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An Unforgetable Past

By: Angela Requina

Oh, how I miss those youthful days,

So full of energy and filled with fun,
Oh, how time flies so fast,
Oh, how I wish we didn’t grow up.

It was always “play first, study later”,

We’d be beaming with smiles as the bell rang,
For we would play with friends,
Before we go home and say good night.

Eat anything that looks delicious to the eye,

And to the money we say goodbye.
Oh, how happy we are with what we’ve made,
To these memories we hold dear,

As we grew mature, we look back to the past,

To the times when we shed tears and burst out laughter,
We cherish these memories like a book,
Every book we have, are the memories we created together.

Like a flower, we grow, and glow beautifully,

Each petal is a memory, withers when forgotten.
Each new bud is a new chapter of life,
To make more joyful memories in the future.

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