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Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
____ 1. These are molecules in food that nourish the body by providing energy and materials essential for
growth and development
A. carbohydrates B. nutrients C. proteins
____ 2. The building blocks of proteins essential for the formation of new protoplasm for growth and repair of
worn-out body cells.
A. amino acids B. nutrients C. fats

____ 3. Too much fat consumption can result to

A. heart attack B. atherosclerosis C. diabetes
____ 4. These are complex organic molecules needed in small amounts and cannot be manufactured by the
human body.
A. vitamins B. amino acids C. proteins
____ 5. Vitamins A, E, and K are
A. fat soluble B. water soluble C. cannot be stored in the body
____ 6. The indigestible fibrous material found in vegetables and fruits.
A. fiber B. water C. minerals
____ 7. Deficiency of proteins in the diet of children may lead to a disease called
A. kwashiorkor B. beriberi C. growth retardation
____ 8. Inorganic substances that do not provide energy but these are important in different bodily functions.
A. minerals B. fats C. proteins
____ 9. The intake of food into the body

A. absorption B. digestion C. ingestion

____ 10. The process of mechanical and chemical breakdown, whereby large food molecules are broken into
simpler molecules that can be absorbed by the body cells
A. absorption B. digestion C. ingestion
____ 11. The process in which digested food materials are absorbed by the body cells and converted into new
protoplasm or used to provide energy

A. absorption B. digestion C. ingestion

____ 12. The passing of digested material out of the digestive tract
A. absorption B. digestion C. elimination
____ 13. The intake of food and the processes that convert food substances into living matter
A. nutrition B. digestion C. overnutrition
____ 14. Food must be broken down into nutrients by a process called
A. absorption B. digestion C. elimination

____ 15. All are functions of saliva EXCEPT

A. production of bile B. softens the food C. partial digestion of starch
____ 16. It is a thinly-lined, hollow, muscular tube found behind the mouth and before the esophagus
A. mouth B. larynx C. pharynx
____ 17. The tiny, rhythmic, wavelike contractions of the tubular structures of the digestive tract
A. peristalsis B. absorption C. sphincter
____ 18. Which is an INCORRECT association?
A. stomach – grinds and liquifies food C. small intestine – absorbs fluid and food
B. large intestine – absorbs food D. pancreas – secretes digestive enzymes
____ 19. The enlarged saclike portion of the digestive tract and is the principal organ of digestion.
A. small intestine B. stomach C. esophagus
____ 20. The enzyme responsible for protein digestion
A. pepsin B. cokein C. trypsin

____ 21. What organ produces bile?

A. large intestine B. pancreas C. liver
____ 22. What stage in mitosis when spindle fibers align the chromosomes along the middle of the cell nucleus?
A. Prophase B. Metaphase C. Anaphase D. Telophase
____ 23. What stage in mitosis happens before cytokinesis?
A. Prophase B. Metaphase C. Anaphase D. Telophase

____ 24. What is the proper steps of meiosis?

A. Telophase I - anaphase I - metaphase I - prophase I - telophase II - anaphase II - metaphase II -
prophase II
B. Anaphase I - prophase I - metaphase I - telophase I - anaphase II - prophase II - metaphase II -
telophase II
C. Prophase I - anaphase I - telophase I - metaphase I - prophase II - anaphase II - telophase II -
metaphase II

D. Prophase I - metaphase I - anaphase I - telophase I - prophase II - metaphase II - anaphase II -

telophase II
____ 25. How many daughter cells meiosis produced?
A. 4 haploid cells B. 2 diploid cells C. 2 haploid cells D. 4 diploid cells
____ 26. Fruit fly body cells have 8 chromosomes. After mitosis, you would expect a resulting fruit fly daughter
cell to have
A. 8 chromosomes B. 16 chromosomes C. 4 chromosomes D. 46
____ 27. Humans have how many chromosomes?
A. 46 B. 22 C. 16 D. 8
____ 28. During which phase of the meiotic cell cycle does DNA Replication occur?
A. Interphase B. Prophase C. Metaphase D. Telophase
____ 29. What phase of mitosis is occurring in the picture?

A. Metaphase C. Prophase
B. Cytokinesis D. Telophase
____ 30. Which of the following cells undergo meiosis?
A. sperm cells B. skin cells C. red blood cells D. cardiac muscle cells
____ 31. Timmy fell off his skateboard and scraped his knee. Which cell process is going to be used to heal the
A. Mitosis B. Meiosis C. The wound would not heal
____ 32. A process that cells go through to survive
A. cell division B. cell diffusion C. cytokinesis
____ 33. In what phase do the sister chromatids separate and move toward the opposite ends?
A. anaphase B. metaphase C. telophase
____ 34. Structure (b) is a ____.
A. centromere B. chromosome C. chromatid

____ 35. Structure (c) is a ____.

A. chromatid B. chromosome C. centromere
____ 36. Structure (a) is a ____.
A. chromosome B. chromatid C. centromere
____ 37. What causes genetic variation in meiosis?
A. crossing over of chromosomes B. chromosomes lining up C. separation of chromosomes

____ 38. Why would it be important to replicate DNA before a cell divides in mitosis or meiosis?
A. In order for the genetic information to be transferred into daughter cells
B. In order for the DNA to be contained in the nucleus
C. In order for the cell to be able to increase in size
____ 39. Stage in the cell cycle where the cell’s nuclear material duplicates…
A. Synthesis B. G1 C. G2
____ 40. It results when the regulation of the cell cycle goes out of control and normal cell growth and behavior
is lost
A. cancer B. heart attack C. cytokinesis
____ 41. Which of the following features of cell division is very different in animal and plant cells?
A. prophase B. metaphase C. cytokinesis
____ 42. Which is the correct sequence of steps in mitosis?
A. interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
B. anaphase, prophase, interphase, metaphase, telophase
C. prophase, metaphase, interphase, anaphase, telophase
____ 43. In humans, mitosis is important because is helps in the
A. formation of cells B. growth and repair of tissues C. death of unnecessary cells
____ 44. Which of the following distinguishes Prophase I of meiosis from Prophase of mitosis?
A. chromosomes become visible C. Formation of the spindle fibers
B. Homologous chromosomes pair up
____ 45. Where two alternatives for a trait are tall and short, and tall is dominant, the genotype of a
heterozygous individual would be expressed as
A. tT B. tt C. TT D. Tt
____ 46. If you crossed two homozygous plants BB and bb, how many of the offspring will be heterozygous?
A. all B. half C. ¼
____ 47. If you crossed two heterozygous plants, how many of the offspring will be heterozygous?
A. all B. half C. ¼
____ 48. If the allele for green pod (G) is dominant over the allele for yellow pod (g), which of the following
genotypes will a plant with yellow pods have?
A. GG B. gg C. Gg D. gG

II. If the parent’s genotypes are Ff x Ff wherein brown hair is dominant over black hair, what will be the
genotypic and phenotypic ratio?

III. Identify what part of the digestive system performs each of the following functions.

esophagus mouth stomach gallbladder large intestine

liver rectum small intestine pancreas pharynx

___________ 1. The organ that stores and concentrates bile

___________ 2. Where carbohydrates are first chemically ingested
___________ 3. The muscular tube that conveys food from the pharynx to the stomach
___________ 4. Where absorption of water takes place
___________ 5. Where protein is first chemically digested
___________ 6. The organ where complete digestion takes place
___________ 7. The organ where the enzyme pepsin is secreted
___________ 8. The organ that produces bile
___________ 9. The organ that is both exocrine and endocrine
___________ 10. Temporarily stores fecal matter
Match each disease to its corresponding vitamins in case of deficiency.

Vitamin A Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K

Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Vitamin B3 Vitamin B6
Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Niacin Folic Acid

1. night blindness - _________________ 9. kidney hemorrhage - _________________

10. cheilosis - _________________
2. sterility - _________________
11. beriberi - _________________
3. rickets - _________________
12. nervous system degeneration-
4. hemorrhage - _________________ _________________
5. scurvy - _________________ 13. growth retardation - _________________
6. anemia - _________________ 14. defective embryonic growth -
7. pellagra - _________________
15. digestive disturbances - _________________
8. anemia - _________________

Match each disorder of the digestive system being described in A to its correct name in B.
1. caused by frequent episodes of acid reflux A. peptic ulcer
2. characterized by soft watery stool, increased frequency B. colon cancer
of excretion, or both C. abdominal pain
3. a condition wherein the bowel movement is infrequent and D. stomach cancer
difficult because of dry, hard stool E. constipation
4. caused by the blockage of hard mass of feces or F. diarrhea
parasitic infection which makes the appendix swell G. gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
5. a very common condition that may come as a mild pain, H. appendicitis
sharp pain, deep pain, or a stomach cramp
6. painful, open lesions in the stomach and in the duodenum of the
small intestine
7. one of the risk factors includes having a diet that contains nitrites
and nitrates
8. a malignancy in the area of the colon and rectum that may be diet-induced

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