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Guía de Inglés

Nombre: _________________________________________________
Curso: ___________________________________________________
Liceo Municipal Polivalente Fecha: ___________________________________________________
María Pinto
Puntaje ideal: Puntaje obtenido: Calificación/ Concepto

40 pts
Objetivos de aprendizaje / aprendizajes esperados
Identificar y aplicar contenidos, habilidades vistas y reforzadas durante las clases anteriores, con el propósito de consolidar
contenidos vistos.

- Se completa con lápiz pasta azul o negro.
- Puede utilizar el diccionario.
- Puede consultar sus apuntes del cuaderno.
- Prohibido el uso del celular.
- Lee el enunciado de cada Ítem y responde lo solicitado.
- Tienes 90 minutos para responder la evaluación.

I. VERBO TO BE. Elige la forma correcta del b) are

verbo to be en forma afirmativa, positiva o
negativa. (10 pts) c) is

1. Susan ____ my new friend. 5. Susan and Mike ____ my parents.

a) Is a) Is not

b) Am b) Am

c) Are c) Are not

2.  I ____ a very good driver.  

a) Is not 6. ____ they my best friends?

b) Am not a) Is

c) Are b) Are

3.  My neighbours ____ very noisy. c) Am

a) Is 7. ____ you sure?

b) Am a) are

c) Are b) am

4. ____ your black cat in the garden? c) is

a) am 8. Your best friend ____ at home.

a) Is 10. _____ Luke and Tom actors.

b) Am a) Is

c) Are b) Am

9. We ____ from Spain. c) Are 

a) Is

b) Am

c) Are  I.
II. PRESENTE SIMPLE. Encierra la alternativa correcta en forma afirmativa, negativa o
interrogativa. (10 pts)

1. Mary doesn’t / don’t have a car.

2. Do / does your sisters like romantic movies?
3. My grandfather don’t /doesn’t ride a horse.
4. My students study/studies a lot of English.
5. My grandmother dance/dances very well.
III. FUTURO SIMPLE. Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma adecuada del
futuro con 'will'. (10 pts)
1. My sister hasn't studied enough. She (not pass) _______________ the exam.
2. She (go) _____________ to her sister's wedding.
3. When (your brother return) __________________________________?
4. My sister hates cars. She (not learn) ________________ how to drive when she's eighteen.
5. (You bring) _______________________ me a glass of water, please?

IV. TRADUCCIÓN. Traduce el siguiente texto al Español. Puedes utilizar el diccionario.

(10 pts)

Who are the Simpsons?

Homer: He is the father of the family and he loves television, donuts and his sofa. He’s not always very
supportive and understanding, but he’s got a heart of gold. Homer Simpson was abandoned by his hippy mother
and raised by his father.
Marge: Marge is the mother, and the family’s support system. She goes a little crazy from time to time but
she’s soon happy again. Marge is a tough lady and an ex- police officer as well.
Bart: He´s ten and the oldest of the Simpson children. Bart’s a troublemaker who likes photographing himself
Lisa: She´s the most intelligent of the Simpson family although she´s only eight years old. She dreams of going
to college and becoming the President of the United States. She likes reading and playing the saxophone.


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