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Nama : Itsni Putri Rizqiyah

NIM : T20187063
Kelas : MTK 2

I live in IAIN Jember islamic house, and I will tell you about my daily
Every morning I get up at 4 o’clock. After that, I take wudhu for pray
shubuh. The next, I read Al-Quran. In my islamic house, there an activity, it is
ta’limul afkar that occur every Monday until Thursday after pray shubuh. I take a
bath in the bathroom, Then I clear up my bed together with my friend and quickly
I prepare anything that I’ll bring it in campus.
At 6 o’clock I go to Sunan Ampel Mosque that the location in ahead of
campus for join holy-book inspect until half past seven. After that, I go to canteen
for breakfast and continue to go to campus appropriate with schedule. When there
a time out, I back to Islamic house. If appropriate with pray dzuhur time, I pray
dzuhur. Usually after that I sleep until appear pray ashar time and quickly I pray
ashar. The next of my activity is take a bath and continue to go to canteen for eat.
At half past five, occur some series Islamic house activities that are pray
magrib together and religion school. After that, I pray isya’, review lesson and do
my homework. And the end of my daily activity is go to dream world (sleep).

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