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Assessment Task

Activity No. 2
Choose the correct answer, write the letter on the space provided.

a. Analytical Engine f. William Shockley

b. Artificial Intelligence g. John Presper Eckert Jr.
c. Floppy Disk h. Douglas Engelbart
d. Fortran i. Steve Russel
e. Tabulating Machine j. Jack Kilby

a. 1. One of the machines that Charles Babbage invented and designed, it’d had been
programmed the usage of punch-cards and could have covered capabilities along with
consecutive control, loops, conditionals and branching. If constructed, it has been the
first “computer” as we think about them today.

e. 2. Invented by Herman Hollerith used for 1890 U.S. CENSUS

b. 3. Allan Turing considered as Father of theoretical computer science and was invented
the ?

d. 4. John Backus and IBM invent the first programming language and compiler that ran on
IBM701 computer.

c. 5. Invented by Allan Shugart and IBM and it was nicknamed the FLOPPY for its

f. 6. Who invented the Transistor in 1947 and awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics?

G. 7. Who invented the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)?

h. 8. Who establish the world’s first “mouse”, nicknamed after the “tail”?

i. 9. Who invented the Space war Computer Game running on DEC PDP-1?

J. 10. He was awarded at the National Medal of Science and National Inventors Hall of
Fame because of Integrated Circuit.


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