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First Quarter

Read each item carefully. Write True if the statement is correct and False, if otherwise.
______ 1. The Church through the power of the Holy Spirit, guards the teachings of the apostles.
______ 2. As lay faithful, we have the mission of communicating Christ to others.
______ 3. We can participate in the apostolicity of the Church.
______ 4. The laity’s apostolate cannot be exclusively described in terms of ministry.
______ 5. The Church talks about the leaders and members of the ecclesial community.
______ 6. The Church is apostolic in three ways.
______ 7. Peter is the Church’s supreme pastor.
______ 8. The Church is apostolic because she is founded on the Apostles.
______ 9. The servants were sent out by the Risen Lord.
______ 10. Only the Pope, Bishops, and Priests can be called “apostles” of the Apostolic Church.

Encircle the correct answer inside the parentheses.

1. The ( family, community ) is the smallest unit of the church.
2. The world was created for the sake of the ( Church, people ).
3. The ( Holy Spirit, prophet ) dwells in the Church and in the hearts of the faithful.
4. The ( Church, priest ) is the goal of all things.
5. Our life in the Church is completely (Christ-centered, holy ).
6. Just as God’s will is ( creation, man’s sin ) and is called the “world”, so His intention is the
( salvation, design ) of men, and it is called “the Church.”
7. The ( family, Church ) is a community of life and love, and this is a living reflection and a
real sharing in God’s love for humanity, and the love of Christ the Lord of the Church.

Put a check mark in the box if the statement shows being a good follower of Jesus.
1. Share the word of God with others.

2. Respect people regardless of color and status in life.

3. Act with personal integrity.

4. Encourage a person who is downtrodden.

5. Hold onto our good name because it’s valuable.

6. Imitate the dress and hairdo of a favorite superhero.

7. Follow and obey what’s good and true.

8. Religious people must set an example for the people around them.

9. Aim to serve people who are in need.

10. We are born imitators, unfortunately, also evil.

A. 3 Ways by which the Church is Apostolic
1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
B. Members of the Ecclesial community
1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________
C. Asian Martyr saints
1. _________________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________________________
4. _________________________________________________________________________
5. _________________________________________________________________________

Why is the family a community of life and love?


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