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Amphictyony, Delphic common council of the Greeks or a court of

interstate arbitration; such views rest on the
dubious testimony of late sources, and on
the oath quoted by Aeschines (Legat. 115),
The Pylaeo-Delphic Amphictyony (from which says that the Amphictyons had sworn
amphiþktiones, “those dwelling around”) not to destroy themselves in wars, but is prob-
was a religious association of the ethne of ably a forgery of the fourth century BCE. Nev-
northern and central Greece, which was in ertheless, the Amphictyony could be, and
charge of the two sanctuaries of Demeter actually was, used for political purposes by
at Anthela, near THERMOPYLAI, and of Apollo at the leading powers struggling for hegemony
DELPHI. in central Greece, perhaps already in the fifth
In the Archaic period, the association century, and clearly so between the fourth and
consisted probably of the following twelve tribal the early second centuries BCE.
communities: Thessalians, Dolopes, Perrhai- We can infer from the terms pylaia and
bians, Magnetes, Phthiotic Achaians, Ainianes, pylagoros that the original meeting place of
Malians, Boiotians, Phokians, Lokrians, Dorians the Amphictyony was the sanctuary of Deme-
(Metropolitan and Peloponnesian), and ter at Thermopylai, and that the council was
Ionians (from Euboia and Attica). Each tribe put in charge of the temple of Apollo at Delphi
had two votes, cast by their delegates, the only later. This event could have been either
hieromnemones (“those keeping in mind the the cause or the consequence of the First
sacred matters”) at the two annual meetings, Sacred War, early in the sixth century, during
called pylaiai. Each tribe also sent an unknown which the Thessalians and other amphictyonic
number of pylagoroi or agoratroi (“those speak- states destroyed the city of Kirrha and
ing at [Thermo]pylai/at the agora”), and we consecrated its territory to Apollo. In 582, the
hear once from an ekklesia of the Amphictyons. local festival of the Pythia was given a panhel-
The two sanctuaries of Demeter and Apollo lenic status and put under the supervision of
were located at the crossroads of important land the Amphictyony. When the temple of Apollo
and maritime trade routes, with a convenient was destroyed by fire in 548, the Amphictyons
harbor nearby (Aiai and Kirrha/Krisa), and Del- were asked to collect money and to commis-
phi was also the seat of a famous oracle. People sion the rebuilding of the monument. We hear
gathered there early for religious and commer- little from the council during the fifth century,
cial purposes, and the Amphictyony was born except when military operations or politics
out of the necessity to organize the festivals and turned the attention of the leading powers of
markets, and to administer and protect the Greece on Delphi or Thermopylai: in the after-
sacred property of the gods: its mission was to math of the great Persian invasion; during the
prevent neighboring tribes from claiming for Second Sacred War waged by Sparta and Athens
themselves control over the sanctuaries and on behalf of, respectively, the Delphians and the
their resources, and to guarantee safe access for Phokians in 449–448; and when the Spartan
the pilgrims, competitors, and merchants from colony of Heraklia was founded near Mount
all over the Greek world. It could issue sacred Oita in 427. It may have been during this period
laws and decrees, and had judicial powers to that some changes were brought to the organi-
enforce them, over individuals and states alike. zation of the council, which are attested in
It could inflict fines, order banishment from the the epigraphic lists of the fourth century: the
sanctuary, and declare a sacred war on those Spartans are sometimes allowed to sit instead of
who had occupied by force the sacred land the Metropolitan Dorians, Heraklia votes with
of Apollo. The Amphictyony had, however, no the Malians, and the city of Delphi has two
real political power, and it never became the votes, distinct from those of the Phokians,

The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, First Edition. Edited by Roger S. Bagnall, Kai Brodersen, Craige B. Champion, Andrew Erskine,
and Sabine R. Huebner, print pages 375–376.
© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2013 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah09021

while the Dolopes and the Perrhaibians form the number of seats was eventually raised from
one artificial ethnos. twenty-four to thirty; the Macedonians and the
During the fourth century, the Thessalians city of Nikopolis, founded by Augustus, were
and Boiotians tried to use the Amphictyony to incorporated, next to the Thessalians, with six
assert their hegemony over central Greece, votes each; and the council became a kind of
while the Phokians claimed for themselves representative body of northern and central
the control of the resources of Apollo and Greece. We lose track of the institution after
occupied the sanctuary by force. The ensuing the third century CE.
Third and Fourth Sacred Wars (356–346 and
341–339) gave Philip of Macedon the opportu-
SEE ALSO: Amphictyony; Boundary disputes;
nity to gain control over central Greece. He
Calauria and the Calaurian Amphictyony;
expelled the impious Phokians from the sanc-
Festivals, Greece and Rome; Law, sacred (Greek);
tuary, he received their two amphictyonic votes
Phokis; Pythia; Wars, sacred.
and the presidency of the Pythia, and he man-
aged to complete the rebuilding of the temple,
which had been damaged by a mudslide before REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS
370; Delphi and the Amphictyony became the
showroom of Philip’s power and piety. Hornblower, S. (2009) “Did the Delphic
During the third century, the Amphictyony Amphiktiony play a political role in the classical
fell under the control of the Aitolians, who period?” In I. Malkin, C. Constantakopoulou,
exercised the votes of all the amphictyonic and K. Panagiopoulou, eds., Greek and Roman
networks in the Mediterranean: 39–56. London.
states of Central Greece that they had conquered
Lefèvre, F. (1998) L’Amphictionie pyléo-delphique:
or incorporated into their ethnos. The festival
histoire et institutions. Athens.
of the Soteria was instituted after the Gallic Lefèvre, F. (2005) “Les hiéromnémons de
invasion of 279; the Dionysiac TECHNITAI, sanc- l’Amphictionie pyléo-delphique: l’apport de la
tuaries, and cities from all the Greek world prosopographie à l’histoire religieuse et politique
asked the Amphictyony to proclaim and rec- de la Grèce ancienne.” In M.-F. Baslez and
ognize their inviolability, and the Ptolemies F. Prévot, eds., Prosopographie et histoire religieuse.
and Seleucids invited them to their newly Actes du colloque tenu en l’Université de Paris XII,
founded festivals. The Aitolians were eventu- Val de Marne, les 27 et 28 octobre 2000: 9–34. Paris.
ally expelled from the Amphictyony and the Rousset, D. (2002) Le territoire de Delphes et la
council was restored to its original organiza- terre d’Apollon. Paris.
Sánchez, P. (1997) “Le serment amphictionique
tion in the course of the second century, under
[Aeschn., Legat. (2) 115]: un faux du IVe siècle?”
the supervision of Rome. The following period
Historia 46: 158–71.
was characterized by financial malpractice at Sánchez, P. (2001) L’Amphictionie des Pyles et de
Delphi, conflicts over the borders of the sacred Delphes: recherches sur son rôle historique, des
land, and disputes over the Dorian, Ionian, and origines au IIe siècle de notre ère. Stuttgart.
Lokrian votes. These quarrels went on under the Tausend, K. (1992) Amphiktyonie und Symmachie:
empire, and the Amphictyony was reorganized Formen zwischenstaatlicher Beziehungen im
three times, by Augustus, Nero, and Hadrian: archaischen Griechenland. Stuttgart.

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