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in Sustainable Living · February 1, 2022

The Rise of Slow Fashion

1)The slow fashion movement is on the rise. What does that mean for you and your
wardrobe? I’m here to help you understand how fast fashion has changed the
industry, why it matters, and
how slow fashion can change
your life.

2) Fast Fashions focus on

cheap and fast production of
clothing. In contrast to fast
fashion, the slow fashion
movement focuses on
ensuring that the entire life
cycle of a clothing item is
*sustainable. In other words, they look at how a piece was made from start to finish
before it gets sold.

3)Fast Fashion is bad for the *environment. Around 8,000 litres are used every
single day in just one pair of jeans! And that’s not all: The dyeing and printing of
fabrics emit dangerous chemicals into the air we breathe. In contrast, slow fashion
companies take care in choosing materials for their products. They focus on
recyclable or reusable materials.

4)The production of fast fashion is made in sweatshops and child labour in

developing countries. These practices are *unethical. Factory workers are paid
starvation wages and forced to work in unsafe conditions. Slow fashion companies
pay fair wages and ensure a safe workplace.

5)Disposable fast fashion pieces aren’t made to last. Many clothes today are treated
as disposable and end up in landfills after just a few wears. Slow fashion ensures
high-quality pieces that are made to last. They make pieces that are timeless instead
of based on trends that disappear.

6)Slow fashion is becoming more and more popular, as people become more aware
of the negative impacts of fast fashion. While there are some challenges to slow
fashion, such as higher costs and lack of availability, the benefits far outweigh these

I hope you’ve found this post helpful in understanding fast fashion vs slow fashion.


Adapted from:

Words to help

*Sustainable: able to continue over a period of time, The website encourages sustainable fashion
through swapping.
*Environment: the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live:
*Ethical: describes a person or behaviour as right in the moral sense - truthful, fair, and honest.
Unethical: not morally correct, unfair

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