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As an AI language model, I do not have experiences or personal views.

However, I
can share with you what I know about rational choice theory. Rational choice theory
is a framework that helps explain human behavior in terms of rational decision-
making. According to this theory, individuals make decisions based on a cost-
benefit analysis. They determine the costs and benefits of each option and choose
the option that is most beneficial to them while minimizing their costs.

Rational choice theory has been applied to different areas of social science,
including economics, political science, sociology, and criminology. In economics,
it is used to analyze how individuals make decisions about their consumption and
production choices. In political science, it is applied to understand how voters
choose political candidates or parties. In criminology, it helps explain why people
commit crimes and how the criminal justice system operates. Rational choice theory
provides a useful framework for understanding human behavior and decision-making,
but it has limitations. For instance, it assumes that individuals have complete
information and the ability to rationalize their decisions, which is not always the

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