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Instruction: Below are the 4 sections of this page. Write your name in one section. Then on
the remaining 3 sections write the part of yourself as physical, social, and personal. Fill-out
the table/sections below: (20 points)

Physical Self

One’s psychological sense of one’s

physical being (height, weight, hair
color, race, and physical skill).
- I'm not small and I'm not tall I'm just
ESCAÑO, MARX MIGUEL 5'1 feet and 155cm
PONTERES I'm on my progress toward lowing down
to 65kg my weight 70kg, I had a black
colored hair the with the race of Asian
and I joined the advanced ROTC class
every Sunday to enhance my physical
skill through military training.

Social Self Personal Self

The social roles one plays- student, worker, One’s private, continuous sense of being
husband, mother, citizen, leader, and etc. oneself in the world. Personal Self includes
values, ethics your name, self- concepts,
self-esteem and the ideal-self

- for now my social role first is - my private doings and personality are so many
a student and being a that I don't reveal and discuss in public like
doing so many things in so many fields and I like
observer,follower,thinker and to take so things my curiosity is always seeking
being a part of good citizen. and hungry for knowledge and everything I'm
not saying I'm want to be good at everything I
just want learn from it and collect and treasure
the experiences because Albert Einstein said:
"the only source of knowledge is experience and
once you stop learning you'll start dying".
ASSESSMENT TASK 3-5 (20 points)
Instruction: Write a short essay about everything that you wish to share about yourself.
Me as I see me
First of all I see my self as humble as possible , I see my self as a friendly , talkative , kind ,

submissive , having a sleepy eyes and chubby , my answer is based on what do I like like

when I face the mirror .

How other people see me

Other people specially my friends see me as naughty and sometimes a serious person and I

know that , they see me also as super friendly that I’ll help you in everything always just like

one call away .

How I would like other people to see me

I would like other people to see me like a kind and easy to bond with , neat and formal
appearance . I would like them to see me as their friend not a super strange person because
I don’t do harm Im friendly.

Make an illustration of the Society you live in: Draw a picture that represents an idea about your
society. Be creative and use color. (You may draw it with pen and paper then picture and paste it
here.) (30 points)

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