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Question 1: How many cups of coffee are consumed in a day in New York City?

Answer: Let's assume that there are 8 million people in New York City and that the
average person drinks one cup of coffee per day. This gives us a total of 8 million
cups of coffee per day. However, this estimate is likely to be on the lower side since
many people drink multiple cups of coffee per day.

Question 2: How many trees are there in Central Park?

Answer: Central Park covers an area of 843 acres. According to the New York City
Department of Parks and Recreation, there are approximately 20,000 trees in the
park. Assuming that each acre of land has an equal number of trees, we can estimate
that there are roughly 24 trees per acre in Central Park. Therefore, the total number
of trees in Central Park would be approximately 20,112.

Question 3: How many pizzas are delivered in a year in the United States?

Answer: Let's assume that there are 330 million people in the United States and that
each person orders one pizza per month. This gives us a total of 3.96 billion pizzas
per year. However, this estimate may be on the higher side since not everyone orders
pizza every month and some people may order more than one pizza in a month.

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