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Part 1: Terminologies:
Discuss the given terminologies below.
a. Embedded System
A software- and hardware-based system called an embedded system is created for a particular
purpose. As part of a bigger system, embedded systems might also work. Both programmable and
fixed functionality options are available for the systems. An embedded system may be used in
industrial machinery, consumer electronics, agricultural and processing sector equipment,
vehicles, medical devices, cameras, digital watches, home appliances, airplanes, vending
machines, toys, and mobile devices.

b. Microprocessors
The most significant component of a computer system is a microprocessor, which is in charge of
processing the particular set of commands and procedures. A microprocessor is made to carry out
logical and computational tasks using common operations like addition and subtraction, inter-
process and device communication, input/output management, etc. Thousands of transistors are
housed on an integrated circuit in a microprocessor, though the actual number depends on how
powerful the CPU is.

c. Microcontrollers
An integrated circuit (IC) device known as a microcontroller is used to manage other components
of an electronic system, often through a microprocessor unit (MPU), memory, and a few
peripherals. These gadgets are designed with embedded applications in mind, which demand both
computing power and quick, responsive interaction with digital, analog, or electromechanical

d. Digital Signal Processor (DSP)

A digital signal processor is a particular kind of microprocessor made on metal oxide
semiconductor integrated circuits, according to the definition of a digital signal processor. DSPs
are widely utilized in a variety of fields, including digital image processing, telecommunications,
audio signal processing, speech recognition systems, sonar, radar, etc. They are also found in
consumer electronics like mobile phones, HDTV (high-definition television) products, disk
drives, and other electronic devices.

e. Sensors
A sensor is a device that analyzes the physical input it receives from its environment and
translates it into information that can be understood by either a human or a machine. A glass
thermometer is an example of a simpler sensor that displays data visually. The majority of
sensors are electronic (the data is turned into electronic data). Sensors are used by humans to
measure temperature, determine distance, identify smoke, control pressure, and a variety of other

f. Actuators
By converting the energy and signals into the system, an actuator creates motion. Either a
rotational motion or a linear motion is created by it. linear motion is produced by electric linear
actuators. In other words, linear actuators have a given distance they can move in either direction
before stopping and can move forward or backward on a fixed linear plane. On the other side,
rotary actuators generate rotary motion, which means that the actuator revolves on a circular

g. Hardware adapter (interface)

A network interface, a first sub circuit, and a second sub circuit are all features of an adapter for
connecting an embedded system to a control computer. The first sub circuit is intended to
communicate with the control computer via the standard interface using a standard protocol,
preferably XCP. The purpose of the first sub circuit is to translate a protocol functionality
requested in the standard protocol via the standard interface into a call for one or more elementary
functions from a determined overall set of elementary functions.

h. User interface – input

An input operation is any action that transfers data from the user to the computer’s main memory
via one of the computer’s input devices.

i. User interface – output

An output operation is any action that transfers data from the computer’s main memory to
one of the computer’s output devices.

j. A/D Converter
A device that converts continuously changing analog signals from instruments and sensors that
track conditions like sound, movement, and temperature into binary information for the computer
is known as an analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The A/D converter could be a single chip or a
circuit embedded within a chip. see sampling and codec.

k. D/A Converter
An apparatus that transforms digital code into analog signals, primarily for audio. The analog
waveforms that are transmitted to speakers and audio amplifiers by D/A converters (DACs) are
created from digital audio samples. Every device that sends analog speech or music to an
amplifier, speaker, or headphones, including computers, smartphones, tablets, and A/V receivers,
include a D/A converter (DAC), which may be a single chip or a circuit within a chip. See ladder
DAC, DSP, codec, PCM, and more.

l. Fuzzy logic
The approach of logic operations known as fuzzy logic is based on many-valued logic rather than
binary logic (two-valued logic). In two-valued logic, 0 is frequently regarded as false and 1 as
true. Fuzzy logic, on the other hand, works with truth values that range from 0 to 1, and these
values are referred to as intensity (degrees of truth).
Many domains, including as control systems, neural networks, and artificial intelligence, can
benefit from the use of fuzzy logic (AI).

m. Internet of Things (IOT)

The term "Internet of Things" (IoT) refers to the whole group of network-enabled devices, which
excludes traditional computers like laptops and servers. These devices make use of the Internet
protocol (IP), which is the same protocol used to identify and connect computers on the internet.
With the Internet of things, systems will be able to self-report in real-time, increasing efficiency
and surfacing critical information more quickly than those that rely on human interaction.

n. Real-time system
Any information processing system with hardware and software components that carry out real-
time application functions and can react to events within defined time restrictions is referred to as
a "real-time system". Air traffic control, process control, and autonomous driving systems are a
few examples of real-time systems.

o. Watchdog timer
Hardware called a watchdog timer (WDT) can be used to automatically detect software
irregularities and restart the CPU if any take place. A watchdog timer typically relies on a counter
that counts down from a starting value to zero. The counter's initial value is chosen by the
embedded software, which also restarts it on a regular basis. The software is assumed to be
malfunctioning and the processor's reset signal is asserted if the counter ever approaches zero
before the software resets it. It will restart the CPU (together with any embedded software it is
running) as if a person had manually cycled the power.

Part 2: Running LEDs

1. Problem: Using 8 LED’s as output, write a code/program that will execute the LED’s movement :
int ledPins[] = {6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13};
int delayTime = 100;
void setup() { for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) pinMode(ledPins[i],OUTPUT);
void loop() { digitalWrite(ledPins[0], HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPins[1], HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPins[2], HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPins[3], HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPins[4], HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPins[5], HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPins[6], HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPins[7], HIGH);
//Turns Each LED Off
digitalWrite(ledPins[7], LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPins[6], LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPins[5], LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPins[4], LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPins[3], LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPins[2], LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPins[1], LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPins[0], LOW);

OPTION 1: Fully lit up from Left to Right

OPTION 2: Turning off from Right to Left

1. Modify your written code/program of Running lights by removing the option.
int del = 100; //defining delay value (0.1 second)
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(6, OUTPUT); //defining pins (6-13) as Outputs
pinMode(7, OUTPUT);
pinMode(8, OUTPUT);
pinMode(9, OUTPUT);
pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
for (int i = 6; i <= 13; i++) { // For loop will count from 2 to 13 to turn ON and OFF every single
digitalWrite(i, HIGH); // Turning ON 1st output (LED)
delay(del); // LED is ON for 20ms before turning OFF
digitalWrite(i, LOW); // Turning OFF 1st output (LED)
delay(del); // Waiting 20ms before running the 2nd cycle of FOR loop
for (int i = 13; i >= 6; i--) { // For loop will count from 13 to 2 to turn ON and OFF every single
digitalWrite(i, HIGH); // Turning ON 1st output (LED)
delay(del); // LED is ON for 20ms before turning OFF
digitalWrite(i, LOW); // Turning OFF 1st output (LED)
delay(del); // Waiting 20ms before running the 2nd cycle of FOR loop

2. What function enables you to read the input from a pin?

The ‘digitalRead()’ function enables you to read the input from a digital pin on Arduino.
‘digitalRead()’ takes a single argument, which is the pin number you want to read from. The
function returns a value of either HIGH or LOW, depending on the state of the pin.

3. What function enables you to program efficiently the lighting up of several LED’s?
‘digitalWrite()’ function that can enable efficient programming of LED lighting on Arduino
The ‘digitalWrite()’ function allows you to change a digital pin's state from LOW to HIGH, It can
be used to activate or deactivate an LED. To control many LEDs simultaneously, you can specify
multiple pins in a single function call, separated by commas.

4. How would you change the amount of time each LED is ON?
By modifying the delay time in your Arduino software, you may alter the duration of each LED's
ON time. With the delay() function, the program can be stopped for a predetermined period of time


Making a Running LED with an Arduino Uno is the goal of this exercise. Because the results met the
goals, the experiment was successful. Because the one-way running LED's codes are so straightforward
and clear, there are many lengthier lines of code. While the continuous running LED (left-right, right-
left), which requires a looping function, is both simple and easy to use once you know how to do it. The
use of the looping function reduces the number of lines of code because we can loop/repeat a certain
function as many times as necessary. In the manner that we require. One-way running LEDs can employ
the looping feature, which is fantastic, according to certain articles.

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