, talented and deserving candidates do not get suitable

jobs in the country, they prefer to go abroad for seeking jobs. So our
country is deprived of good talent. This phenomenon is called ‘Brain

10. Problems of primary education

Our primary education is ridden with too many problems. Large

number of primary schools has no buildings what to talk of basic
facilities like drinking water, urinals and electricity, furniture and study
materials etc. Large numbers of primary schools are single teacher
schools and many schools are even without teachers. So the drop rate is
very high and a cause of concern. Concluding, we can say that there is
quantitative expansion of education but in qualitative development we
are still lagging behind.

Major challenges faced by Indian education system:-

According to the 2018 Annual states of Education Report (ASER),
India is creating another generation that can hardly read and write due
to the lack of basic reading and arithmetic skills among the students in
Indians Schools. But the mere difference now is that these children
have spent some year of their lives in schools.

1. Teacher-Student Ratio: 

According to the UNESCO’s State of the Education report for India

2021, there is 11.16 lakh teaching positions that are vacant in schools.
It clearly shows that there is a shortage of teachers in schools. Besides
this, teachers are burdened with a lot of non-academic workloads
which ultimately results in a divergence of their focus from teaching
the students. According to a study done by the National Institute of
Education Planning and Administration (NIEPA), teachers devote only
around 19% of their time to teaching while the rest of their time is
spent in non-teaching administrative work.

2.  High-Dropout Rates:

 Inthe primary and secondary levels, dropout rates are very high.
Students between the age group of 6- 14 years leave the school
before completion of their education. According to the ASER report
2012, enrollment in the 6-14 years of age is over 96% in rural India
but dropout rates are very high. Various factors responsible for
dropout rates are as follows- poverty, lack of toilets, long distance to
school, child marriages, patriarchal mindset, and cultural factors.

3. Neglect of Regional Languages:

 In 2017-18, 14% of students who were enrolled in private
schools in India’s rural areas and 19.3% in urban areas selected a
private school with the English language as the medium of instruction.
English is the main medium of language in education. Standardized
publications in Indian languages are also not available. As a result,
students who are from rural backgrounds, Government schools, and
those who are not well versed in the English language face a lot of
problems in gaining knowledge and understanding the concepts.  

4. Quality of education –

 There is a major difference in the quality of education being

provided in the rural and urban areas of the country. Steps must
be taken to standardize the quality of education across India so
that everyone can get equal and unbiased knowledge and
opportunities to grow

5. Expenditure on education 

 More funds should be allotted for the development of the education

system in India. In the past few years, many beneficial steps have
been taken in this direction and if the same is continued India may
soon be overcome the current challengesGross enrolment pattern as
followed by the UN must also be adapted by India

6. Quality of education – 

 There is a major difference in the quality of education

being provided in the rural and urban areas of the
country. Steps must be taken to standardize the
quality of education across India so that everyone can
get equal and unbiased knowledge and opportunities
to grow.

Why children skip school and colleg:-

The main reason kids schools is simply because they

just wish not to be in the school. Everyone needs a
break once in a while from the norm, kids have more
pressure in this sense they are unable to storage
knowledge, sophisticated, error unacceptable world.
Kids are forced to learn to learn but they are rather
than kids and do what kids do best, “playing.” Who can
blame them?
1.When you are watching a movie so you won’t be
missing anything anyways. 2. When you feel like
sleeping in. 3. When you feel going out to breakfast.
4. When you get invited out to lunch. 5. Really for any
reason involving food. 6. When you did not to the
work that’s due for that class. The ministry report on
school education2021-22, released recently, stated
that the dropout rate in secondary classes (9-10) was
27.2% which was the highest in recent years.
Wrong decision made by the students and Family

They make wrong decision. They get involved with gangs,
drugs /alcohol, pregnant and commit crimes. Many have
a poor school attitude and one frequently bores by school.
They are disconnects to their families, school and life.
They don’t see the reasons they need to go to school.
They are not involved school activities.

1.Academic Difficulty

2. Family And Socio-Economic Needs

3. Poor Health
4. Retention (If practised)
5. Disengagement
6. Mental Illness
7. Disabilities.




Education is vital for economic development. According
to Vision 2030, “Education us key component of
economics growth because it has directly on
entrepreneurship, productivity growth and then
increases employment opportunities and women
empowerment. Education helps in making potential
youth for the enhancement of ability, creativity and
systematically skills to contest with the fast changing
Global inclination. Students drop outs reduces literacy
rate of country and non-innovative environment.

Due to Students drop outs economy

also have to pay cost; class of students‟
Due to Students drop outs economy also have to
pay cost; class of students‟ dropout swill cost the
country over $200 billion during their existence in lost
earnings and unrealized tax revenue every year
(Catterall, 1985). People without education unable to
get jobs and more likely to spend their lives jobless or
on government assistance. These students often
struggle with poverty, abuse or neglect in their homes.
It is imperative investment for human and economic
development. This human capital accelerates economic
activity and development Extensive literature review
has been conducted to conceptualize the theme of
study, and to generalize the concept to a wider range of
population. Comparative analysis of past studies has
been conducted in order to find out various causes of
students dropouts. Researcher tries to emphasize on l
logical reasoning while discussing the objectives and
giving suggestions in the study.
Dropout rates have been high in india since long. Delhi
has been witnessing a massive dropout of school goingk
children. According to data provided by the Ministry of
human Resources Development, for 2009-10, the
dropout rate for children studying in classes I to X was
2.0, however, for 2010-2011, this has increased to 22.9,
an jump of more than20 percentage points. The
dropout rate fore for the nation has however declined
for classes 1 to 10.
Reducing dropout is a crucial factor in order to reduce
poverty in India and achieve greater socio economic
equality. High number of dropout usually indicates
failure on the part of the Government to provide quality
education to the masses. But this statement should
have seemed appropriate perhaps in the bygone
In the light of the Right to Education Act (RTE), the
Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, the main vehicle to implement
RTE and schemes like mid day meals, it seems puzzling
to think why should there be any dropout at all.
Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA), a flagship programme of the
central government for achieving universalization of
elementary education in a time-bound manner has
been in operation since 2001. But since its inception ot
has been grappling with increasing dropouts.
Right to free and Compulsory Education Act or Right to
Education with effect from 1st April 2010 under Article
21 A inserted by the 86th Amendment of the
Constitution seeks to provide free and compulsory
education to all children in the age group six to fourteen
years as fundamental right in such a manner as the
stare nay be law determine. A major rationale behind
the implementation of the Right to Education Act has
been to check the dropout rate.
Presently, the dropout rate for children studying
between Classes I to V in the national capital decreased,
in line with the overall trend in the county, from 13.3 in
2009-10 to 5.9 in 2010-11, however although dropout
rates have declined post implementation of the RTE,
present dropout rate in the capital for classes 1 to 10 is
still alarming. The Ministry of Human Resource and
development claims that the number of out of school
children in the 6-14 age group has come down to 3
millions on 2012 from 8 millions in 2010.
However in order to achieve the millennium
development goals by 2015 which speaks of universal
primary education, it is important to focus on the
reasons behind the dropout especially given the fact
RET (Right To Education) caters to the need for every
students by providing for free and compulsory
education till completion of elementary education
laying down norms and standards for pupil teachers
ratios insisting on proper infrastructure, teacher
working hours, appointment of trained teachers and so
The new policies of the Government have
undoubtedly increased the enrolment rations but have
failed to retain children in schools indicating large
dropouts. This somehow point in the direction of the
literature on wastage, in the other words wastage of
funds of the Government in infrastructure, textbooks,
uniforms, meals etc.
It is true it has been just 3 years post (Right To
Education) and perhaps it is too early to do an impact
evaluation what it promised. The need of the hour is to
look closer at the socio economics factors leading
factors leading to dropouts.
Our project seeks to examine the socio economic
reasons behind dropout in the lower middle class and
slum areas in Delhi. Through the project a conscious
effort has been made to understand at the micro levels
the mindset of the children and their parents in
dropping out of school in spite of all facilities beings
provide by the Government that they could ever desire
For the purpose of this study, dropout are defined
as children, who enrol on upper primary and secondary
education and for some reasons other than death
leaves school before completing the grade without
transferring to another school.
1.  Tell kids the real story. 
2. Reach out to your community. 
3.  Give students a positive place to be.
4.  Provide career and technical education.
5. Hold stakeholders accountable for the graduation.
6. Provide multiple pathways for graduation.
7. Use technology to engage students.
8. Keep schools open to serve as community hubs in the summer.
9. Start a mentoring program.


Student’s dropout is serious issue for any country. Student’ s

Drop out means discontinuing schooling for financial and practical
reasons and disappointment with their social system and
examination results. Generally, dropping out states the situation
when student departure school before the completion of their
graduation degree and does not join any university. It is not nor
necessary that students always dropped out, sometime students’
stop attending their school by discharging registration. Student
dropout means leaving school without completing their basic early
education and secondary education. Student dropout problem is
faced by all developed and developing countries of the world. In
developing countries dropout rate are remarkably high, even for
the basic school going children. Large numbers of children
complete their high school education in many development
countries, but in United States more than one million students
drop out each year. Seven thousand students in USA left their
school in a day.
This study explores the causes of students drop outs. On this
basic of comparative analysis of different countries on reasons of
students dropout it was clear that student’s dropouts in schools is
not due to a single reasons, there are different reasons of this
problem but these reasons are similar in nature that cause
students dropouts in different countries. Early marriages, security
problems and inability of bearying education expenses are major
causes of student’s dropouts. The major reasons conducted by all
the students in weak financial and economic position of families
and inability to afford education expenditure, lake of basic facilities
in schools like computer lab, science laboratory, electricity, clear
drinking water and furniture. Low financial position reported as
major cause of students’ dropouts. Parents force their daughters to
drop their school. On the base of analysis following conclusion can
be draw on the reasons of students dropouts.

ducation is vital for economic development.

According to Vision 2030, “Education is key
Education is vital for economic development.
According to Vision 2030, “Education is key
ducation is vital for economic development.
According to Vision 2030, “Education is key

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